
From Scouting

Revision as of 01:51, 12 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Webmaster is an adult in Charge of the Group's Website. He/She works with Junior Webmaster on what's going on in the troop.Note: This is not an official position. It was created by a contributor and/or author and should only be appointed when needed.



  1. Appointed By: Scoutmaster and/or Committee chairman
  2. Reports to: Scoutmaster and/or Committee chairman
  3. Responsibilities:
  4. Qualifications:
  5. Fulfills:
  6. Recommended
  7. Term
    • Until a new editor-in-chief can take his place
  8. Notes
Troop Committee Members


Resources used for this page in 2005-2006:

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