Republic of China Navy

From Roach Busters

The Republic of China Navy (中華民國海軍; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó Hǎijūn) is the maritime branch of the Armed forces of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The ROC Navy's primary mission is to defend ROC territories and the sea lanes that surround Taiwan against a blockade or attack by forces of the People's Republic of China. Operations include maritime patrols in the Taiwan Strait and surrounding waters, as well as counter-strike and counter-invasion operations during wartime. The Republic of China Marine Corps function as a branch of the Navy.

The ship prefix for ROCN combatants is ROCS (Republic of China Ship); an older usage is CNS (Chinese Navy Ship).


The ROC Naval Jack is identical to the Kuomintang party flag.
The ROCN Service Flag is identical to the ROC National Flag.
  • Navy General Headquarters (海軍總司令部)
Navy GHQ is subordinate to the General Staff, the Minister of Defense, and the ROC President.
  • Internal units: Personnel, Combat Readiness & Training, Logistics, Planning, Combat Systems, General Affairs, Comptroller, Inspector General, Political Warfare.
  • Naval Fleet Command (艦隊司令部)
  • 124th Fleet: Tsoying District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • 131st Fleet: Keelung, Keelung City, Taiwan
  • 146th Fleet: Makung, Penghu
  • Amphibious Fleet (151st Fleet), Tsoying District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • 168th Fleet: Suao, Yilan County, Taiwan
  • 192nd Fleet (Navy Mine Fleet): Tsoying District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • 256th Submarine Squadron
  • Hai Chiao PGMG Guided Missile Gunboat Group (海蛟大隊)
  • Aviation Command
  • Marine Corps Command (陸戰隊司令部)
  • Education, Training and Doctrine Command (教育訓練暨準則發展司令部)
  • Logistics Command (後勤司令部)
  • Naval Academy, Hydrographic & Oceanographic Bureau, Shipbuilding Development Center, Communication Systems, General Service.

The fleet

to be added

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