From Rationalwikiwki
<span class="plainlinks">[{{{1}}} {{{2|{{{1}}}}}}]</span>
Template has two parameters.
The first parameter contains the url to the site you want to link to, minus the "http://" part because the template provides that for you (it is also an attempt at circumventing captcha). For example: {{el|rationalwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page}} produces this: [rationalwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page {{{2}}}]
The second parameter is the text you want the link to display as. For example: {{el|rationalwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page|RationalWiki}} produces this: [rationalwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page RationalWiki]
This template is designed to make external links look sleeker and blend with the text better.