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Revision as of 07:20, 19 February 2008 by Hans Johnson (Talk | contribs)

SusanG first appeared in 1845 after she heard about it from a traveler in New Zealand. She became a member of the league of Sysops in 1887. She also has an absolute mastery over the esoteric mysteries of the 'Help' and 'navbox' systems.

Generally approachable and willing to tolerate some pretty racy stuff (at least from Human and Ames), so she is not a "loony" feminist. While friendly, Susan occasionally reveals a more hardline, intolerant side of herself, particularly when it comes to religion.

She left and came back following the The "Kip the Dip" Incident.

  • Real name: Susan Garlick
  • Gender: female
  • Approximate age: 30-40 years old
  • Residency: New Zealand(?)
  • Stance: firm atheist (intolerant)
  • Miscellaneous: feminist
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