
From Rationalwikiwki

Revision as of 03:26, 12 March 2008 by Human (Talk | contribs)
Stalk this user! omg, it's a joke...
 Joined: 2-9-08 (2048)
 Real name: Tim[2] ____
 Age range: n/a
 Gender: male
 Locale: n/a
 Stance: creationist(?) (tolerant enough to discuss it)
 Misc.: n/a
user page -- user talk -- contributions

CPAdmin1 is the same CPAdmin1 from Conservapedia, where he is a sysop.[1] Apparently joined RationalWiki to engage them in discussion, which, assuming he is sincere in doing so, is a first for any serious Conservapedian.

Notes and references

  1. In case you couldn't tell from his user name.
  2. The other users on Conservapedia sometimes call him Tim; we are unsure whether that is his real name. He also signs on CP as "Tim (CPAdmin1)" or such compendium.
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