
From Rationalwikiwki

Revision as of 20:17, 21 February 2008 by Human (Talk | contribs)

Cracker is a sysop and was one of the more active users on RW. Probably a cabalist. Many feel he takes a sensible, moderate position regarding RW's internal politics.

However, it has been claimed that, on at least one occasion, TK's entry into cabal was facilitated by Cracker. He apparently gave TK his password, "out of fairness", in order to allow TK to deny that neither Tmtoulouse or AmesG were not working to prevent his admittance to the non-existent cabal.

  • Real name: varies by forum and day
  • Gender: male
  • Approximate age: n/a
  • Residency: n/a
  • Stance: wide, at times
  • Miscellaneous: gay
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