Headless Chicken Mode

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Headless Chicken Mode is RationalWiki’s response to stress.


While some Wikies have wimpish “Conflict Resolution Systems” or fascist “Hierarchies of Command” to resolve internal problems the valiant RationalWikians will have none of it.

In their place they have “Headless Chicken Mode” (HCM). This mode can be invoked in one of two ways. The traditional method involved almost any sarcastic comment by TK. This was guaranteed to get stalwarts such as AmesG and Human up in arms, and equally certain to get those whom The Great Manipulator had been grooming to spring to his defense.

After the (temporary?) departure of TK, HCM was more usually engaged following any debate which involved religion in some way.


Interesting examples of Headless Chicken Mode can be found in the The Great TK banning Incident and The "Kip the Dip" Incident.


Headless Chicken Mode (HCM), like DEFCON, has a number of levels.

  • HCM1 – example: any discussion in community standards. People remain friends, but debate is endless and ultimately fruitless.
  • HCM2 – example: any discussion in TK claims there is a conspiracy against him. People take sides but nobody leaves. (Possibly an obsolete level.)
  • HCM3 – example: any discussion in which people make comments about religion. Feelings are hurt; questions about the meaning of the word “rational” are raised by all parties. The moral high ground is demanded by all and all have an equal sense of being badly used.
  • HCM4 – example: an unjustified block. Feelings are even more hurt. The word “disappointed” gets used a lot. Departures are threatened or take place. People disappear from the Wiki for a time or go very quiet. The phrase,“ You have private mail” begins to sound like a death threat. Something similar to, “I know where you live” said in the menacing accent of your choice.
  • HCM5 – This mode has not yet been reached. Violent differences of opinion come to the surface. Many users leave. Sysops resign. Some articles catch fire. HeartOfGold returns in triumph.
  • HCM6 – This mode has not yet been reached. Irreconcilable differences appear. YEC’s take over all the articles. Tmtoulouse gives up power and the Wiki is forked with one part being taken over by TK and the other by Andrew Schlafly.
  • HCM7 – This mode has not yet been reached. The intertubes themselves become involved in the debate. Violent confrontations erupt in Wikipedia. Servers crash worldwide and data flows are totally disrupted as frantic rationalists fight to set up new homes. Rumors about Satan taking over the internet begin to circulate.
  • HCM8. - This mode has not yet been reached. Satan gains power over the internet. Goats become extinct. The stock market crashes. George Bush becomes a Muslim. Paris Hilton becomes a nun.
  • HCM9 – this mode has not yet been reached. World War three begins. Nuclear weapons are launched indiscriminately. The banking system is severely damaged. Mike Huckabee is elected.
  • HCM10 – this mode has not yet been reached. Reality itself ceases to exist in any recognizable form, and Conservapedia is accepted as the only source of wisdom.
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