Fibonacci sequence

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The Fibonacci sequence is a weird blocking sequence which is understood only by those with a university mathematics degree and which is theoretically used to calculate the length of blocks.
In reality, it is an utter waste of time as it has never once been used properly in the entire history of the known universe.
[[Category:some silly trash]]
As a result, most RW sysops tend to block for intervals of pi * 10<sup>''n''</sup> seconds, with ''n'' being fairly arbitrary.  No one knows why.
Bizarrely, and for reasons which will never be clear to man or beast, both [[Edgerunner76]] and [[Linus]] edited [[TK]]'s block length in a really futile attempt to maintain the pretense that this blocking system is understood and used.  Perhaps they wanted to give some veneer of respectability to the [[The Great TK banning Incident]] which in every other respect was a prime example of [[Headless Chicken Mode]].  Even then, they got the numbers wrong.
[[Category:Low Drama]]

Revision as of 22:44, 26 February 2008


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