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From Randomramblings

Revision as of 19:01, 25 October 2006 by Crapstorm (Talk | contribs)


A Supposed System of Managing your money, the Budget is known to be the favored prey of the Credit card. As such it has been hunted almost to extinction, and most only exist as the pets of the upper middle class.

Lets Take an example of a monthly budget for me. I withdraw say $60 from my bank on the 8th. Then I try to make it last for an entire month. I pay 15$ for my gas for three weeks. or 5 dollars a week is spent on gas. I eat at home but I get a soda, and a candy at the college twice a week. They total $2.50 per day, which multiplied by 2 is $5.00 a week. If I fill up once more, that leaves me with. $10 to spend on whatever the hell I want.

That can be used as our example. Budgets are good, because they keep down the population of the IRS.

See also: Anti-Budget

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