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From Randomramblings

Revision as of 05:57, 23 October 2006 by Dark Half (Talk | contribs)

lol hai guys whuts goin on in dis chat?

~ Oscar Wilde on IRRC


The RR IRC, also known as IRRC, was started in June of 2006 by Balsis. Initial response was varied, with many a "lol." The first few days were mainly spent spamming and re-enacting famous plays or movies. Things eventually quieted down, and the channel was moved to another server, because the original one was "teh sux." After much drama, a few people left the IRRC for a time.

Presently, the IRRC is somewhat active. Durring the day, it is more often than not dead, but once night falls, the crazies come out of the woodwork.

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Lord Janus
Doom Inductor

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