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From Randomramblings

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== Dopple skills ==
== Dopple skills ==
Dopple is a from of jellyfish that has a innate mastery of finding the most random and obscue games on ther internet. But said games are amazingly fun and all.
Dopple is a form of jellyfish that has an amazing innate mastery of being able to find the most random and obscure games on the interwebs. Needless to mention that the said games are amazingly fun and all.

Current revision as of 23:37, 16 November 2006

Dopple? Pssh... that guy won't even edit his own user page.

~ Oscar Wilde on Dopple


~ TheWalrus on Dopple

An Interview of a Local Rambler On the Subject of Dopple

"Dopple? Doc Dop? Doppleopplus? Doppleopolis? Dopalopalis? Dopulopolis? Doplus the Doppleator? Dopplian? Dopop? Dopopop? Dopopopop? Doppless? Doplex? Dopple the Opplator? Did I say Dops yet? Yeah I know the guy. Well... Not really. I just like the sound of his name."

-- Local resident TheWalrus

Dopple skills

Dopple is a form of jellyfish that has an amazing innate mastery of being able to find the most random and obscure games on the interwebs. Needless to mention that the said games are amazingly fun and all.

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