Elliot (frontal patient)

From Psy3242

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Elliot is a patient that develop brain damage after an operation on a tumor on the front side of his head. The tumor was taken out successfully but the side effects caused for a dramatic character and personality change. Elliot seemed to have lost basic characteristics of rational human behavior and therefore was unable to function adequately. He failed to make meaningful decisions or have good judgement which made him unable to make make appropriate social and economic choices for himself. Prior to the operation Elliot was described as an intelligent and successful individual which implies that the removal of the frontal lobe caused for the sudden personality change. Elliot is considered the modern day Phineas Gage.

The Importance of the Frontal Lobe

The frontal lobe plays a large part in impulse control, judgement, language production, working memory, motor function, socialization, problem solving initiation, facial movement, planning abilities, coordinating, and motivation. It also helps assist in planning, coordinating, controlling, and executing behaviors. Elliot lost many of these abilities because his frontal lobe was removed.

Frontal Lobe Image


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