Main Page

From Prosomawi

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Welcome to Prosomawi Media. We are a media production think-and-do tank, founded in November 2011. The word "Prosomawi" stands for programming, social media, mailing lists, and wikis. We try to find fields of knowledge that don't have a website, and make a website for them. For example, we had never heard of a forum specifically for cassette enthusiasts, so we're building TapeVille, a place for tapers to communicate. We do services for both our own good and the good of others. We are a production tank.

We also develop apps that serve various purposes. They are in-browser apps, which means that anyone with a modern-day (JavaScript-enabled) browser can run them. A typical app will serve a purpose such as sound looping, textual code looping, various arithmetic, etc. To get a feel for our production tank, click the links below.

You can donate to Prosomawi Media using the digital currency Palai. Click here to donate, and click here to sign up for Palai with Prosomawi Media as a referral.

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