Nomicopolis:Rules and proposals header boxes

From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 04:30, 4 April 2006 by Simulacrum (Talk | contribs)

This is the list of header boxes that would be placed at the top of every rules page, as shown on 101, 102, 201, 202. {{Current immutable rule}}:

This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

{{Current mutable rule}}:

This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

{{Transmute to mutable}}:

This is a proposal to transmute rule [[{{{1}}}]] into a mutable rule.
The wording of this proposal must be exactly the same as rule [[{{{1}}}]].
If this proposal is enacted, it will take the place of rule [[{{{1}}}]] which will thus be repealed.

{{Transmute to immutable}}:

This is a proposal to transmute rule [[{{{1}}}]] into an immutable rule.
The text of this proposal must be exactly the same as rule [[{{{1}}}]].
If this proposal is enacted, it will take the place of rule [[{{{1}}}]] which will thus be repealed.

{{Proposed rule}}:

This is a proposal to enact a rule.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.

{{Draft proposal}}: {{Message box|Solid Yellow|This is a draft proposal.|Be sure to replace this template with {{Proposed rule}} when it is submitted.}}

{{Repelled rule}}:

This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

{{Failed proposal}}:

This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.
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