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Revision as of 21:22, 12 July 2007 by WarioLoaf (Talk | contribs)
Gravis Mushnik
Important Info
First Chapter Appearance Chapter 1: I Am the Lard Knight Pt. 1
Last Chapter Appearance Chapter 5: Florist Shop Blues
Basic Info
Gender Male
Weapons *Hand Gun
Tallents *gardening
Likes *Plants
Allies *Warioman
*Commissioner Gordon
*Harvey Bullock

Mr. Gravis Mushnick owns a florist shop called Mushnick Florist and is the boss of Wario. He brought Wario in when he was a baby and fed him. he never liked his elf appearance and often was grumpy to him.

Then Wario brought him a strange plant and he had the idea of selling it for millions. With the wealth in his brain he renamed the shop "Mushnick and Son". But while he was in his office reading The 'Shroom , the Plant demanded blood.

Appearances in Warioman: The Lard Knight

  • Chapter 1: I Am the Lard Knight
  • Chapter 2: Eagle Eggs and Ham
  • Chapter 3: A Hat in the Belfry
  • Chapter 5: Mushnik and Son (Pts. 1 and 2 Only)
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