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RPWG: Stop Spamming!

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Revision as of 16:44, 3 October 2007 by Arend (Talk | contribs)

This is an fangame, thoughted up by Arend. You may not edit this, but you can give me ideas on the talkpage of this article.

Role Playing Wiki Game: Stop Spamming!, or RPWG: Stop Spamming! is an RPG Genre game for the Nintendo DS, coming out Christmas 200X.



There are TOO MANY baddies that spams. Steve will stop it. While he tell Peachycakes that everyone must stop spamming, Peachycakes cast an spell to Steve and an horrible thing happens: Steve now loves her, gives her the Wiki, and said she may spam. Steve is horriblely hypnotisted! When the users heard the bad news from Wayoshi, EVERYONE is in panic! But, an group users, will tomorrow start to save Steve and the wiki. But tomorrow, Some users are gone: even Wayoshi! Are they kidnapped?

Playable Characters

This are the characters who formed a group in the story to save Steve and the Wiki. Everyone can use the attack Tackle.


  • Arend
    • Type: Electric
    • Best Items to Held: Thunder Shaper, Lakitu Cloud
      • Attack: Green Thunder (Electric) - Let an Limegreen Cloud appear that shoots a darkgreen thunderbolt to foes. Can Paralyze foes for 5 turns
      • Attack: Thunderbolt (Electric) - the sky turns dark and shoots a thunderbolt at foes. Changes the Weather to Thunder Storm
      • Ablity: Static - When an foe touches him, he can sometimes Paralyze for 5 turns
      • Ablity: King of Shocks - Electric-type Attacks can be somtimes more effective than normal
  • Iggly
    • Type: Normal
    • Best Items to Held: Mood Rod, Iggly Token
      • Attack: Anger Quake (Mood) - Makes an powerful earthquake, that sometimes Immobolize a foe for 2 turns
      • Attack: Happy Jump (Mood) - Jumps to a foe, that bounces 2 times on the foe
      • Ablity: Moody Type - When used an Mood-type attack, speed went up to 1
      • Ablity: Lovey-Dovey - When an foe touches her, the foe gets the status In Love and can't attack her
  • Master Crash
    • Type: Dark, Electric
    • Best Items to Held: Mini MC, Hammer
      • Attack: Steal (Dark) - Attacks an foe and steals his held item
      • Attack: Green Thunder (Electric) - Let an Limegreen Cloud appear that shoots a darkgreen thunderbolt to foes. Can Paralyze foes for 5 turns
      • Ablity: Hammer Time! - When held the Hammer, he can defend
      • Ablity: King of Shocks - Electric-type Attacks can be somtimes more effective than normal
  • Max2
    • Type: Psychic, Rainbow
    • Best Items to Held: Dice Cap, MTD Flute
      • Attack: Dice Roll (Normal) - Rolls an dice how many HP the foe lost (you can only roll 1 to 5)
      • Attack: Psy Beam (Psychic) - Shoots an Psychical beam to an foe
      • Ablity: Dice Gives Powers - Without the Dice Cap, he can't attack
      • Ablity: Copycat - Can copy the foe's ablity he first attacked
  • Max the Dog
    • Type: Electric
    • Best Items to Held: Pashiribone, Max2 Button
      • Attack: Rage (Mood) - Quickly attacks an foe.
      • Attack: Spark (Electric) - Electroduce an foe. An foe can sometimes Paralyze
      • Ablity: Moody Type - When used an Mood-type attack, speed went up to 1
      • Ablity: Static - When an foe touches him, he can sometimes Paralyze for 5 turns
  • DB
    • Type: Fire, Fight
    • Best Items to Held: Bone Club, Flame Rock
      • Attack: Punch (Fight) - Punches an foe
      • Attack: Firebreath (Fire) - Shoots fire to a foe. Sometimes, the foe gets the status Burned
      • Ablity: Made of Bones - Bones fall when its HP is 0, but it makes itself normal after 5 turns
      • Ablity: Boney Troopers - When he attack an Dry Bones, it comes to his team, but gets away when the battle is over


In battles, some attacks, items and ablities changes the weather. Basically, the weather is in the begin of an battle almost clear. But, if in an area in the overworld another weather happens, that weather is in the begin of an battle. The weather is an extra ablity for both characters and enemies. An weather disappears after 10 turns, but an weather that appeared in the begin of an battle not. Here is an list:

  • Clear
    • Happening: Nothing
    • Positive: None
    • Negative: None
    • Maximum % Healing: 80%
  • Rain
    • Happening: Drips of water appears
    • Positive: Boosts Water and Grass Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Makes Fire-types somewhat weaker
    • Maximum % Healing: 70%
  • Sunny
    • Happening: The sun shines bright
    • Positive: Boosts Light, Fire and Grass Attacks with 2
    • Negative: An character can somtimes rest for 1 turn
    • Maximum % Healing: 90%
  • Thunder Storm
    • Happening: The sky appears darker and thunderbolts appear
    • Positive: Boosts Electric Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Makes Water, Steel and Flying-types somewhat weaker, Someone can Paralyze
    • Maximum % Healing: 60%
  • Fog
    • Happening: The whole screen is almost blank, but transparant enough
    • Positive: The weapon Mist can protect anyone
    • Negative: It's harder to see anyone
    • Maximum % Healing: 20%
  • Wind
    • Happening: An strong wind appears
    • Positive: Boosts Flying Attacks with 2
    • Negative: An wind can sometimes blow someone away. If an character will blow away, the battle will stop
    • Maximum % Healing: 75%
  • Sour Rain
    • Happening: Drips of yellow-purple water appears
    • Positive: Boosts Water and Steel Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Water and Steel-types will sometimes hurt
    • Maximum % Healing: 10%
  • Ice
    • Happening: The whole area is of ice
    • Positive: Boosts Ice Attacks with 2
    • Negative: The ground is slippery, so everyone sometimes can hurt and the attack fails, so it's cancelled
    • Maximum % Healing: 25%
  • Snow
    • Happening: Snowflakes appears
    • Positive: Boosts Ice Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Sometimes an character gets cold and get Frozer or have a Cold
    • Maximum % Healing: 35%
  • Hail
    • Happening: Drips of ice appears
    • Positive: Boosts Ice Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Any type besides Ice can hurt
    • Maximum % Healing: 5%
  • Sandstorm
    • Happening: An wind carrying sand appears
    • Positive: Boosts Ground, Rock and Sand Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Any types besides Ground, Rock, Sand and Steel can hurt
    • Maximum % Healing: 25%
  • Rainbow
    • Happening: An rainbow with an shiny sun appears
    • Positive: Boosts Fire, Water and Rainbow Attacks with 4, an all other attacks (besides Sockpuppet and Dark) with 2
    • Negative: Makes Sockpuppet-types somewhat weaker
    • Maximum % Healing: 100%, but for Sockpuppet types 1%
  • Sockpuppet's Storm
    • Happening: An void appears, the sky is filled with spams and Sockpuppets
    • Positive: Boosts Steel and Sockpuppet Attacks with 2
    • Negative: Any types besides Sockpuppet can hurt
    • Maximum % Healing: 1%, but for Sockpuppet types 100%


There are many types in this game. Maybe there shall be an type chart, so can see anyone what for type is more effective than another one.

The Types:

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