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11 Elements of the Past, Present and Future

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Revision as of 01:51, 16 September 2007 by MarioBros777 (Talk | contribs)

This is the story of MarioBros777 discovering 11 Elemental Flowers giving him power. This will go over 30 or so Chapters... Or will it?



Prologue 1 - The First Time

"Hmm?" said MarioBros.

"Well you see..." said Light Flower.

"Go on."

"It's just that..."

Just then an explosion well... exploded. Let's go with that...

"What was that explosion?" said MarioBros.

"Could it be? Already?" said Light Flower.

Two distinctive figures appeared in the distance...

"Hmm?" said MarioBros777.

"They're here!" said Light Flower.

"Hello." said a distinctive voice.

"What do you want now?" said MarioBros777.

"I'm going to obliterate this place."

"Isn't that a bit quick and not planned out. Your not yourself today."


"Oh yeah. I forgot. So what method is it this time?"


"Hmm? A Black Hole? How can he put one here?"

"That is for taking the book."

"You didn't deserve it anyway! Light Flower!"


"Can you put a barrier around this place. About 2 km."


Chapter 1 - The Dire Rescue

"Well, I'll see you later." said the mysterious voice.

"I can't put the barrier! It will take too long!" said Light Flower.

"Great... Have to do it myself!" said MarioBros777.

"Your not going to..."

"Yes, yes I am."

"Then do it."

MarioBros777 freezes the Black Hole.

"Now do you have time?" said MarioBros.

"Yes, but how long?" said Light Flower.

"About 10 minutes."

"That's not enough!"

"You mean I must..."


"I hope this works..."

MarioBros swallows Light Flower... YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT!!! SWALLOWS IT!

"Oh please let this work."

2 minutes until barrier procedure.

MarioBros could see that the ice was already melting.

"Quickly Light Flower!"

"I'm trying!"

1 minute until barrier procedure.

MarioBros saw that the ice is half melted.


"I'm trying!!!"

Barrier procedure completed."

"Finally..." said MarioBros777.

The barrier went at a 2 km radius protecting all in it.

All the ice melted and the Black Hole was continuing it's progress like nothing happened.

"Now we got to destroy it!" said MarioBros777.

"But how?" said Light Flower.

MarioBros777 stares at Light Flower.

"Not again... I just came out."

"C'mon. Please."

"Oh alright but make it quick."


MarioBros777 swallows Light Flower... Again...

"It's good to do this again."

As usual when he swallows a Light Flower he grows wings, a light sword and shield which can turn into a staff if he wants to.

"Light Burst? I presume..." said MarioBros777.

"You read the book too much." said Light Flower

"Not that. I even memorized it."

"Oh great."

"So is it?"

"Yep. And then it's a..."

"Light Finale, I know."



The Black hole shot something out which is...

"BLACK CANNON!!" yelled MarioBros777.

MarioBros777 makes his light shield larger until it is the size of the Black Hole


Black Cannon fire!


"Can..'t take... muc..h"


The shield is cracking..."


As usual the tip of the sword glows and sends out a burst of light even bigger than the Black Hole itself.

"Oh crud."

"That was painful."

The Black Hole disintegrated by the light.

"Light Flower?"


"How you doing?"

"Fine. You?"

"Good. But next time don't put to much power that I don't need. It really hurts."

"Sorry. Thought you need it."

As there town was safe from the Black Hole incident what will MarioBros do now? Obviously he has to report back to The House of Tightest Security That It's Name Must Not Be Spoken. But he has other ideas. What are they? Tune in to the next episode of well you know...

Chapter 2 - The Ideas!

As MarioBros was walking along the road looking at absolutely nothing. He thought of nothing and he was just walking and talking but mostly walking.

"Hey Light Flower..." commented MarioBros.

"Yeah?" said Light Flower.

"I had no idea..."

"About what?"

"Hmm... Never mind." said MarioBros. "Let's continue on to the House."

"Or you get fired?"


While MarioBros is rushing towards the House DP was walking again... quietly home when...

"This is a dark night..." commented DP. "I should hurry home."

"What was that?"


"Your mission MarioBros is to find a guy named DP."

"Do I have to?" said MarioBros777.

"Yes and stop asking questions!"


"This is what he looks like."

He handed over a picture of DP like he said...

"Hmm..." said MarioBros.



Meanwhile back there...

"What is that thing?" said DP.

And there right in front of him was a...

"Dark Elementalist. A specially high trained monster who can only be sent out for a good reason and is one of the strongest henchmen of the Dark Lord." said MarioBros777.

You got to stop pushing in MB...

"Sorry narrator..." said MB777.

"Who are you talking to?" said DP.

"Nobody..." said MB777. "Now to take out the trash."

A gunshot fired. The Dark Elementalist collapsed. Sentences are short. Must stop talking.

"Who are you?" said DP.

"MarioBros777. 12th Grade Elementalist Melee, 18th Grade Elemental Gunner, 20th Grade Elemental Magician." said MarioBros777. "Welcome Pokemon DP."

"How did you know my name..."

"Just knew." said MB777. "They say your the next future Elementalist."

"They what?"

"Just quickly come."

As DP and MB777 rush to the House why is DP an Elementalist? Tune in to the next episode of well you know... Your reading it right now how couldn't you know.

Chapter 3 - The Brawl for Ice (Part one)

"What did you say you were again?" said DP.

"An elementalist." said MB777.

"What is an elementalist?" said DP.

"A highly skilled person who can cast a infinite amount of Elemental Energy."


"Also the homework is just a lot as well..."


"Don't worry." said MB777. "It's not like your going to elementalist school or something."

MarioBros777's phone rang...

"Hello?" said MB777. "Oh. Is that so... Well I can't deny it. Goodbye."

"What was that about?"

"They enrolled you into elementalist school. Who knew?"


"Not my decision."

"Man. This blows."

Phone ringing again MB777.

"Hello? They're here already!!!" said MarioBros777. "But... Very well."

"What was that about?"

"Looks like all Elementalist have to go somewhere do defeat something. I have to get the Ice Flower so..."

"Ice Flower?" said Light Flower.

"Who was that?" said DP.

"That was Light Flower." said MarioBros777.

He pulled out a Flower which was yellow.

"All Elementalist a certain level will receive something similar to this." explained MarioBros. "I wanted her cause she was the only one that I could understand."

Light Flower coughs

"Sorry." said MarioBros.

"Hey MarioBros?" said Light Flower.


"Do you remember about..."

"Yes, I still remember..."

"Do you think that you should..."

"It's going to be even easier for me."

"Hey DP..."

"Yes?" said DP.

"You should start to go to Elementalist school."

"You mean now?!?!?" said DP. "It's already night-time."

"Opposite thing that we have here." said MB777. "Now go. They got your supplies for school and all the rest."

"But where do I go?"

MB creates a portal.

"That should solve your problem." said MB777. "But now I must go. Light Flower!"

"Yes I'm working on it." said Light Flower.

As usual MarioBros777 has to swallow Light Flower again... And grows wings, a light sword and a light shield.

"See you." said MarioBros777.

"Wow!" said DP.

"Neat I know."

As MarioBros777 flew off DP was going into the portal to Elementalist school. And it was easier than he thought. He also made a friend in Grade 5 since he was examined and was prepared for this level. His name was RAP. RAP was an Elementalist who was more to magic than anything else.

"Hey RAP!" said DP.

"Hey it's DP." said RAP.


"How can he be this strong?" said MarioBros.

MarioBros coughs out blood which changes color every 2 seconds.

"How?" said MarioBros. "Wait, you didn't tell me that earlier Light Flower."

"Well, you should have listened." said Light Flower.

"Next time..."

This is the end of this Chapter there is no more until the next one. So bye everybody!!

Chapter 4 - The Brawl for Ice (Part two)

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