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Legend of the Infinite Empire/Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

War of the World

The wind stirred, the cool breeze running down his spine. Revan watched from atop the hill, the battle was over. The base was captured; he turned and headed to HQ. He slid the door open. Willy on Wario stood there, his hands tied, his face blank.
Revan leaned forward and smiled, “Spammer, are you ready to tell me everything?”
willy lifted his faced, battered and bruised he frowned, “No, if…I…’ll”
Revan frowned and leaned closer to Willy, “What do you think I will do?”

Xzelion and Gofer hid behind the bulkhead. The base was under attack, bullets buzzing over their head. The outpost had no more than 300 troops; the attack force of the enemy could range from 10 to 7,000. Xzelion moved his body upwards and fired, two enemies hit the ground. On the other side Gofer lifted his body and fired. Xzelion and Gofer kept lifting themselves into firing position and had taken out five enemies. The gunfire ceased, Xzelion looked over to Gofer. Xzelion scanned the hills were the enemies had been set up…they were gone… He looked left, and then right…they were gone.
”Move!” Xzelion shouted.
He Gofer hustled to the comm m center five clicks away. Xzelion opened the door; he spotted three enemies, each holding a hostage. They didn’t expect these two to run in. Xzelion shot one, enemy; he snapped and turned around a bullet grazing his arm. He gunned that enemy down as well. He turned and gunned the last enemy down. Xzelion holstered his pistol and picked up a hostage, a young female woman.
She smiled as she moved her hands through her hair, “These monsters, where did they come from?”
Xzelion frowned, “I’m sorry Ma’am that I do not know.”
Gofer was watching out a window, he turned and shouted, “Everyone…down!”
A load noise could be hear, then an explosion. Gofer peeked through the window…”Oh my god…”
”What?” asked Xzelion “It’s them…” answered Gofer.

“Ahhh!” screamed Willy on Wario
Revan was standing in front of him…torturing him.
The soldiers in the base heard the cry of pain from the spammer. Revan punched the spammer again. Finally Revan leaned in close, there was silence…and then Willy crumpled over.

Revan smiled, “I have the information…” 

His assistant turned to him, “What is it?”
Revan shook his head, “I can’t tell you…”
His assistant frowned, “Why?” Revan turned to him, “Then I’d have to kill you…”

“Who is it?” asked Xzelion
Gofer frowned, “The Ondam”
”What?” asked Xzelion.
Gofer turned to him, “slavers, cannibals, psychos all rolled into one, mess of an alien. They’ve enslaved my people may times.” He cocked his rifle, “Today, likes will be avenged.”
Xzelion placed his hand of Gofers hand, “Not yet, not yet.” Xzelion ran toward the comm machine. His fingers danced along the board, he pulled a microphone to his mouth, and said “This is comm base ‘Alpha-Delta’ requesting immediate assistance, repeat immediate assistant
A voice replied, “This is General Monty Mole, my fleet in on route.”
Xzelion smiled, then the comm went dead.

Monty Mole frowned, “Comm Base Alpha-Delta do you copy? Comm Base…” Monty shut down the comlink and turned to his friend and commander Confused. Monty smiled; “Get the troops ready, ready Omega Squad and Zeta Squad, and were going to combase Alpha-Delta” Ordered Monty Mole the Sysop. Confused nodded, “Yes sir” he saluted and hurried off to gather the troops.

Xzelion hid behind the bulkhead his pistol armed, the door slid open, and Xzelion shot two blasts. One catching the enemy in the chest the Ondam crumpled down. Another creature walked in, Gofer blasted, catching the enemy in the face. That enemy crumpled over. Xzelion and Gofer hurried to the back of the room, twenty Odnam encircled the room, when a great flash of lightning occurred, the twenty Odnam were on the floor. The smoke cleared and Wayoshi stood across of the room. Smoke coming from his fingers, he smiled, “Lets Go.”

Revan gathered his staff. They gathered around, each on, brilliant in their own way. Hssiss the second-in-command of Revan’s army stood at his side. The meeting had gone very well, The entire staff was prepped for the assault on “Kin Syfer Military Base”. Revan crossed his arms, “We attack at midnight…”
Hssiss smiled, “The troops will be readied.”
Revan nodded, “I know they will Hssiss.”

Omega Squad was strapped in, the ship rocking back and forth, the roar of thousands of ships in the air. Aboard the “Halberd” Monty Mole’s Personal Flagship, the ship roared high above the sky. Monty Mole watched from the skyview, a large window viewing area. Monty waited as the Halberd traveled over Death Ridge canyon. Monty waited, Confused by his side, the ship was traveling as fast as possible, but still wouldn’t be able to reach Alpha-Delta Comm base in time.
Monty turned to Confused and muttered, “That will work…” Confused looked confused (no pun intended), “What? Sir? What are we doing?” Monty smiled, “Saving Comm Base Alpha-Delta.”
Monty turned to his pilot and muttered two words in his ear, Confused of which could not here these words. The pilot nodded.

Silence, nothing but silence, the explosion rocked the building launching Dry Bones into the air and landing headfirst in the ground. His body ached, his arms has in extreme pain. He…he was dead…

Dry Bones lifted himself off the ground, he was nothing but bone now, he was angry. Two large alien creatures charged at him, he charged as well, he met the first alien in the air, his pure strength knocked the alien onto the ground, with his claws he pierced its skin, he turned to the next one, he head butted, his horns stabbed deep into the alien, and with the slightest motion from his head tossed the alien in the air. The alien landed behind him, turned to see five more enmies charging at him, he chuckled and ran to meet them head first.

SPL laid on the ground his clothes torn, his baseball bat broke, he frowned and saw two Ondam, staring at him, he spun on the ground, he tripped both of them, he grabbed his broken bat and smacked them both. then turned and saw seventeen more coming, when and bomb flew in the midst of the crowd, killing them all. As the smoke cleared, Plumber stood there he shouted, “Come on SPL, come here!”

SPL and Plumber raced down the battlefield, to see Dry Bones holding off fifteen aliens. The two plumber leaped in the air and came down next to DB. The trio fought off the hoard of enemies. When DB looked and say more coming 100 to exact, Db, Plumber, and SPL charged at them. When, three helicopters came they hovered over the battlefield and opened fire, their heavy machineguns ripped through the poorly armored aliens. Sitting in the side of one gunship was Xzelion, and Gore, in the second was Wayoshi.
Xzelion shouted “get in, get in!”
The trio took the orders and leaped in, the helicopter lifted off.
SPL frowned, “We’re not leaving are we?” Xzelion shook his head, “This is a critical Comm Base, without this the ‘Shroom will simply cease to function.”
Plumber looked Xzelion in the eye, “We an army of less then 400…can we truly repeal an army of this size?”
Gofer smiled, “Yes, I’ve seen these men fight, we can repeal these psycho enemies.”
DB frowned , “Who or what are these enemies?”
Gofer turned to him, “The Ondam Militia, slavers of my people” Xzelion frowned, “We contacted General Monty Mole, and he’s on his way along with his personal fleet.” Plumber looked out the window, “How far away are they?”
Xzelion turned to the pilot and muttered a few words, he turned to Plumber, “Too far, they’ll be here in two days at least.”
DB turned to him, “We won’t hold out that long…”
Xzelion cocked his Battle Rifle, “Then we fight to the last man.”
The helicopter landed and the troops emptied out, every living trooper in the base was gathered in a small room, 400 at maximum. Wayoshi stood and a platform, Xzelion at his side.
Wayoshi shouted, “Everyone listen up!”
The entire army shifted attention to their leader.
”This is Alpha-Delta comm base, the most crucial comm base of the Shroom Army, without this base, The ‘Shroom Army would be dismantled, no hope.” He paused and scanned the room, every trooper attuned to him. He continued, “We are heavily out numbered, General Monty Mole has been contacted…but will not reach the commbase for another day or two. We must hold out, we fight to the last man, no surrender…no failure.” He paused to see the look on his soldiers faces, they were fill with hope…that’s what he wanted to see. He finished his statement with a loud battle cry, “For the Shroom Army and For Glory!”. The entire army chanted, Wayoshi turned to Xzelion and smiled, “We’re going to live” he said confidently.
Xzelion nodded, “Yes, we will…”

Revan’s soldiers waited, under the cover of the dark, the entire army successfully moved into attacking range of the training facility. Revan held his hand in the air, clenched into a fist, he motioned two ways. The army split, half of the army successfully moved behind the base. The enemy was trapped between and hammer and a hard place. Revan knew this battle was already over. Revan lifted his hand in the air, and the attack began. Revan marched in the front of his troops leading the way. On the other side his second-in-command Hssiss leader the other half. Revan walked forward, sirens sounded the head of the training facility walked out and stood next to Revan. “What are you doing…do you want to die!” the man asked.
Revan smiled, “Your entire base now belongs to me.”
The general frowned, “This is madness, my base belongs to me!”
Revan frowned, he withdrew his sword, and sliced the general across the chest.
The entire base went made, their troops immediately opened fire. Revan leaped in the air, he landed behind a trooper, and he motioned his hand. The second attack force moved in. Their swords and blasters were armed. They opened the fire. The entire based was caught off guard by the second attack force. The base was in the frenzy, Revan moved in, his blade in one hand and ice in the other. He launched two icicles into the leg of a trainee; he sliced him with his blade. Two troopers moved in, with the flick of a wrist sent them flying into the air. Two more gun troopers rushed in, he lifted his hand and ice shot out, and freezing them were they stood. He sent them too flying with the flick of the wrist. His blade glowed, his target was near, he turned and saw the sysop…DarkInsanity. Insanity leaped, Revan jumped and met him in the air, with a crash the two smashed together. Revan slashed Dark using his shadow powers created a shadow sword. The two swords clashed together. Revan leaped back, Insanity was powerful, but no fast. Revan held the blade in his righthand and out of the second appeared a shadow sword. Insanity’s eyes grew big. “How the…” he muttered
Revan smiled, with his dual blades leaped at insanity. DarkInsanity blocked attack after attacks…he was tiring. But Revan…Revan had some eternal energy. The blade masters clashed and clashed. The sound and explosions outside, DarkInsanity leaped back, he was overmatched. Out of his die he created another two arms! Each one emitting its own blade. Revan took a step back. Insanity laughed, “You man, you can’t do this….Years of practice.” He laughed.
Revan smiled, “Old man…I’ve abosorbed your powers, and the powers of many others. You can’t stop me…no one can!”
Insanity smiled, “Fool!”
The two charged at each other.

Xzelion and Wayoshi walked down the halls. The two walked silently. Xzelion with his battle rifle in hand. Wayoshi walking his lightning was enough. Two aliens marched by, Xzelion pulled the trigger of his battle rifle and shot down one alien. Wayoshi blasted the other one into the wall with his lightning. Xzelion and Wayoshi moved on, around the corner another two aliens were there. Xzelion gunned them both down. Seventeen more aliens walked in. Xzelion and Wayoshi looked at each other and ran forward.

Monty Mole and his troops did it perfectly; they pulled off a shortcut, the entire fleet was brimming towards the most vital comm base in the universe.

Wayoshi and his troops recaptured a bunker, Wayoshi and Xzelion at the front.
Wayoshi frowned, “Men, this is it, this is our last stand….”
The troops were silent.
Wayoshi smiled, “Charge!” The army leaped forward and charged the aliens. The aliens ran toward them. Wayoshi lead his troops. Lightning crackled forth from his fingers, lightning traveling, the lightning hit five enemies knock them off their feet and onto the floor. His wings opened up behind him, light burst forth lightning everywhere Aliens falling.

Dry Bones and Super paper luigi were back to back fighting off the enemies. SPL laughed, “this is fun”
DB smiled, “If we’re gonna die minus well the most of it.”

Plumber and BB were fighting together brothers. Then Beanbean got nailed and knocked of her feet. Her cap and fake mustache came off. Revealing she was female, but no one noticed to busy fighting she got back up and hammered and enemy. Plumber saw that her identity was revealed.

Ultimatetoad was alone, the aliens swarming nearby he shout, “Super Sien!” His hair became electrified as he grew bigger, he smiled and attacked the enemies. Across of him Gofer stood there two blaster pistols in hand. He gunned down one, then another his blasters smoking blast after blast.

3d and Tumble fought together, 3d picked up Max2 and tossed him at the enemies, the 3dleaped in the air and came down, his hammer smashed into an alien’s skull.

Isyou swept his feet moving gracefully, he punched one enemy, and swiped his blaster. He leaped in the air and shot down two aliens. He smiled.

TheGreatBlockBoo and Yoshi626 fought together their boo like entities, they together held there ground against the wave of enemies. Next to them Aipom bounced around he slaped two aliens he turn and launched another two off there feet.

Wayoshi watched his troops fighting they were fighting well, but unless Monty’s troop were able to come somehow. They would be overrun by nightfall.

Monty paced the bridge, “How long until we get there?” he asked anxiously.
confused frowned, “Sir we’ve entered the hot zone, will be there in no time.”
Monty frowned, “I hope you’re right…”

Revan and DarkInsanity clashed over and over. Their blades, slicing at each other.
Revan took a step back, Revan lifted his hand and froze DarkInsanity. Insanity using his shadow powers shattered the ice.
He gasped, “you, you, you killed AgentSeeThrough!”
Revan chuckled, “Right you are…and you’re next!”
Isanity was pushed to the limit “RAH!!!!!!” e shouted.
He changed, his body became shadow, his eyes were dark red. “mwahahaha!” he laughed.
Revan clearly over matched began walking back, Insanity unrelenting to let the person who killed another sysop live.
Revan leaped back barely dodging Insanity’s Dark blasts. He backed out of the facility on to the stair leading to the temple. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes became white, his close battered. He stoppoed stopped fighting. Insanity was confused he leaped for one attack to need Revan’s life when. The entire facility crumpled down on Insanity. Revan heard his dying scream. He smiled and turned to Hssiss who stood next to him. “The battle is won…” said Hssiss
Revan smiled, “Yes, just as I knew it would…”

Wayoshi and his twenty troops and the Forces of Light backed into a corner of the bunker, they were done for. Two Heavy Armored Capital ships flew above.
A solider shouted, “General Monty has arrived!” Seven gunships loomed down cut off the enemies Monty leaped out, and with a motion of his hand a giant stone wall came up. Absorbing the enemy blasts. He then pushed the wall of stone on the enemy crushing hundreds of them. He smiled and leaped in the air, he then created a entire armored suit out of stone, he was ten times the size of a normal being. He smiled and body slammed twenty soldiers.

The battle was over and the ‘Shroom army was the victor. Monty and Wayoshi stood next to each other, talking when…A shuttle crashed. A small person came out and crawled to Wayoshi, and handed him a disc. The person smiled, “My mission is done master….”
Xzelion ran toward the pilot, and frowned, “He’s gone…”
Wayoshi looked at the disc, “Someone get me a GBDS”! A trooper ran toward him and handed him the GBDS, he paused and looked at it, he slipped the cartridge in and watched. It should something Monty did not know…but Wayoshi did.

The “Forces of Light” and the two sysops meet in a room. The room was silent until Wayoshi walked into the center and frowned. “My intelligence has reported a devastating new weapon…The Earthpound A weapon capable of destroying countries and lives. The Earthpound is still a weapon in progress, which is the way I need it to be kept. Plumber choose Three of your members to infiltrate the base and destroy it.”
Plumber scanned the room, “Isyou, you must head this mission.” He paused, “Aipom, and Tumble…”
3d stood to his feet in protest, “If he goes then I will too!” Wayoshi smiled, “Thens its settled, Isyou, Aipom, Max2, and 3dejong…

To Be continued….

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