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==The Adventures Of Super Paper Luigi==
===About this Comic===
This comic was brought about my a feeling I had that I needed to do a more sophisticated comic. I also had so many ideas my head asplode. I didn't have the permission of SPL at the time, nor do I have the rights or his blessing now. As of 19:01, 6 June 2007 (EDT) I have SPL's blessing to go forth with the comic!
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Revision as of 04:31, 13 June 2007

This has caught Your Attention (Hasn't it?).

“Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.”
Cap'n Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

The following languages are as follows:

  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • English

  • Pienso, por lo tanto estoy.
  • Ik denk, daarom ben ik.
  • Ich denke, folglich bin ich.
  • Σκέφτομαι, επομένως είμαι.
  • Penso, quindi sono.
  • Eu penso, conseqüentemente eu sou.
  • Я думаю, поэтому я.
  • I think, therefore I am.

  • Juguemos hasta que no tenemos ningún pesar.
  • Speel tot wij geen spijt hebben.
  • Lassen Sie uns spielen, bis wir keine Reue haben.
  • Παίξτε έως ότου δεν έχουμε καμία λύπη.
  • Giochiamo fino a che non abbiamo rammarico.
  • Deixe-nos jogar até que nós não tenhamos nenhum pesar.
  • Препятствуйте нам сыграть до тех пор пока мы не иметь никакие сожаления.
  • Let's play 'till we've no regrets.

  • No se atierre.
  • Niet paniek.
  • Versetzen Sie nicht in Panik.
  • Όχι πανικός.
  • Non si lasci prendere dal panico.
  • Não se apavore.
  • Не паникуйте.
  • Don't panic.

  • ¡Eso es Robin!
  • Dat het Robin!
  • Das ist es Robin!
  • Ότι αυτό Robin!
  • Quello è esso Robin!
  • Aquele é Robin!
  • То будет им робин!
  • That's it Robin!


Colour in honour of my pal Great Gonzo.

HeyHey, MarioWikiers! I respectfully request that some assistance be given to the fledgling RetroSega Wiki. [1]

4lright .... i j0in3d 6/11/06. i b3c4m3 4 sys0p 7/24/06. i'm still g3tting us3d t0 t3h 3xtr4 4css3ss, but its still n0t 4 ub3r id34 t0 cr0ss t3h lin3 wh3n i'm 4r0und. i'll bl0ck u s0 h4rd.... !{V} (/L|57 x!I>I>!^/9. unl3ss ur 4 di3 h4rd v4nd4l wit n0 h0p3 0ff r3c0v3ry, i sh0uld g0 chill 0n u. if u n33d t0 c0nt4ct m3, my t4lk p4g3 is ub3r. if u n33d 4 ub3r r34d, th4t's 4 nic3 pl4c3 t0 r34d it. l0ts 0ff g00di3s. 4lth0ugh t0 g3t t3h wh0l3 st0ry u m4y n33d t0 cl!ck s0m3 7!nks0R7_....

i 4ls0 h4v 3m4il, which u m4y n0t r34d, but i li3kz0Re7_ t0 ch3ck it n us3 it t0 3m4il p30pl3 n0t 0f tis wiki.

if th4t's n0t w0rking 4 u..... i must rly h8 u 0r ur guts 0r s0m3thing.

HK-47. That's me, always endeavoring to provide you with a profusely better wiki!

“Sea turtles, mate.”
Captain Teague, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End


File:Check small.png
File:Brain small.png

This is a gap between two userboxes.

File:Controller example.png
File:Controller example.png
File:Controller example minus.png
File:N64 small.jpg
File:Brain small.png
File:NES small.png

This isn't a userbox.





Name: Eiji
Gender: ..Male
Favourite Character: Luigi
Favourite Game: SMRPG
Favourite Colour: ..Black
Favourite User: Erm.. SoS
Allies: Gonzo
Fave Food: Italian
Fave Song: Carry on My Wayward Son
Fave Band: Deep Purple.. or The Who
Favorite Show: Kimba the White Lion
Fave Movie: Ocean's 11





























































“Intelligence is not a privilege, it's a gift, to be used for the good of mankind.”
Doctor Otto Octavius, Spider-Man 2

I'm HK-47 and I really like Star Wars, Mario, Zelda, Cheese, Sly Cooper, Dr. Seuss, Kirby, Sonic, Star Fox, Chibi-Robo, Prince of Tennis, chocolate, cheese, bacon, paper, skateboarding, tennis, pirates, TMNT, ping-pong, and Brain Age.

I hate Wayoshi with a passion. Okay, its more a mild distaste towards his new attitude.

I have a sprite comic (see below) and a story (see even more below).

I am Error. I am the Walrus. I am the moldren man.

As of 23:37, 11 April 2007 (EDT) I am currently on episode 58 of Prince of Tennis, the Greatest show in the world.

I can be physically active, if you want to believe that, as I skateboard, play tennis, and table tennis. I kill in table tennis. My snake-shot (table tennis style) is FTW. As of 00:15, 31 May 2007 (EDT), I have only used it thrice.

I enjoy Toho movies, Kimba the White Lion (Leo, Jungle Emperor), and the Ocean's movies.

I made a sprite sheet!

And found ChanServ some sprites! og2_dyenguard.png


In case you didn't know..... ChanServ is a girl and can help people with their problems! She's also the mystical guardian of the chat!

More Me

My favourite piece of information is that Branwell Brontë, brother of Emily and Charlotte, died standing up leaning against a mantelpiece, in order to prove it could be done. This is not quite true, in fact. My absolute favourite piece of information is the fact that young sloths are so inept that they frequently grab their own arms and legs instead of tree limbs, and fall out of trees.

I believe that All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Anything that happens happens, anything that in happening causes something else to happen causes something else to happen, and anything that in happening causes itself to happen again, happens again. Although not necessarily in chronological order.

Retro 1337 Style: Things to do

  1. fix 4 h0l3.
  2. figur3 0ut wh0 t3h w4lrus rly is.
  3. d0 in n0 p4rticul4r 0rd3r.

And I'm done.....xZz0rz...

The Name

“It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.”
Douglas Adams on Problems

It stands for Hunter-Killer. 'Ts from KotOR.


The Other Fly Cats Chillin' Online:'<whosonline></whosonline>


Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot.”
Batman, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Hrm... I dunno. Somewhere. Tell me if you see me!

  • Uh.... Gonzo's story.

Users Who Are Cool

“Wow, three ninety-eight!”
Rocket J. Squirrel, Rocky and Bullwinkle

  1. Great Gonzo -- He's great. Helped my user page, I stole my status coding from him. He rooms with Eggy. Great Gonzo is officially half of my favorite users.
  2. Max2 -- Meh. He is. Although he did insult my comic.
  3. Confused -- He just is. Said I was too cool to be a sysop. Waaay cooler than his brother.
  4. Son of Suns -- We all know.
  5. Yellowdinodude -- My Smash Partner and a fellow cheese lover.
  6. 3D -- I don't quite know.
  7. Paper Jorge -- Fellow Sysop.
  8. SPL -- A pretty neat guy. One of the infamous Great Paper Eggy97 Bros. He rooms with Mario97
  9. BeanBean -- A cool little kid who likes to say hi. Likes Cheese.
  10. Chuck Norris -- Chuck Norris
  11. Cheese -- Much Beloved.
  12. RAP -- Licensing expert.
  13. Yoshi626 -- Dunno.
  14. Sir Grodus -- A pic-man
  15. Plumber -- He's cool. Makes appearances in my comic.
  16. Aipom -- FTW. Likes Ping-Pong. That's totally FTW.
  17. Dry Bones -- Meh. Holiday maniac. Makes cool pictures.
  18. Ghost Jam -- A neat Sysop.
  19. AgentSeeThroo -- First Bureaucrat.
  20. Jelly Soup -- Slept in a room with Ghost Jam.
  21. ChrisAlassal -- Gave out real name.
  22. Elite Yoshi -- Caff'd at me later.
  23. Salty -- Up until he quit. That's not cool.
  24. Mario... -- ...
  25. Koopatrol -- Dunno.
  26. Kelt --He's a General now.
  27. WarioLoaf -- Good band.
  28. Mario1997 -- He has an entire year.
  29. Username -- Very Generic.
  30. Shadow Wayoshi -- We both have a mild disrespect towards Wayoshi.
  31. Peachycakes179948100 -- I admire perseverance.
  32. Peachycakes19778260644 -- I admire perseverance.
  33. StarNeptune -- Pulled together two trolls... wow. Needs a life.

If you aren't on this list... there's probably a reason for it.

People Purposefully Left Off This List

“Jack Sparrow. You paid me a great insult, once."
"That doesn't sound like me.

Sao Feng and Cap'n Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End.

  1. A Link to the Past
  2. Wayoshi
  3. Eggbert &ndash He was the OTHeR computer in Gonzo's house, and I'm making a big ado about nothing. Yeah Wayoshi, I know what you're thinking. You'd be correct. This is a stupid in-joke.


If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a non-working cat. Life is a level of complexity that almost lies outside our vision; it is so far beyond anything we have any means of understanding that we just think of it as a different class of object, a different class of matter; 'life', something that had a mysterious essence about it, was God given, and that's the only explanation we had. The bombshell comes in 1859 when Darwin publishes 'On the Origin of Species'. It takes a long time before we really get to grips with this and begin to understand it, because not only does it seem incredible and thoroughly demeaning to us, but it's yet another shock to our system to discover that not only are we not the centre of the Universe and we're not made of anything, but we started out as some kind of slime and got to where we are via being a monkey. It just doesn't read well.
Douglas Adamson Life.

  • This is for my use... or is it...
  1. Zwok. -- Fun Game. If you're good, join Greinz, if you're gonna suck, join Blooz. See if we meet in the arena someday.
  2. -- Actually the site that lead me here.
  3. Kirby Wiki
  4. UnMario Wiki
  5. Mario Wiki


If you should be picked up buying a $100,000 sports car in Newport Beach, I'm going to be supremely disappointed.”
Terry Benedict, Ocean's 11

  1. Luigi -- Always been my favorite
  2. Goombario -- A cool kid.
  3. Twink -- What's not to like?
  4. Peach -- My doubles character in Mario Tennis, left-handed, paired with Luigi.
  5. Chuck Norris -- Chuck Norris

Fried Eggs and Fridays

For Children: You will need to know the difference between Friday and a fried egg. It's quite a simple difference, but an important one. Friday comes at the end of the week, whereas a fried egg comes out of a chicken. Like most things, of course, it isn't quite that simple. The fried egg isn't properly a fried egg until it's been put in a frying pan and fried. This is something you wouldn't do to a Friday, of course, though you might do it on a Friday. You can also fry eggs on a Thursday, if you like, or on a cooker. It's all rather complicated, but it makes a kind of sense if you think about it for a while.

Quotes I Didn't Have A Sly And Clever Place To Insert Seemingly Randomly

Remember: Your focus determines your reality.”
Qui-Gon, Greatest Jedi Knight, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent..”
Qui-Gon, Greatest Jedi Knight, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace

Grief is the enemy. There's no time for grief. There's no room for grief. Grief turns into acceptance. Forgiveness. Grief forgives what can never be forgiven. Never.”
Batman, All Star Batman and Robin

It's a mystery. Broken into a jigsaw puzzle. Wrapped in a conundrum. Hidden in a Chinese box.”
Riddler, The Long Halloween

The mastermind always wants more. It's criminal nature.”
Riddler, Detective Comics #828

A perfect crime is a work of art, a thing of beauty, and a joy forever, to paraphrase the Bard!”
Penguin, Detective Comics #611

They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something. I've looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows. And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge. Me.”
Batman, Batman Begins

Crime cannot be tolerated. Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding.”
Henri Ducard, Batman Begins

Men fear most what they cannot see.”
Henri Ducard, Batman Begins

And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
Thomas Wayne, Batman Begins

Songs And Such

Carry On My Wayward Son

By Kansas


Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion

Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion

I was soaring ever higher

But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man

Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say


Masquerading as a man with a reason

My charade is the event of the season

And if I claim to be a wise man, well

It surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion

Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean

I set a course for winds of fortune

But I hear the voices say



Carry on, you will always remember

Carry on, nothing equals the splendor

The center lights around your vanity

But surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry (don't you cry no more)

The Greatest Adventure

Also the greatest song ever.


I always draw inspiration from this song. I can't listen to it without crying. I've loved it since I was a little kid. Its from the Animated Hobbit Movie, which, if you haven't seen, you should. I reccomend it highly.

The Song

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.

The chances, the changes are all yours to make.

The mold of your life is in your hands to break.

The greatest adventure is there if you're bold.

Let go of the moment that life makes you hold.

To measure the meaning can make you delay;

It's time you stop thinkin' and wasting the day.

The man who's a dreamer and never takes leave

Who thinks of a world that is just make-believe

Will never know passion, will never know pain.

Who sits by the window will one day see rain.

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.

The chances, the changes are all yours to make.

The mold of your life is in your hands to break.

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.

Pages I Made.





Geico Is Funny.


Strange Tales:Comic

A kidnapping... A Snorlax.... A Fearsome Foursome Composed of Teenage Tertillians Adept in the Martial Arts.... What is the connection....

These are all....
Strange Tales....

From the critically acclaimed User, HK-47, this perpetuating new series is full of excitement and adventure, normality and strangities, obvious and surprise, and you won't want to miss a single installment! Have comments, reviews, condolences, inquisitions, ascertations, consternations, perspirations, questions, kudos, or complaints, do it on my talk page.

From the author you know and kind of love, Strange Tales aims to be confusing and odd. Come and join the countless bewildered readers that have endeavored before you!

The Complete Strange Tales

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