RTI Intel Service

From Liberalia Wiki

The RTI Intel Service is a vast secret service, and is regarded as one of the most highly trained and efficient secret services in Liberalia. It maintains a veil of secrecy to this day, and it is unknown exactly how long the service has been running, but it has been an ever-present factor of government life in RTI for many decades.

aTIKTP Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!...

cFtj4a You made some clear points there. I did a search on the subject matter and found most individuals will approve with your blog.

Known Agents

Although the real names of secret service agents are never divulged, there are some known codenames and which approximate branch they serve under at present, which this list intends to cover as fully as possible given the relative difficulty to find this information in the first place.

  • Bronzeman - "Leadership"
  • Butterscotch - "Foreign Affairs"
  • Caduceus - "Public Relations"
  • Gravedigger - "Weaponry"
  • Ilpalazzo - "Leadership"
  • Matador - "Weaponry"
  • Menos - "Foreign Affairs"
  • Motheye (deceased) - "Intelligence Gathering"
  • Nesbitt (deceased) - "Weaponry"
  • Nestor - "Foreign Affairs"
  • Prism - "Leadership"
  • York - "Weaponry"

Known Operations

A list of the known operations follows. This list is by no means exhaustive, as very little is known... even the codenames of most operations are classified information, and details almost never leak.

Known Scandals

You must be joking... you think this stuff gets out? :p

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