Liberalian history

From Liberalia Wiki

This is the project to write down the entire history of Liberalia's RP world, from the first arrival of Sarah Quent and the vast fires in Carops, to today.

Everyone is welcome to add bits and pieces or start new sections. When finished, this should be the one place to go to for both new and old nations to catch up on what happened before.

hAY6fa Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!


Before the First Liberalian War

Early History

When regional boarders changed, and Latagon was part of Liberalia, the young organization of nations had no clear battle lines drawn. "The Allies", brought back from WWSETI, established itself as the leading offensive organization in Liberalia, and the LTO established itself as the leading defensive organization. A number of nations joined either side, and within weeks the battle lines were clearly set.


During an uncertain time in Liberalia's history, a young man, named William Smither, went on one of the most widely known shooting sprees ever. During his reign of terror, he shot leaders in Four Hectares, Latagon, and Loslakia. Luckily only one death occured, in the nation of Latagon. Latagon's first president, "Of Latagon".* It has been claimed that this same man was responsible for the shooting of Lord Morclin, Chair of the Fostana. This attempted assassination may have acctually been carried out by Elias Strana, a Curian-Caropsyne dual national, who was sentenced to death by the Fostana.**

*Honestly his name wasn't "of Latagon". The player who controlled Latagon never gave him a name, he was just called "The President of Latagon."

**It's not truely known which man shot any of the leaders. As of now, the shooter of the leaders in Four hectares, Latagon, and Loslakia has been named as William Smither, and Elias Strana was a copy-cat shooter in Carops, but this may be subject to change as new information comes to light.

Sarah Quent

Sarah Quent was chosen by Dear Leader of Palacetonia to work as a liason between Palacetonia and Curiaistan. As subsequent events would show, she became a powerful political figure and eventually became President. Introduced in the Arrival of Sarah Quent as sweeping imperiously in, she made an impact on other nation's leadership where in conversation, Caropsyne officials said:

"And what do you think?"

"Not a lot. She seems to have gained her position through horizontal negotiation,"

which probably wasn't far from the truth. As time went on, she would find herself the target of assassination attempts, devious behind-the-scene manoeuvrings with the presidency and spent the rest of her days in a wheelchair after her helicopter was shot down by a Hasadonian Missile.

Of course that's the Official Story. What actually happened is a little different. President Sadner secretly ordered the deaths of the Curian Political leadership in order to gain a shortcut to the Presidency thanks to a quirk of the Curia Constitution, this included the shooting down of Sarah Quent's helicopter and subsequently blamed it on a Hasadonian group in the area.

First Liberalian War

Events leading to the war

As the series of assassinations continued, at first it seemed like just one more attack when the Foreign Minister of Four Hectares, Gabrielle Fisher fell victim to a car bomb. Blame fell on the tiny nation of Gmany, and the Hectarian government began to prepare for an attack, not least because it seemed like a wise move in the efforts to stem the rise of communism in the region.

The LTO was not sitting idly by and pledged support to Gmany, which made the relatively small conflict a regional war. The Allies, of which 4H was a member, mobilised and soon the first Liberalian war broke out between the LTO and the Allies.

Major battles and operations

Lt Col Sadner as he was then, led a landing on the Gmany beaches to help relieve some of the pressure on Gmany and link up with some LTO members in Gmany. Finding themselves vastly out-gunned and out-manned, Lt Col Sadner lead a successful retreat to the nation of Carops. In gratitude, Sarah Quent promoted Sadner to the rank of Marshal (some say it was a bribe to stop Sadner from running for president when Sarah Quent won her first presidental election) and from there, Sadner plotted his way to the Presidency.

Treaty of Bahia Esmeralda and implications

The war was ended when the government of Gmany decided to sacrifice the nation for the sake of the LTO. With the balance of power clearly favouring the Allies the small nation hoped to avert worse to come for its allies.

Despite some initial protests from other LTO members against the surrender, the warring parties soon came to a table and prepared the Treaty of Bahia Esmeralda. Essentially it called for a return to the pre-war status quo, and after a brief (but impressive) orgy of god-moding involving Julio Trigman's "Science and Discovery", it was accepted.

The following weeks brought a united Liberalian effort towards mending the old wounds, rebuilding what had been destroyed and ultimately even the completed investigation into the murder of Gabrielle Fisher. 4H admitted that it had been home-grown radical green terrorists and not Gmany's agents that had perpetrated the deed, ultimately making the Allies the unfortunate aggressors in the war.

However, the peace, quiet and understanding that immediately followed the war was not to last as a trade embargo was declared on the Allies nations by the LTO.

Third Liberalian War

Events leading to the war

After the collapse of the major alliances something of an unstable power vaccuum arose. No nation in the region had anywhere near the power for example the Allies had enjoyed, but this also resulted in less checks and balances on the behaviour of individual nations.

In this climate the nation of Kalikanna called other smaller and medium powers to a conference on the small island of Kalathessaloniki. The plan was most likely to form a group with a common interest which could provide security and the protection of interests in this new uncertain future. However, the overconfidence of the attending delegations and disputes with powerful nations such as Carops soon turned the tone of the conference a lot more aggressive.

The result was an embargo against the Pontanore by the Kalikannese Alliance, which Hasadon and Caldari then joined in an effort to improve their power position in the region. Entertaining a very real fear of isolation, Carops reacted with aggressive replies to the offending nations. As the situation got out of hand and talk of war became more and more common, the Wulgerian Union (one of the original attendees of the Kalikannese summit) attempted to move into neutrality and left the region in uncertainty regarding its diplomatic status.

As accusations of spying and sabotage ran abound, it was a surprise to some as Hasadon suddenly took the opportunity to declare war on the Kalikannese Alliance, despite previously having joined their embargo against Carops. Confronted with the threat of a Hasadonian war of conquest against the smaller powers, Leonstein, which had been uninvolved up to this point, affirmed its support for the Kalikannese Alliance, not least because of the belief that Joguk (which had recently returned independence to the people of Leonstein upon the return of the player to the region) would be one of the nations under threat.

The final constellation came about when Caldari joined Carops and Hasadon and the Wulgerian Union followed this move.

As a result the nations of the Kalikanna Summit (Curiaistan, Shawnworshippers, Kalikanna, Cheesyweesy; also known as the Curian Bloc) and Leonstein stood on one side, the three major powers of Carops, Hasadon and Caldari on the other, with the WU as support.

Jogukian Theatre

In the confusion of the days leading up to the war the military of Leonstein had originally thought to be fighting alongside Joguk, but as the country made a last-minute switch to support Caldari, this was not to be. This however meant that Leonstein was in effect violating a friendship treatly only signed days before.

The Leonsteiner Operation against Joguk.

Since Joguk was ruled by an unstable dictator, Leonstein's military machine had had plans for a war against the country for some time, and these came into effect immediately. The idea was to win a quick victory over the smaller and weaker Joguk, instigate a regime change and then use the country as an arena to stage an invasion of Gregon, from which in turn the mainlands of Carops and Caldari could come under attack. While Leonstein took this northern route, the hope was that the Kalikannese Alliance would overpower Hasadon and attack the major powers along a southern route.

The operation was to be centred around a main thrust through the mountain passes between the two countries, and two landings to overcome defensive positions. The first landing began only a day after the war was declared, with Marines conquering the small town of Hyongbo along the northern coast. The town's harbour was used to land several divisions of motorised infantry, which cut off the retreat from the mountain passes.

The main attack began at about the same time with a massive concentration of air power, artillery and infantry assaults. The Jogukian troops were soon in severe difficulties, facing a choice between standing and fighting to the death or a retreat into Joguk's interior, which was perfect tank country. They chose the former, and the few survivors fled into the woods were they continued to be a nuisance for the remainder of the war.

Once the mountain passes were taken, tank columns could make massive inroads in the flat country and its highway system. Pockets of resistance were encircled or bypassed and within a few days Leonsteiner troops reached the capital Kyongyang.

However, the resistance encountered here slowed the advance down sufficiently for significant numbers of troops from Caldari to arrive. The Battle for Kyongyang looked more and more like a major clash rather than the quick victory the Leonsteiner leadership had hoped for. This extra time allowed not only the landing of additional Caldari Forces, but the arrival of Caropsyne troops as well, ending the hope for a quick end to the war.

In the early days of the battle the Leonsteiner forces succeeded in encircling the city and cutting off the electricity. Skirmishes and firefights in northern suburbs, such as Sadong-guyŏk brought no clear winner as Jogukian and Caldari forces intensified their resistance. It was only the second landing, this time more than 15,000 Leonsteiner Marines landing directly in Kyongyang Bay, which turned the tide. Now under attack from two sides, the defenders had to retreat towards Kim Il Sung Square in the city centre.

At this point the Party Secretary Dae, the highest regime official still in the city, was presented with an official request for a Jogukian surrender, which he signed shortly after. This, although a propaganda victory, had little military value as Jogukian troops continued to fight alongside Caldari soldiers in Kyongyang or simply joined Caropsyne troops landing along the west coast. Nonetheless, an Interim Government was established at least on paper, and many Jogukians joined the Leonstein-trained Interim Stability Forces.

With the battle seemingly won, the Hasadonians suddenly got involved with a hair-raising maneuvre: many hundreds of transport aircraft made the flight to the city and proceeded to attempt an airborne assault about 100,000 strong. Even today many Latagonian families are deeply unhappy with this decision by the Confidahnt, to send so many of their sons and daughters on a mission which was doomed to failure. It has become a popular tale of folklore in Latagon and heroic deeds are often compared to the "Jump on Kyongyang". There is an elite group of Men in the Latagonian Aircorps, which are given the title of "The Devil's Squadron". These 1,400 men are the only survivors of the ill-fated jump, and are the only men in Liberalia to have been bestowed with the Golden Cross (Which was an award made especially for the men.)

With a sizable Leonsteiner fleet in the bay and an army holding most of the city, the assault faced stiff anti-air fire. Most of the planes were destroyed, many of them with the paratroopers still on board. There was little coordination, and many soldiers were simply happy to be out of the planes. During the night the city sank into chaos as any semblance of military structure or order disappeared. The Hasadonians were engaged wherever they landed, and when dawn finally came less than 20,000 paratroopers had managed to retreat to fortified housing blocks.

Only a day later the Caldari General Yi and the Sixth CPLA Army attempted to break the siege of the city after having his soldiers march all day and all night without break. But instead of becoming a celebrated hero, the General found himself in trouble when a pincer movement by the Leonsteiner Military threatened to destroy his forces. He gave the order to retreat shortly after.

The Battle ultimately ended with the Caldari Forces retreating northwest and coming under attack from the Leonsteiner Air Force, the last Hasadonian paratroopers either falling in combat or going into captivity and Kim Il Sung Square being held by the few surviving Jogukian and Caldari soldiers who were rapidly running out of ammunition.

The war ended abruptly at this point, with neither side having won a clear victory. Once again, the player in charge of Leonstein left the region and Forthampton and Joguk established an interim government.

The Fourth Liberalian War (also refered to as the Latagonian-Loslakian War)

coming soon

This isn't "The Fourth Liberalian War" It was a naval conflict...


The Caldari-Gevon War (also refered as the 5th Gevon War)

coming soon

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