Caldari Communist Party

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The Caldari Communist Party is the dominant party in the State after the fall of the Democratic Plutocracy and the outcome of destruction caused by the Civil War. The CPC is one of the three centers of power within the People's Republic of Caldari, the other two being the state apparatus and the People's Liberation Army. It is the main center of power in the PRC.

The relationship between party and state is somewhat different from that of the Communist Party of the Vladslepland, in which the party controlled the state. In the current PRC structure, power derives from the state position, but key state positions are invariably held by members of the party and the party through its organization department makes crucial decisions on who occupies what position. However, in contrast to the Vladslepland situation where the party had extra-legal authority, since the early 1990s, it has been established that the party is subject to rule of law and is therefore subject to the authority of the state and the Constitution of the People's Republic of Caldari.

Within the central government, the Party and state structures are fused with the leader of a ministry or commission also being the leader of the party body associated with that ministry. At the provincial or lower levels, the party and state heads are invariably separate, although the party head has a high state position and the state head has a high party position. Ihv7Ce Very informative article post.Thanks Again. Much obliged.


Young Pioneers of Caldari

The Young Pioneers of Caldariis a mass youth organization for children in the People's Republic of Caldari. The YP of Caldari is run by the Communist Youth League, an organization of older youth that comes under the Communist Party of Caldari. The YP of Caldari is similar to Pioneer Movements that exist or existed in many Communist countries around the world.


YP members consist of children between the ages of six and fourteen; upon reaching the age of fourteen, YP members automatically exit the YP and may go on to join the Communist Youth League.

There is an estimated 130 million YP members in Caldari.


According to the YP constitution, each school or village organizes a "large detachment" (Template:Zh-stp), which is divided into "medium detachments" (Template:Zh-stp) each corresponding to a class, which is then further divided into "small detachments" (Template:Zh-stp) each with a handful of members. Each small detachment has a leader and an assistant leader; each medium detachment is led by a committee of between three to seven members; and each large detachment is led by a committee of between seven and fifteen members. Adult leaders are chosen from either the Communist Youth League or from local teaching staff.


Coming Soon*


According to the YP Constitution, the flag is red, symbolizing the victory of the Revolution; the five-pointed star in the middle symbolizes the leadership of the Communist Party, while the torch symbolizes brightness down the path of communism.

The flag of each large detachment is 90 x 120 cm, while the flag of each medium detachment is 60 x 80 cm, with an isosceles triangle (60 x 20 cm) removed from the right side. The removed triangle corresponds to the red scarf worn by YP members.


The emblem consists of the star, the torch, and a banner reading "Young Pioneers of Caldari".


The red scarf (红领巾 hónglǐngjīn) is the only uniform item. Young Pioneers are often referred to simply as "Red Scarves"; the Investiture Ceremony often consists of new members having their scarves tied for them by existing members. Children wearing red scarves are a ubiquitous sight in Caldari.

The red scarf is generally worn around the neck and tied, with no woggle. Some local groups also come up with other uniform items.

The YP Constitution explains that the scarf corresponds to the missing triangle on the medium detachment flag. The Constitution also explains that the red of the scarf comes from the blood sacrificed by martyrs of the Revolution, and that all members should therefore wear the scarf with reverence.

Salute, Slogan, Conduct, Promise

The YP Salute consists of bending the right arm and raising the right hand directly above the head, the palm flat and facing downwards, and the fingers together. It symbolizes that the interests of the People supersede all.

The Slogan is: "Be prepared, to struggle for the cause of Communism!"
To which the reply is:
"Always be prepared!"

The stipulated conduct of YP members, according to the constitution, is: Honesty, Courage, Vivacity, Unity

The YP Promise is: I am a member of the Young Pioneers of China. Under the Pioneers Flag I promise that: I love the Communist Party of China, I love the motherland, I love the people; I will study well and keep myself fit [lit. exercise well], to prepare for: contributing my effort to the cause of communism.


The YP song is 我们是共产主义接班人 (We are the heirs of communism). The lyrics are:

|We are the heirs of communism,
Inheriting the glorious tradition of the forebearers of the Revolution;
[To] love the motherland and the people,
[While] the crimson red scarf flutters [or waves] at [our] chest.
[We] do not fear hardship, nor the enemy,
Studying hard and struggling with resolve;
Towards victory, [we] courageously advance,
Towards victory, [we] courageously advance,
Towards victory, [we] courageously advance;
We are the heirs of communism.

We are the heirs of communism,
Along the glorious path of the forebearers of the Revolution;
[To] love the motherland and the people,
"Young Pioneer Members" is our proud name.
Ever be prepared, to contribute [i.e. to the cause],
[And] to destroy completely the enemy.
For [our] ideal, [we] courageously advance,
For [our] ideal, [we] courageously advance,
For [our] ideal, [we] courageously advance;
We are the heirs of communism. |}

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