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Revision as of 22:22, 30 October 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

"Palta Calma"
(Caropsyne: "Loyal and Just")
Capital Aemont
Largest City Aemont
Official Languages Standard Caropsyne
  • Premier
  • Chair of the Fostana
  • Interior Minister
Democracy/Constutional Monarchy
Dr. Phodric Dormond
Rolmand, Lord Roth
Dr. Haldric Maldian
Formation 5650 Years PTE (Lindite Conquest)
(6730 Years PTE (Formation of Gingar))
 • Total
 • Water (%)

75.466 mi diameter. (06 Apr. 05)
 • Civilians
 • Military

13,450,000 (06 Apr. 05)
67,000 Naval(06 Apr. 05)
National Anthem Theomem
National Animal Red Goat
  • Gross Individual
  • After Taxes

Literacy Rate: 94.5% )
Currency 1 Pontanore Credit ($) = 100 Pontanore Tributes
 • Strategic Indutries
(April 5th, 2005)
Oil, Coal, Textiles
Sugar, Copper, Lead, Tin,
Rubber, Chemicals, Plastics, Fertilisers

Jajiland is a territory of The Caropsyne Pontanore in Charlia. It was conquered by Caropsyne during the Great Charlian Expansion, and was one of the original colonies of Carops. The native people of Jajiland are the Jaj, however much of the population is now made up of Caropsyne and Ardalian settlers and their descendents. Jajiland has been engulfed with internal difficulties in recent years, which has led to it being regarded as the most wayward member of the Pontanore, with substantial economic problems arising from current unrest. It is typically the case that native Jaji dominate rural areas, whereas Caropsynes occupy urban centres.

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