Ebbert Memorial United Methodist Church

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Ebbert Memorial United Methodist Church
Building Description
Architectdesigned by Albert J. Crandall and built by T. J. McCracken
Original OwnerEbbert Memorial United Methodist Church
Initial UseReligious
Square Footage
Address530 'C' St.
Zip Code97477
Historical Importance Distinctions
Historical church




The first church to organize in the Springfield area was the McKenzie Forks Baptist Church, which met in the Bogart Schoolhouse. The congregation moved its meeting place to the city in 1869, and renamed itself the First Baptist Church. Two years later they erected the first church building in Springfield. The church that was to become Ebbert Memorial United Methodist was organized in 1868, with John H. Adams as the first pastor. This group did not construct a church building until 1885. The 1860 census lists a “preacher” living in Springfield precinct by the name of J.M. Dick of the “M-P” denomination (U.S. Census Office 1860).

Traditions and Milestones


While most of te principal events and traditions described in this history are included in other sections there are a few that can be included only in a description od the congregation as a whole.

From as early as 1882 week long revival meetings, usually with outside speakers, became yearly events. They were characteristically quite emotional and included services of "healing." One church member recalls the time the author of "The Old Rugged Cross," Rev. George Bennard, was the evangelist. He gave each one a copy of this hymn. In the 1940s the emphasis and structure of the meetings began to change. In 1952 a mass Evangelist Mission was held for Methodists in the Eugene area and in 1954 Rev. Lloyd Holloway conducted a Preaching Mission at Ebbert. While the tone and approach changed, each year brought a form of renewal meetings such as the Family Life Conferences, Christian Renewal Mission, Lay Witness, and Prayer Workshop in 1966-1967. In 1985-1986 the "Ten Brave Christians" and "The Key Events" (preaching events on t he four major aspects of the life of Christ-Advent, Crucifixation, Resurrection, and Pentecost) were additional types of renewal programs.

Many traditions can not be traced to their origins but the following were begun many years ago:

The candlelight Christmas Eve sevice is first mentioned in the records for 1950, Advent Craft Night for 1969, and the Maundy Thursday Silent Meal for 1962.

All church picnics each summer, with some exceptions, were held traditionally at the vacation home up the McKenzie River of Dr. and Mrs. Pollard in the 1940s and before. The story is told that one year when the river was particularly high Dr. Pollard went to the basement to get his wife's canned kraut to go with the usual German winers, he found the quart jars floating on the water. How he retrieved them is not clear. Later in the 1950s the annual picnic was held at Armitage Park. Lloyd and Jane Thomas have hosted this affair from 1965 on into the 1980s at their Wayside Loop home.

Other traditions have been frequent family nights, One Great Hour of Sharing, Great Day of Singing, 24 hour prayer vigils, Layman's Sunday, and near to budget making time, every member canvasses such as Loyalty Dinners, Circuit Riders, Pony Express, etc.

One very valuable educational happening each year for as long as most can remember has been the yearly all church mission studies, usually held one night per week for one month. Members of the congretation have an opportunity to become qcquainted with other cultures around the world and to understand the problems and issues related to both foreign and home mission fields.

Communion service at the worship series on the first Sunday of each month has been traditional since 1968 or before.

Financial support beyond the local church has always been the norm. UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) has been the most prominent in recent years.

On January 7, 1962 two Sunday morning worship services were scheduled for 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. but were later changed to 8:30 and 11:00. They remain that way to this day.

The church and parsonage were designed by Albert J. Crandall and built by T. J. McCracken. The church features Povey Brothers leaded glass windows.


September 25 to October 1, 1917. The Oregon Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Sixty-fifth Session, was held in Springfield. Rev. S.A. Danforth, D.D. was pastor. The presiding bishop was Matthew Simpson Hughes, D.D., L.L.D.

July 25, 1955. Homecoming and Sharing of Heritage was observed at the morning service which was followed by a potluck in the church basement.

June 12, 1966. The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the erection of the Ebbert Memorial Methodist Church building was marked by a dinner held for church members past and present. Several members from earlier days who had moved away were able to attend. The Rev. John C. Radmore preached the sermon. The Rev. Ross Knotts was pastor and Naomi Davis was chairman of the planning committee.

1968. Speakers for the Centennial Events in celebration of the 100th year since the Methodist congregation was organized were: The Rev. Ross Knotts, The Rev. Harold Shellhart, and the Rev. Roy Finch. Dortha Fullerton was selected to be historian for the year. The Rev. Carl Mason was the pastor.

1981. The Springfield Historical Society requested permission to designate the Ebbert Memorial United Methodist Church building as an historic building.

June, 1981 to 1984. The Rev. Austin Ray was appointed Associate Minister. He was the first black minister to be appointed in a predominately white church. The congregation grew in its understanding of people from other backgrounds and viewpoints and experienced a sharing relationship.

October 7, 1984. The Bi-Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Methodist Church in the United States was held at the Hult Center for Performing Arts in Eugene. Nineteen Wesley related churches of Lane County cooperated in the event. Ebbert's adult choir as well as the Bell Choir participated in the program.

June 9, 1985. On Robin Rokey Sunday the congregation honored the organist for his exceptional talent with a love offering of more than $1,000.

Buildings, Properties, and Memorials


Prior to 1868, one can only speculate by whom and how a meager groundwork was laid for Methodism in the Springfield area. We do know, however, there were sixteen members and four probationers enrolled in 1868 at the time John H Adams was appointed pastor to serve the vast Springfield Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The size of the circuit varied somewhat from time to time. For example in 1871, Springfield, Goshen, Lowell, Fall Creek, Unity, Camp Creek, Mohawk, Coburg and possibly others in private homes were included in one circuit. The arrangement of the circuit could vary; i.e. Creswell became its own circuit at one time, then returned to the Springfield circuit. Springfield was at one time part of the Eugene circuit.

The services in Springfield in 1868 were held in a small school house on Mill Street between D Street and E Street- the same location where the present Springfield School District Administration Building stands. Homes, schools, store buildings were sometimes used for services in areas around the circuit. The first parsonage was built at about this same time for $500. Information is not readily available as to where it was located nor whether it was the same one which was located next to the church built in 1885. Quarterly conference records for 1886 mention church and parsonage.

In 1871, the Methodists were invited to share the Baptist Church building at Second and C Streets. They were permitted to use the building at times when it was not in use otherwise. This amicable relationship continued for about ten years. Then difficulties began to arise. As a consequence in 1881 the Methodists acquired a store building on Main Street between Second and Third Streets for their services.

In 1885 an important milestone was reached when they built their own "new white" church on the south-east corner of Second and B Streets. Along with the parsonage that stood beside it, this church building housed the activities of the Springfield Methodists and facilitated the steady growth of the congregation. Preaching services were held at varying frequencies, i.e. in 1894 the pastor preached in Springfield twice per month, and in Coburg, Mohawk, Camp Creek, Walterville and Leaburg once per month. The Springfield congregation became self-supporting in 1905 and two years later it was separated from the circuit and was made a station permanently. It had been made a station in 1891 but was returned to the circuit three years later. There were now 135 full members and thirteen probationers. The church building was valued at $800.

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