Owsley, William M.

From Lane Co Oregon

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At a circuit court begun and held at the Court house in the Town of Osceola within and for the county of St. Clair and State of Missouri on Monday the 2nd day of March AD 1857 Present[1]

Dewitt C. Ballou Judge

James W. Beck Clerk

Daniel P. Morgan Sheriff

Thos W. Freeman Cir atty

Page 210:

March Term 1857

Pendleton Motley � Plff


Matthew Arbuckle & William M. Owsley and Joseph H. Green & Joshua L. Green administrators of the Estate of Joseph H. Green Dec�d � Defts

Civil Action

Now at this day comes into court here the Said Plaintiff by his attorney and on his Motion It is ordered by the court here that this Suit be dismissed as to the said Defendant William M. Owsley. And the Said defendants Matthew Arbuckle & Joseph H. Green and Joshua L. Green being three times Solemnly called comes not but make default And there being no answer to said plaintiffs petition wherefore the said plaintiffs action remains against the Said defendants undefended And it appearing to the court here from the actions of the Sheriffs of St. Clair and other counties that each and all of said last named defendants have been duly served with process in this cause more than Twenty days before the first day of this term of this court by copy Wherefore Judgment ought to be rendered for want of answer And this action being founded upon a promissory note for the direct payment of money where by the amount due as principal and interest is by the court here ascertained and found to be the sum of Five hundred and Twenty eight Dollars and fifteen cents which said Sum is by the court here assessed against the said defendants Matthew Arbuckle and against the said Joseph H. Green and Joshua L. Green as Administrators of the estate of the Said Joseph H. Green Dec�d It is therefore considered by the court here that the said Plaintiff have and recover against the Said defendants Matthew Arbuckle and against the said Joseph H. Green and Joshua L. Green as administrators of the Estate of the said Joseph H. Green Deceased the Said Sum of $528.15 cents So found and assessed by the court as aforesaid together with his costs in this behalf laid out and expended and that he have against the


St. Clair County Circuit Court[2]

Microfilm Transcripts


Page 24: In Vacation

Amos G. Groom � Plaintiff against John W. Frazier, Nancy Frazier, Dorothy Graves, Martha Roberts, Abigail Bright, Abner Frazier, Andrew Frazier, William Frazier, John W. Frazier, Jane C. Frazier, Nancy A. Frazier, Hannah Frazier, Smith G. Masterson, Absalom Boots and Elizabeth Boots his wife, William M. Owsley and Maria L. Owsley his wife � Defendants Petition to correct Mistake in deed of Conveyance Now at this day comes the plaintiff by his attorney and files herein his petition in this cause And it appearing from the said petition and affidavit thereunto that all of said defendants (except the said Absalom Boots and Elizabeth Boots his wife) are nonresidents of the State of Missouri. It is therefore ordered by the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of St. Clair County Missouri that said nonresident defendants be notified of the commencement of this action by publication as follows To John W. Frazier, Nancy Frazier, Dorothy Graves, Martha Roberts, Abigail Bright, Abner Frazier, Andrew Frazier, William Frazier, John W. Frazier, Jane C. Frazier, Nancy A. Frazier, Hannah Frazier, Smith G. Masterson, William M. Owsley and Maria L. Owsley the above named nonresident defendants You and each of you are hereby notified that said Plaintiff has filed his petition and commenced suit against you and the other defendants above named in the circuit court of St. Clair county Missouri the object and general nature of which is to obtain from said court a Judgment and decree for the correction of mistakes in certain deeds of conveyance mentioned in said petition and vesting in said plaintiff all the right title interest and claim of any or all of

Page 25:

In Vacation

Said defendants in or to the South west fractional quarter (east of Osage river) and the South west quarter of the South east quarter of Section thirty one in Township Thirty eight of Range Twenty six containing 94 and 52/100 acres of and Situated in the County of St. Clair and State of Missouri and divesting the said defendants of all claims thereto So that said plaintiff his heirs and assigns will not be disturbed in the peaceable and quiet possession of said tracts of land forever And that unless you be and appear before the Judge of the St. Clair circuit court at the court house in the Town of Osceola at the next term of said court to be begun and held on Monday the fifth day of September next and on or before the third day of said term plead answer or demur to said petition the same will be taken as confessed by you said non resident defendants And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published in the �Osceola Democrat� as the law directs.

James W. Beck Clerk

In vacation July 8th 1859

Samuel H. Martin Adm�r and Elizabeth Deshazo Admrx of the Estate of Richard Deshazo Dec�d � Plaintiff and Appellants


James Pace � Deft and appellee

Now at this day comes the said defendant and appellee in this cause and dismisses this cause at her costs and releases the said Plaintiff and appellees from the payment of the Judgment rendered against them in this cause in the Justices court before Joseph A. Hall a Justice of the peace of the county of St. Clair and State of Missouri Therefore this cause is by me dismissed at the costs of said Defendant the appellee.

James W. Beck clerk


We do not know just when the church began meeting, but by 1871 the Springfield Church reported 60 members. Early members included both Briggs families and Dr. William M. and Mariah Owsley.

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