Hills, Cornelius J

From Lane Co Oregon

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This pioneer of Lane County was born in Madison county, New York, in the year 1818, and at as early a date as October, 1847, took up a claim on the Middle Fork of the Willamette River, where he has since resided. In the historical portion of this work the name of Mr. Hills occurs frequently, while it is to such men of character and force that the world owes such splendid heritages as Lane county and Oregon generally. He married in Iowa, February 19, 1851, Sophrona P. Briggs, and has seven children, viz: Henrietta, Jessie, Jasper B., John A., Sheridan P., Joel S., and Ellijah.

"Illustrated History of Lane County, Oregon." Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, publisher, 1884. pg. 490.

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