Coffin, J. Wilbur

From Lane Co Oregon

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==Eugene Daily Guard, [[November 3]], [[1913]]==
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==The Morning Oregonian, [[November 18]], [[1913]]==
==The Morning Oregonian, [[November 18]], [[1913]]==
[[Category:Springfield residents (1900)]]
==The Eugene Daily Guard, [[January 3]], [[1914]]==
{{1914 01 3}}
[[Category:Springfield residents (1900s)]]

Current revision as of 20:45, 9 August 2008

[edit] Eugene Daily Guard, November 3, 1913


Prohibition Forces Win by Majority of 58


Nearly Entire Citizens' Ticket Is Elected - Hot Fight Closes

Violent partisan feeling ran high in Springfield today as an aftermath of the particularly bitter election fight that has been waged in the neighboring city. Many waited until the entire vote was counted at a late hour this morning and there is some talk of contesting the election. Reports to the contrary are also circulated and it is not known definitely as to what the ultimate action will be. The "drys" are naturally jubilant over the 58 majority which rendered the city saloonless and the "wet" interests are just as full of gloom.

Charles L. Scott was elected mayor over B.A. Washburne by 38 votes and an entire landslide for the Citizens' ticket followed with the exception of Mark Peery, who was elected councilman.

The women took an active interest in both the campaign and the election, polling about 400 votes out of the 1000 cast at the election.

Here is the Result

The result of the final count is as follows:

For Mayor - Charles L. Scott, citizens' ticket. 508. B. A. Washburne, people's progressive ticket, 470.

For councilmen- two elected) J. Randolph Barr, people's progressive ticket, 467; J.W. Coffin, citizen's ticket, 481; Mark Peery, people's progressive ticket, 481; Thomas Sikes, people's progressive ticket, 463.

For Recorder - John C. Mullen people's progressive ticket, 437; Herbert E. Walker, citizen's ticket, 517.

For Treasurer - Lillian Gorrie, citize's ticket, 508; E.R. Lemley, people's progressive ticket, 446.

For Prohibition - 502; against prohibition 444.

Charter Amendment - The common council shall not grant any license for the sale of intoxicating liquor, yes, 440. no, 482.

Paving Street Intersections - Yes, 385. no, 429.

To levy a tax to help support a band, yes, 477. no, 354.

Repealing assessment for the paving of Fifth Street, yes 360, no, 410.

Closing moving picture shows on Sunday evenings, yes 401. No, 517.

Imposing a license fee on theatres, moving picture shows and like entertainments, yes 470. no, 558.

[edit] The Morning Oregonian, November 18, 1913


November 17 - (Special.) - A new city administration was installed tonight when Charles L. Scott, cashier of the First National Bank, assumed the duties of Mayor here. At the same time J.W. Coffin and M.M. Peery became Councilmen, Miss Lillian Gorrie, Treasurer, and Herbert E Walker, Recorder. The hold-over Councilmen are Carl S Fischer and Melvin Fenwick.

Mr. Scott came to Oregon in 1882 and was a school teacher for 12 years and for four years was a Deputy Sheriff. For 13 years he has been engaged in the banking business in Eugene and Springfield.

Miss Gorrie has had experience in her office, having served as a deputy under A.A. Morrison (sic) and Mr. Lemley.

[edit] The Eugene Daily Guard, January 3, 1914


Mayor of Springfield is Kept in Office by the Decision of Judge Harris


Contest Case is Decided Today - Scott Not Guilty of Violating the Law

The "drys" of Springfield won their third victory in court since the election on November 4, when Judge Harris of the circut court, decided this forenoon that Charles L Scott, whose office was contested by the "wets" shall retain his seat.

Judge Harris has handed down no written decision, but gave an oral decree as he did in the case against Councilman J.W. Coffin just a week ago. He dismissed the proceedings against Scott and declared that he was entitled to the office.

In giving his decision Judge Harris declared he had found that Mayor Scott had not been guilty of violating the corrupt practices act in any way, but criticised the "drys," as he did in deciding the Coffin case, for having sent for Tom Kay, the detective, and his assistants, instead of appealing to the sheriff's office whn was deemed expedient to enforce what they believed to be the law in regard to the qualification of voters. The judge said that there was no doubt that this action engendered much bad feelings.

In regard to the sandwiches which Mayor Scott took to the polling place on the day of election, Judge Harris held that this was in no way a violation of the corrupt practices act, but that the mayor took them merely as an accommodation to the judges and clerks of election and not to influence any votes.

The first victory won by the prohibition forces in court was when Judge Harris denied the petition enjoin the county court from declaring the result of the local option election, the second was last Saturday afternoon when he declared that Councilman J.W. Coffin was entitled to retain his office and the third is in seating Mayor Scott. While the "wets" declare that they will appeal to the supreme court, the "drys" declare that there is little chance for a revival of the decision of the lower court and feel secure in their victories. The city of Springfield is now "dry" and the prohibition adherents declare that it shall never again become "wet."

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