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Delhi is a nation in northwest India.


In 1925 the syndicalist revolution in Britain precipitated the collapse of the British Empire, the constituent parts of which were rather abruptly left to find their own way. In India a combination of princes, rajahs, nationalists and syndicalists started to fight for the control of the sub-continent. During those riots, some elite Sikh regiments refused to take arms against their compatriots giving an example for large numbers of other troops in the indigene army. The revolts quickly spread to the rest of India. During the chaos, the Sikh Confederacy decided to support the newly founded state of Delhi hoping to gain semi-autonomy in Punjab. However this autonomy was refused and martial law proclaimed.

A group of Sikh fanatics and seperatists closed themselves in the Sikh Holy City of Armitsar. Two days later, a British soldier in the Dehli army oneArthur Hale leading a band of ninety soldiers armed with machines guns and mustard gas attempted too expell the rebels by force, breaking the negociations. This attack was succesful and the Dehlian forces captured the city of Amrisar, breaking the back of the Sikh rebellion.

Realising the impossibility of these tumultuous events being resolved favourably for the Empire, Governor-General Isaacs chose to create a free nation in the northwest of India under his leadership in the hopes that some day the Royalists would return to Britain and the Empire be restored. The move received harsh criticism from some, India as a united colony was after all was still considered ‘the Jewel of the Empire’, but the Royalist government in Canada realised and accepted the necessity of the move in keeping a hold of the sub-continent.The new state of Delhi has thus remained in a close partnership with Canada and her allies of the former Entente, and it was agreed that in order to appease the local population Muhammed Shuja Al-Mulk should be placed on the throne as Prince of Delhi, to be advised by a mixed group of Indians and British advisors. In the decade since its formation Delhi has struggled to consolidate her position in India, clearing out several of the smaller regimes that had sprung up, and maintaining a strong front against the syndicalist forces in Bengal.However while Delhi remains strong against external threats, internal divisions are widening. Political clashes concerning national vs. regional power are resulting in a polarisation of political life, manifesting in the Sanghavadi and Rashtravadi Parties. Unless action is taken this political infighting may end up tearing Delhi apart from within. The road ahead for Delhi looks difficult no matter what course it steers.

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