From Kaiserreich
Denmark is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered by the Netherlands, Germany and Commune of France.
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The Belgian army, commanded by King Albert himself, was the first that fought the German armies during the Great War and among the other vanquished armies during the defeat of France. With the land under German occupation, Belgium was forced to comply to every single term : Belgian Congo becoming another German holding in Africa, and the country itself ceased to function under the same name. Inspired by the speeches of Jules Destrée, German experts concluded that a federal state was the only chance to avoid riots between the Flemish and Walloons. Thus, the kingdom of Flandern-Wallonien - Flanders-Wallonia in German – was created, headed by the Kaiser’s third son, Adalbert von Hohenzollern, and the former head of German occupation authorities, August Borms, still de facto head of the government.
The federal structure of Flanders-Wallonia give the states of Flanders and Wallonia a high degree of autonomy. The states are sovereign in questions like taxation, budget and they both have a sovereign police force. Matters concerning national defense, foreign policy and other higher functions are decided by the Federal Government and the King.
Foreign relations
Flanders-Wallonia has very close relations with Germany, and grants military access for German units. Considered the "Vanguard in the west", like United Baltic Duchy in the east, the country has cold relations with Commune of France.