Talk:Union of Britain

From Kaiserreich

Revision as of 20:37, 13 August 2008 by MaskedPickle (Talk | contribs)

Couldn't UoB's national anthem be "The Red Flag" instead of L'Internationale? - KanaX

Maybe, after all, the UoB is not part of the International Syndicalist Alliance (unlike Sicily or France). Also, it could serve as that vestige of national pride that the British always hold (like entering the EU but not adopting the Euro as currency in OTL) - DarkReborn

Well, I changed it -KanaX

hey, can anyone find a better version of the UoB flag?--Kuzux 05:17, 13 August 2008 (PDT)

Unfortunately, the flags were first on T-Hiddeman website, but the latter ceased to exist. I tried to do what I could; I only hope KanaX has better versions of the flag.

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