Kaiserreich Updates

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== Kaiserreich version 1.2 Changelog 25/07/2010 (for Armageddon 1.3b) ==
===New events===
* La Plata: Two minister death events added.
* Austria: Three death events added.
* Bohemia: One death event added.
* Swedish event for the death of Prince Gustav Adolf.
* Qing event for the 100-year anniversary of the Opium War.
* Death of Xan Xishan events added for Fengtien Republic.
* Events for a Swedish defeat by Denmark (Surrenders Malmo & Karlskrona).
* Events for a Finnish defeat by UoB, CoF, or CSA (Becomes Puppet).
* USA: One minister death event added.
* Slovenia: One minister death event added.
* Event set added for the fate of Puerto Rico.
* Additional events for Qing conquering neighbours.
* Event for Qing to eliminate useless Shangqing forts.
* New Galician events for Potocki's Cabinet Crisis (7300), Daszynski's Death (7301 & 7203), & post-Ausgleich events (7360-7367).
* Added 'Tarnow Refinery' events for GLD, POL, AUS, & HUN.
* Galicia: One minister death event added.
* New starting cabinet for CAI-FNT set in the 'CNT Spain Rises Up!' event (91207).
* Added new option to the 'A Loyal Puppet in Paris?' events (666062 & 666063) to further divide France among Normandy, Brittany, & Occitania.
* New event sets for the Fifth and Sixth Congresses of the Greater Italian Union (1941 & 1946) for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
* New event sets for Democratic Revolution and Free Election in the Socialist Republic of Italy and the Italian Federation.
* Hungary: One minister death event added.
* In the 'Bill C-7: Re-Organizing the Army' events (830015 & 830016), full conscription now gives +10 MP & +25% MP per year, & partial conscription now gives +5 MP % +10% MP per year.
* Random element added to trigger of 'The Death of Billy Bishop' event (830034), so that a player cannot plan the usage of the Bishop tech team knowing the exact date it is going to be deactivated.
* 'The Future of the War Effort' event (830030) removed, and replaced by two events, 'The British Royal Command Staff' (830031), which may activate the Keyes & Trenchard tech teams, and the 'Investing in Canadian Industry' event, which may activate the Victory Aircraft and CARDE tech teams.
* New Canadian event sets: Conscription Riots (830050-830053), The Georgian Line (830060-830062), Emergency Reserves (830070), and the Queen Mary Way (830080).
* 'The Death of J. S. Woodsworth' events now trigger for the Socialist Republic of Canada instead of Canada.
* CSA Event for the 10-year anniversary of the death of Bonnie & Clyde.
* New event set for the Peaceful Unification of Italy after Democratic Elections.
* New event set for Colombia: La Violencia (mid-40s election and aftermath).
* New event set for the Second Congress of the Internationale.
* New event set for economic aid from the CoF and UoB to smaller Syndicalist states (Phalanstere).
* New event set for Honduras, Panama, and the United Provinces, if left-wing, to join Centroamerica.
* The 'Guy Fawkes Day' event (555619) for the UoB now occurs every year on November 5th, not just in 1936.
* UoB: Four minister death events added.
* New event set for the UoB for a 1937 TUC chairmanship election if the 1936 election is deadlocked.
* New event set for the UoB on the sortie of the Republican Navy and the international response.
* New event set for Canada to aid an Entente-aligned Ireland.
* New event for Bulgaria for Symeon II to ascend the throne in 1955 if Kyril de Preslav is still regent.
* Significantly revised and expanded domestic events for Russia.
* Effects of the 'Politicans and Economic Reform' event (627015 CSX) adjusted, largely in terms of ministers put in office.
* On achieving independence, Korean HoS is now Yi Un and HoG is Yi Gang.
* Korea will now receive fewer supplies and industrial goods on achieving independence.
* Death dates for the 'Attempted Rebellion in Korea!' event (340080) and the 'Rebellion in Korea!' event (340085) changed to 1959.
* New event set for the end of the Argentine-Brazilian war.
* New event set for Japan demanding German colonies in Asia if Germany has been defeated in Europe and forced into exile.
* The two Arab Revolt events (91327 & 91328) now occur in 1944 and 1946 respectively.
* New event set for Arab unrest in the Ottoman Empire in 1938-39.
* New events for EUS, SPA, & SPR to activate/deactivate tech teams.
* New event set for the return of Spanish African colonies from National France if the Carlists win the Spanish Civil War.
* Choice C of 'The Assassination of Kerensky' event (750000) now makes Mikhail A. Meandrov the Head of Military Intelligence.
* New event set for Russia to upgrade the Igor V. Kurchatov & Sergei P. Korolev tech teams.
* Sweden: One death event added.
* New event sets for the United Kingdom on the succession to the National Party leadership and the Second General Election.
* Don-Kuban Union: One minister death event added.
* New event sets for Serbia on the death/removal of Milutin Nedic.
* New event for Serbia on access to the Adriatic.
* New event set for the British Empire on the Royal Atlantic Aeronautics Corporation and the Imperial Scientific and Academic Council.
* New event for Sweden on the creation of the Stockholm bishopric.
* Significantly revised and restructured Japanese events.
* Death date for the 'Rebellion in Korea!' event (340082) changed to 1959
* New events for a unified Italy to gain tech teams from the other annexed Italian state.
* Random trigger in 'The Death of Pius XI' event (91500) changed from 5 to 7.
* Random trigger in 'The Papal Conclave' event (91506) changed from 25 to 50, and the offset from 10 to 8.
* Choice C of 'The Papal Conclave' event (91506) now sets Luigi Einaudi as Armament Minister.
* New event set for the Italian Federation for a second Papal Conclave, possible from 1948.
* Italian Federation: 34 minister death events added.
* New event for the Qing Empire on the wedding of Puyi.
* New event for the Union of Britain on the publication of Blair's 'The Union in Forty Years'.
* New Soviet event on the anniversary of the death of Lenin.
* New events for Austria-Hungary and the Danubian Federation for the annexation of Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Poland.
* Norway: One death event added.
* Adjusted events for returning leaders from Canada to the United Kingdom to account for added leaders.
* New event set for the United Kingdom on the career of Randolph Churchill.
* Starting money and manpower pool for the United Kingdom raised to 100 and 50 respectively in 'The Liberation of the United Kingdom' event (830160).
* New event for Russia on choosing a naval doctrine path.
* New event for Brazil on the founding of Brasilia.
* New event set for Prussia on breaking away from the Commune of France and Syndicalism.
* New event for Canada on the retirement of the old guard.
* New events for CSX, CHI, and CXB to grant independence to Tannu Tuva.
* New event set for New England on the rise of New England nationalism.
* Adjusted AI chance of choices in the 'Canada Responds to the AUS Demands' and 'New England Stands Alone' events (91726 & 91727).
* Choice A of the 'New England Refuses to Surrender' event (91729) now increases dissent by 5 instead of 10.
* New event set for National France on the leadership question.
* New event set for Syndicalist states on the Totalist Charter.
* New event sets for the Union of Britain on the Postwar Congress, a Mosley Dictatorship, the British Civil War, and Lawrence of Germania.
* Union of Britain: Six minister death events added.
* New event for Canada on prominent Britons returning home, to accomodate the new British Civil War event set.
* Adjusted AI chance for choices in 'The Legation Cities' event (924990) and the 'Qing Demands' event (924991).
* Choices A to C of the 'Inner China Reunited' event (925000) now has the AI prepare for war, and AI chance for choice B & D adjusted.
* Choices A & B of 'The Next Station' event (925008, 925023, & 925024) now has the AI prepare for war.
* Adjusted AI chance for choices in the 'We are in a bad situation' event (925011).
* Choice A of the 'Tibet' (925025), 'Mongolia' (925026), & 'Fengtain' (925027) events now has the AI prepare for war.
* New event picture for 'The Annexation of Romania' (996021) & 'The Annexation of Serbia' (996032) events.
* Split the old 'Lost Territory Regained' event (966602) into two new events for Greece regaining the Aegean Islands and regaining Crete.
* Choice A of the 'Ulan Bator Captured' event (555406) now sleeps the Sternberg leader/minister/tech team & the Mongolian Transiberian Rail Company, & wakes the Mongol Rail Company.
* Choice A of the 'Transamur is Russian!' event (750068) now sleeps the various Kolchak ministers.
* Various fixes and improvements to Taiwan events.
* New event set for Russia on conquering various rivals.
* New event set for Germany to call on former Weltkreig allies if it is losing a war to France.
* Three flavour events for Colombia.
* The 'Korean Uprising', 'Hungarian Uprising', and 'Austrian Uprising' events (758212 to 758214) are now persistent, with an offset of 100 instead of 20.
* For the 'Prussian Revolution' event (3206300), the random trigger has been increased from 20 to 40, and the offset reduced from 70 to 50.
* Choice C of the 'Siberian Policy' event (751041) now has Transamur guarantee Siberia.
* Choice A of 'The Second Reconquista' event (3967074) & the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967101, & 3967115) now adjusts relations with EUS by +25, while choice B now adjusts relations with EUS by -10 and SPA & SPR by +10.
* Choice A of the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967076, 3967079, 3967081, & 39670791) now adjusts relations with EUS & SPA by -20, and SPR by +25, while choice B now adjusts relations with SPR by -10, and SPA & SPR by +10.
* 'The Brasilian Trade Unions Take Control' event (650008) now adjusts relations with the CSA by +100.
* The trigger and offset of the 'Reunification of Germany' (3206309) event adjusted.
* New event set for Prussia/Germany on the Reunification of Germany.
* New event for the UoB on the passing of Tom Mann.
* Updated the startup events.
===Political Changes===
* New country: Socialist Republic of Canada (U28). This country is liberated (instead of Canada) if either the UoB or CSA conquer Canada.
* New country: Formosa (U30). Includes 80+ events on Formosan independence and subsequent political and economic developments.
* New starting Chief of Army (Ambrosio) & Chief of Navy (Riccardi) for the Italian Federation.
* Russia starts with a new Minister of Security (Shingarev), Head of Military Intelligence (Oldenburg), and Chief of Army (Kornilov).
* Added missing HoS to Polish minister file (Friedrich Christian Wettin).
* Added many new ministers for many countries (ITA, RSI, RUS, ENG among them)
* Added province picture for Bratislava.
* Added province picture for Yekaterinodar (256).
* Fourteen province pictures added.
* Many new event pictures added for Russian and Soviet events.
* New event picture for the Eid ul-Fitr events.
* New flags for Bulgaria, Greece, Nanjing Government and Canada.
* Syndicalist Brazil-Bolivian alliance events now work properly.
* Choice A of the 'Treasures of the Forbidden City event (666700) now affects relations with Germany by +30, while choice B affects relations with Germany by -50.
* The 1936 version of the Sedan Day event (666701) has been rescripted to be persistent, occurring each year on the same date, while the other Sedan Day events (666739-666765) have been removed.
* The 'Hoffman vs von Richthofen' event (666704) now requires either that Germany owns Daressalam (1140), or that Mittelafrika exists and is not at war with Germany.
* The 'Gustave Roth is the Boxing World Chamption' event (666714) now reduces dissent by 1, and the text has been cleaned up.
* The 'Gustav V visits Germany' event (666723) now requires that Gustav V is Sweden's Head of State.
* The 'Gabriele d'Annunzio dies' event (666726) now requires that RSI exists, that Italy and RSI are not at war, and that Italy does not own every province in southern Italy.
* The 'Mustafa Kemal Pasha dies' event (666727) now also sleeps the Kemal tech team.
* The 'Anthony Fokker dies' event (666729) now requires that the Netherlands exists, and that the Netherlands and Germany are not at war.
* The 'Neville Chamberlain dies' event (666730) now requires that the United Kingdom does not exist.
* The 'Admiral Beatty's Last Request' event (666737) now triggers if any Canadian is Chief of the Navy. As well, the text and the dissent hits have been adjusted.
* Death date of the Mustafa Kemal Pasha tech team (15706) has been changed from 1938 to 1939, to account for its being slept in the course of 1938 by the death of Kemal event (666727).
* Sino Coalition events (63027, 63029, & 63031) now check to make sure Qing exists, & that Qing & the given Chinese minor are not at war.
* Fixed scripting of US exile units in the 'US Government in Exile' event (909015).
* The return of Nevada & Idaho events (909025 & 909026) now require that the USA exists.
* Fixed trigger in the Pacific Question event (911006), which prevented it from occurring.
* The Union of Britain at War event (91280), which likely results in Canada DOWing the UoB, will no longer trigger if Canada is a puppet or is already at war with UoB, GER, USA, CSA, TEX, or CAL.
* The 'Sarnok Oil Fields' event (7341), the 'Krosno Oil Fields' event (7343), & the 'Strachocina Gas Deposits' event (7344) now requires that Galicia own Przemysl (489).
* The 'Boryslaw Oil Fields' event (7342) now requires that Galicia own Styrj (500).
* Fixed duplicate ID errors in ROM & URU minister files.
* Fixed several cases where the 'manpower' command was incorrectly used instead of 'manpowerpool'.
* Removed erroneous sleepevent commands from 'The Assassination of Kerensky' event (750000).
* The 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union?' events (771030 to 771033) now requires that the Don-Kuban Union exists.
* The 'Ulan Bator Captured' event (555405) now requires that Mongolia exists, & that Russia & Mongolia are at war.
* Fixed trigger of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 to 771020).
* The 'American Union Refugees' event (55555992) will no longer trigger if Cuba is 'communist'.
* Error in the trigger of 'The People of the America First are Integrated into the CSA' event (908907), which gives a victorious CSA cores on the US South, fixed (the error prevented the event from firing).
* Missing command line added to choice B of the 'Socialism and Smuggling in Indo-China' event (105250).
* Added commands to choice C of 'The Kaiser's Decision' event (90504) to remove the bonuses given by the two land doctrines (Firepower Focus and Superior Firepower) that Germany starts the game with (though choice C currently deactivates these two techs, deactivation alone does not remove the bonuses the techs give).
* The model level of the German battleships SMS Bismarck and SMS Tirpitz, activated via the German Naval Construction events, have been reduced from 4 to 3, on the basis that Germany should not be getting '41 BBs in 1937 & 1938.
* Events 90527 & 90528, each of which activates a Basic Escort Carrier for Germany, now require that Germany has already researched the Basic CVE tech (12110).
* As there are two events almost-identical regarding a Delhi defeat in the Afghan-Delhi War (the only difference being that the second also secedes Sukkur), the first (700617) has been removed.
* The Peru-Bolivian Confederation (U27) now starts with cores on Pucallpa (821), Riberalta (827), Cobija (828), & Cuzco (829).
* Removed Defence Lobby slider command from choice A of 'The Heir Apparent' event (830002).
* 'The Progressives Leave the Government' event (830018) is now persistent, and the dissent hit is reduced to 2.
* Fixed bugs with the Return of Nevada/Idaho events (909025 & 909026), & added two events that afterwards gives cores on the two states to the USA (909027 & 909028).
* Fixed bug in all events which created new countries & forced all units in the new country to defect to it.
* The trigger for the 'Russia controls Siberia' event (771013) now requires that Russia owns Vladivostock or Primorsk is a puppet.
* Fixed scripting errors in events with setflag & clrflag commands.
* Fixed error which prevented 'The Sultan Dies' event (666734) from working.
* When created, the CSA will now have the same naval techs as the USA, as opposed to none (this is accomplished via having Buffalo, Pennsylvania, & Newark as core CSA provinces as opposed to the CSA receiving them via event).
* Minister and leader IDs fixed in the Miguel Cabanellas Ferrer death event (323).
* Corrected name of Federación Anarquista Ibérica.
* Choice B of 'The Destiny of Flanders-Wallonia' event (996121) now properly gives the CoF cores on Wallonia instead of Flanders.
* Death events for J. A. Primo de Rivera de Heredia (320), Jose Sanjurjo Sacanell (322), & Field Marshal Italo Balbo (382) removed.
* Fixed scripting error in URU minister file.
* Replaced sleepleader commands with sleepminister commands in the 'Symeon II Ascends to the Throne' event (33) for Bulgaria.
* Choice A of 'The Sino Coalition' event (63031) for Xibei San Ma now properly triggers the 'Xibei San Ma Joins the Sino Coalition' event (63032).
* Fixed scripting error in the independence for Ireland commands in 'The Irish Question' event set for the UK.
* Fixed flag trigger of 'The Qing Defeat the Japanese' event (343505) for Germany.
* 'The Germans Demand our Overseas Territory' event (343506) for Japan will no longer cede Taiwan to Germany (it will have previously been ceded to the Qing Empire).
* 'The Fading Sun' event (343501) for Japan no longer ends the mastery of MEN.
* Adjusted AI chances for choices A and B of 'The Korean Problem' event (340075).
* Choice A of the 'Negotiations in Korea' event (340076) no longer forcibly transfers Japanese units located in Korean to Korean ownership on independence.
* Fixed scripting error in manpowerpool command in 'The Exodus' event (91514 and 91515).
* 'The Future of the Italian Federation' event (91563 and 91569) will no longer occur if Julius IV is HoG.
* Fixed scripting errors in AI events for collapse in a Haitian-Dominican war (55555990 & 5555591).
* Fixed scripting errors that prevented some United Kingdom leaders from appearing.
* Combined two CSA leader files, & removed duplicate file.
* Added missing descriptions for 'The King's Radio Address' (830009, 830010, & 830011).
* The Bastille Day event (555610) no longer sleeps non-related events, and now occurs every year on July 14th if the CoF is at war, & reduces dissent by 2.
* Russia now gains cores on Rostov (258), Kursk (243), Ostrogozhsk (262), Rossosh (261), Boguchar (265), Kashary (266), Konstatinovsk (269), & Kamensk-Shakhtinski (259) in choice A of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014-771020), choice A of 'Our Actions Succeeded!' event (771022), choice A of 'Ukraine is Dead, and We Take...' event (771024), choices A & B of 'Russian Coup Failed' (771026), and choice B of 'Ukraine Wants to Create Union with Russia' event (771029).
* Russia now gains a core on Kursk (243) in choice B of 'Our Actions Succeeded!' event (771022) and choice B of the 'Ukraine is Dead, and We Take...' event (771024)
* Ukraine now cedes Kursk (243) to Russia in choice A of the 'Russians are Giving Passports! event (771021) and choices A & B of the 'Crimea and Eastern Ukraine Seceded!' event (771023).
* Russia now gains cores on all Ukrainian territory in choice A of the 'Ukraine Wants to Join Russia' event (771028).
* Fixed the month triggers in the two 'The Imperial Province of Alsace-Lorraine' events (9445530 & 9445580) so that the war can begin between April and September, and added a random element so that the war does not always start in April (first version) or June (second version), but will start by September for both events.
* Fixed ai switch commands in numerous Japanese events regarding a war with Russia.
* Adjusted triggers for the Russian bitter peace events so that the country Russia is surrendering to is the country that has conquered the bulk of occupied Russian territory.
* The trigger of the 'War Reparations' event (1100026) for Prussia now checks if Prussia is a puppet of France instead of Germany, as the reparations are gained by France.
* Choice B of the 'Austria Wants to Rule Over Us Directly' event (90116) now cancels Austrian military access through Croatia.
* Fixed scripting error that prevent the 'Enid Blyton: The Smuggler's Island' event (555620) from occurring.
* Fixed triggers for 'The CSA and New England' event (911000) so that the event will not occur if the CSA and New England are allied or already at war, if the CSA has lost at least 10% of owned VPs, or if the CSA does not have 3 divisions in New York and Michigan. Also changed the start date to May 15th, and added a random element to when the event can occur (between May and October).
* Fixed triggers for 'The Issue of New England' event (91725) so that the event will not occur if the American Union State and New England are already at war, if the American Union State has lost at least 10% of owned VPs, or if the American Union State does not have 3 divisions in New York and Michigan. Also changed the start date to May 11th, and added a random element to when the event can occur (between May and October).
* Fixed triggers for the 'Sudamerika' event (55814), so that it occurs if La Plata exists & is not at war with Germany. Also combined choices B & C, rebalanced the belligerence and relations effects, and added the missing La Platean events on German aid (55815) or lack thereof (55816).
* Fixed trigger with the 'Clashes with the Workers' event (700129) that allowed it to occur more than once per general strike.
* Fixed scripting errors regarding the GER_CON_Capitulation flag in the Capitulations.txt file.
* 'The Loss of the John Maclean' event (6552204) now properly occurs for the Socialist Republic of Italy instead of the Italian Federation.
* Fixed scripting of ai switch command in choice B of the 'Exporting the Revolution' event (757009).
* Choice A of the 'Qing Demands' event (924992) now properly triggers the 'Legation Cities Accept' event (924998).
* 'The Question of the Transiberian Railroad' event (925016) now only occurs if 'The Fate of Sternberg' event (925014) has already occurred.
* Choices A of 'The Treaty of Saadabad' events (700603 & 700604) now correctly trigger corresponding events 'Afghanistan/Azerbaijan Accepts' events (700608 & 700609).
* Deathdates of events in the Cores.txt file changed to 1963.
* The 'Provinces of West Poland Regained' event (966610) now properly gives a core on Oppeln (482) instead of Kefalonia (393).
* The 'Mission to Russia?' event (771048) for National France now only occurs if Russia and Canada, and Canada and National France, are allies.
* Added missing AI chance to choice A of the '"Euroasian Bloc for Democracy" Becomes the True Name of the Russo-Japanese Alliance?' event (771050).
* The 'Rebuilding the Empire' event (627019) will now only occur if the Qing Empire has not lost 10% or more of its owned VPs.
* Choice A of the 'New Constitution' event (3206305) now correctly sets the HoS and HoG.
* Removed date/deathdate entry from the 'Form of Monarchy' event (3206306) and the 'New King' events (3206307 & 3206308), as these events are directly triggered by other events.
* The 'Political Scandal' event (669003) now correctly triggers/sleeps the 'Filov's Choice' event (669004).
* 'The Capital' event (750021) now only triggers if Russia owns St. Petersburg (187) and Moscow (175).
* 'The Siberian Assembly' events (751028 to 751030) and the 'Panic in Siberia!' event (751000) will now trigger if Siberia does not exist, and Russia owns at least one province that is a core province of Siberia.
* Choice D of the 'Reforming the Army' event (749989) now sets Sergey L. Markov as Chief of Staff.
* Rebalanced AI chance in choices B & C of the 'Reforming the Navy' event (758200).
* Fixed scripting of triggers in 'The Partitioning of Germany' events (665999, 666000, & 666024).
* Removed duplicate German and Caribbean Federation leader files.
* Removed Josef Terboven as Norwegian HoS.
* 'The American Union State Enforces Authority' event (908903) now gives cores on Charleston (629) and Clarksburg (630).
* Fixed scripting error in the build_time and build_cost commands in 'The American Union Navy' event (91723).
* Choice A of the 'Where Will We Govern From?' event (81130), which reflects the decision not to relocate to Washington, will no longer move the capital to New Orleans instead.
* Choice A of 'The Long Doctrine' event (91722) will now only reduce relations with Mexico if Mexico is 'communist'.
* Removed requirement that a Romanov not rule Russia from the triggers of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 & 771015) and the 'What to do with Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 & 771031).
* Removed the commands in choices B of 'The Time to Strike?' events (101077 & 101261) that slept the same event.
* Added missing command line to choice B of 'The Algeria-Central Africa Census Complete' event (91675).
* Removed commands that DOWed BEN from the 'War in the South' event (91683) & choice B of the 'National France in Chaoes' event (91690).
* Fixed trigger of the 'Expanding the Dakar Algiers Airways' event (91695).
* 'The Annexation of Japan' event (758203) now gives a core on Toyohara (1176) instead of Port Elisabeth (1117).
* Fixed scripting error in trigger of 'A New 1871' event (1100017).
* Numerous instances of ministers with an inappropriate trait for their cabinet position fixed.
* Added missing command line to choice B of the 'Nationalism Rises in Lithuania' event (2409).
* The 'Returning Polish Territory' event (996084) no longer cedes Craiova (426) to Poland, and 'The Lost Polish Territory Returned' event (996086) no longer gives a core on Craiova.
* Added missing command line to choice D of the 'Panic in Karelia!' event (751012).
* 'The Government Wins the War' events and 'The Rebels have won the Civil War' event (61048, 61049, & 61054) now require that Centroamerica is 'communist'.
* The 'War Erupts Between Centroamerica and Honduras' event (61055) now requires that Mexico is not 'communist'.
* The 'Mexico and Centroamerica at War!' event (61056) now requires that the United Provinces are not 'communist'.
* Changed deathdate of many Russian and Soviet events from 1947/1949 to 1960.
* Rebalanced AI chances in 'The Government Offers to Negotiate' event (756008).
* Added missing AI chance to choice C of the 'Japan Protects Siberia!' event (751037).
* Choices A of the 'Siberia is Vulnerable' events (751038 & 751040, choice B of the 'Siberian Policy' event (751041), and choice A of the 'Siberian Autonomy' event (751043) now gives cores on Siberian provinces.
* Choice C of the 'Exporting the Revolution' event (757009) now adds a core to Dalian (1202).
* Removed extra AI chance line from choice B of the 'Siberia Refuses' event (757017), and rebalanced remaining AI chance values.
* Corrected name of Gibraltar garrison created in choice A of the 'Protect Gibraltar' event (3967053).
* Fixed deathdate of the 'Another Attempt for a King of Poland' event (9980018).
* Fixed some minister assignments in the 'Alfred Potocki's Cabinet Crisis' event (7300), but some minister assignments remain bugged.
* The 'Defeat', 'The Afghan-Delhi War Ends in Victory', 'Afghanistani Victory', and 'The Afghan-Delhi War Ends in Defeat' events (700615, 700616, & 700618 to 700620) now set peace for the whole alliance.
* Removed 'Esc F' entries from the unitnames file.
* Removed duplicate MEN entries from the unitnames file.
* The 'Taureg Revolt' event now adds 1 VP to Fort Laperrine (1014).
* Added missing descriptions to the 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 to 771033).
* Added missing command line to choice D of the 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 & 771031).
* The 'Long Establishes the Minute Men' event (90810) will no longer occur if the USA has already won the ACW.
* Added missing command line to choice B of the 'Russia is Defeated' event (75101405).
* The 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 to 771020) now require that Russia and the Ukraine are not at war, not in an alliance, and that Ukraine is not a puppet of Russia.
* Fixed triggers of the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967076, 3967079, 3967081, 39670791, 3967101, & 3967115) so that they require that Carlist Spain is at war with the Kingdom of Spain or the CNT-FAI.
* The 'Attempted Rebellion in Korea!' event (340080) and the 'Rebellion in Korea!' events (340085 & 340082) now require that Korea does not exist.
* Removed Austrian leaders from the German leader file.
* Removed remaining SS leaders from the German leader file, with some moving to Mittelafrika.
* Removed the requirement that the 'Siberian Crisis Over!' event (749999) has occurred from the trigger of the 'Military Force' event (749988), and each choice now unlocks one of the two deactivated land doctrine techs.
* Removed the 'Military Force' event (756026), which was effectively a duplicate of event 749988.
* The 'Soviet Military Buildup' event (756027) now requires that Russia and the Soviets are not at war.
* 'The Fall of Bolshevism' event (757001) now requires that Smolensk is not controlled by the Soviets, in addition to the other province control requirements.
* The revolt.txt entries for Austria-Hungary and the Danubian Federation now include cores on Craiova (426) and Venice (378).
* The triggers of 'The Bitter Peace' events (9001650, 9001653, & 9001656) now require that the country defeating Russia has not lost more than 20% of owned VPs.
* Moved Zhang Xueliang from the Qing to the Fengtien leader file.
* The 'Reorganisation of the Dual-Monarchy' event (85519) & the 'Reorganisation of the Federation' event (85522) now gives cores on Craiova (426), Maribor (459), Ljubljana (380), Trento (371), Venice (378), and Zrenjanin (494).
* 'The Bitter Peace' event (9001655) now cedes Kuznetsk (158) & Murom (179) to France, in addition to the other provinces.
* Choice C of the 'Menshevik Georgia Desires an Alliance' event (757003) now adjusts relations with Georgia by -200 & DOWs Georgia.
* Fixed bug with the 'Germany Decides' events (91413/91417) not occuring if Germany decides for war in response to the assassination of Vladimir I.
* 'The CSA Escapes to France' events (81143, 800320, & 903901) now require that the CoF exists.
* Choice B of the 'Prussian Revolution' event (3206300) now ends any war with Germany, Russia, Canada, Sweden, and the Italian Federation.
* Choice A of 'The Treaty of Archangelsk' events (75101400) now removes the core on Kola (134) instead of Archangelsk (154).
* Choice A of the 'Finland Makes its Move!' event (751013) now cedes Petrozavodsk (152) instead of Severodvinsk (153).
* Removed Minsk (218) and Orsha (212) from the revolt.txt entry for SOV.
* The 'Colombus Captured' event (909178) and the 'Heavy Fighting in Colombus' event (909182) now occur for the USA instead of the CSA, while the 'Colombus Recaptured' event (909181) now occurs for the CSA instead of the USA.
* The 'New York Captured' event (909114) now requires that the 'CSA Influences Expands' event (908570) has occured, instead of the 'Reed declares the workers state. The Rise of the CSA' event (908500).
* Choice A of the 'Germany and France at War' event (9445570) now correctly triggers the 'Britain Joins in the Fight' event (94455571).
* The 'New England Joins the Civil War' event (9000852) will no longer occur if New England is already at war, or if the USA has lost more than 25% of its VPs.
* Random value in the trigger of the 'Defeat' event (700615) raised from 10 to 40.
* Date of 'The Proclamation of Liberty Day' event (830376) changed from 1936 to 1937.
* Various text fixes.
===AI Changes===
* New AI file for New England. Garrison priorities will shift depending on whether New England is allied with Canada or the United States
* New AI file for South Africa. Starts off isolationist, and then its garrison, build, & trade priorities shift depending on whether it takes a pro-Entente, pro-Internationale, pro-Mittelafrika, or expansionist path in the post '38 election events.
* New AI file for Bolivia. Garrison & diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist.
* New AI file for Venezuela. Garrison & diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist.
* Caribbean Federation will now garrison its important islands, instead of transporting all garrisons to Guyana (with the possible exception of when the CF is at war with an immediate neighbour).
* National France will no longer research nuclear techs (a massive waste of its lone tech slot).
* Thoroughly revised Brazilian AI to fix scripting errors that prevented it from loading. Brazil now starts off with a 'neutral' AI that shifts to pro-Syndicalist if Brazil becomes Syndicalist.
* Removed AI-only events that triggered war in India in early 1938. War will now come ca. 1939 depending on foreign policy events of the three states.
* CoF research priorities shift depending on which path it chooses in the 'Election Day 1: Clarifying the Communal Army' event.
* Cuban diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist or allied to Canada (i.e. part of the Entente).
* Removed AI events for Bolivia that returned democratic ministers to power after becoming Syndicalist.
* New AI file for the United Kingdom.
* Australasian diplomatic and garrison priorities will shift if it becomes Syndicalist.
* CAL, CSA, TEX, & USA can now only devote 25% (instead of 100%) of IC to province improvements.
* CAL, CSA, & TEX will no longer be forced to build IC (in peacetime).
* Province preferences for IC construction adjusted for CSA, TEX, & USA.
* Revised research and build priorities of Bohemia and Slovakia.
* Japanese, Transamur, and Fengtein AI behaviour adjusted in case of war with Russia.
* New AI file for Prussia.
* AI event 5015141, which switches the US to its ACW AI file, will now activate if the USA is at war with CSA, TEX, or CAL, and can occur on any date from 1936 onwards.
* The United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States will no longer research naval or naval doctrine techs during the American Civil War.
* Removed AI events that switched production for the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States based on year.
* Adjusted production for the United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States during the American Civil War, & notably none will produce warships during the conflict.
* Adjusted post-American Civil War garrison priorities of the United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States.
* Added U28 to diplomatic entries of Syndicalist and Entente countries.
* Added resistance section to diplomatic entry of National France.
* Hungarian AI will now build warships, and research naval and naval doctrine techs, if it owns & controls the Dalmatian coast (i.e. annexes Croatia during the Ausgleich negotiations).
* Lowered CoF AI's starting neutrality from 80 to 60 (may help in gaining alliances).
* Added land brigade preferences to AUS, CSA, & PSA AIs.
===Other changes===
* Revised list of countries available at scenario start screen, as follows: FRA, GER, ENG, AUS, ITA, RUS, CAN, USA, JAP, CSX.
* New and/or revised model names for Bohemia, Canada, Germany, the Italian Federation, Prussia, Russia, Slovakia, and the Union of Britain.
* New and/or revised model pics for Afghanistan, Bohemia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Prussia, Republic of Kurdistan, Russia, and Slovakia.
* New and/or revised air names for Austria-Hungary, Bavaria, Bohemia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Ecuador, England, France, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Prussia, Rhenish Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
* New and/or revised army names for Bavaria, Bohemia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, England, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Prussia, Rhenish Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
* New and/or revised navy names for Austro-Hungary, Baltic Confederation, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Danubian Federation, Ecuador, England, France, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Prussia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
* Adjusted cores of AUS, AZB, CZE, DEN, GEO, ITA, SCO, & SPA in revolt.txt to make it easier to release puppets.
* Revised specialities of many tech components, as per Jedrek (see 'Technology Speciality Changes' file for details).
* Republic of the Sicilies renamed Socialist Republic of Italy.
* 'Bolshevik' ideology renamed to 'Totalist'.
* Revolt.txt changes: Added cores on Ostrava & Brno to Bohemia, added core on Maribor to Slovenia, added core on Sarajevo to Serbia, & removed core on Presov from Slovakia.
* New battle scenario for a Russo-Japanese War.
* The revolt.txt entries for CON & LAT now have regular_ID set to GER.
* Forts added to five Polish provinces.
* Redistributed Canadian IC & MP.
* 1 VP added to Khartoum.
* Nationalist France now starts with the Early Tank tech instead of the Basic Light Tank tech.
* Canada now starts at '4' on the Left-Right Slider instead of '2'.
* Duplicate transport & escort entries for Canada removed: Canada now starts with 300 transports & 5 escorts.
* 41. Jun division of Xibei San Ma now starts in Qumul (1435) instead of Tianshui (1277), as only the former is in Xibei San Ma territory.
* Egyptian Sinai Garrison relocated to Alexandria (906).
* New propaganda poster for Brazil, France, the Legation Cities, New England, Occitania, Prussia, and the United Kingdom.
* Italian Federation now starts with 50 transports instead of 40.
* Socialist Republic of Italy now starts with 150 MP (instead of 28), 50 money (instead of 10), and 50 transports (instead of 40).
* In the Canadian OOB, two militia divisions were removed, two militia divisions were converted to infantry, and four garrison divisions were added (Vancouver, Quebec City, Halifax, & Newfoundland).
* In the Legation Cities OOB, a naval transport was added, to facilitate the transport of military forces to any port that may become rebel-occupied.
* In the German OOB, the Mittelmeerflotte has been relocated from Suez (900) to Pord Said (901), as only the latter has a naval base.
* Germany now starts with the Basic Destroyer tech (3030), so that German DD tech is at the same level as the UoB & CoF (there being no reason for Germany to be behind).
* New scenario description for New England.
* Minor redistribution of Bohemian IC: +3 Zilina, -2 Kosice, -1 Banska Bystrica.
* Japan no longer has a core on Guam (1624).
* Added level 1 AA and a level 3 airbase to Kunming (1307).
* Removed the naval base from Strakonice (466).
* Burmese capital relocated to Mandalay (1296).
* Many starting divisions and armies for Qing renamed.
* Aisin-Gioro Pujie now commands the strongest starting Qing army.
* 40 convoy transports added to Bengal, Delhi, and the Princely Federation, for convoys to the Andamans and to/from Ceylon if conquered.
* Added 1 VP to Jeju (1194).
* Kerema (1675), Bismarck Range (1676), Owen Stanley Mountains (1678), and Milne Bay (1680) transferred from Germany to Australasia (these provinces were administered by Australia prior to 1914, and thus would not have fallen to Germany when it took over the rest of the British colonies).
* Revised relations, starting techs, and OOBs of La Plata, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Caribbean Federation.
* Added 20 transports to La Plata, Brazil, and Chile.
* Brazilian capital moved from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro.
* Changed names and some starting locations of Hungarian units.
* New scenario description for Korea.
* Austria now starts with 100 manpower instead of 10.
* Removed German parties from scenario selection screen.
* In the German OOB, the Ostafrikaschwadron has been relocated from Zeila (1036) to Djibouti (1037), as only the latter has a naval base.
* Level 4 naval base and level 2 air base added to Dar es Salaam (1140).
* In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro now has 1 more VP, Goias now has 1 less VP, and Curitiba now has 2 more VP.
* Removed naval base from Craiova (426).
* Added 1 VP to Mogadishu (1056) & Conakry (987), and added 2 VP to Yerevan (1856).
* Austria now begins with Early Anti-Tank Artillery (2400).
* Fixed the spelling of the Sturmregimente unit in the Austrian OOB.
* The Albanian Garrison unit in the Ottoman OOB is now locked in place.
* In the UoB OOB, the two garrison units in each beach province has been reduced to one, with the remaining division now at full strength, and a garrison unit has been added for London.
* Adjusted IC levels in Transamur: +4 in Khabarovsk (1367), -1 in Ternei (1369), -1 in Iman (1370), -2 in Tetyukhe (1371), +1 in Vladivostok (1372), & -1 in Spassk-Dalnij (1373).
* Added 1 manpower to Vladivostok (1372).
* Renamed some units in the Transamur OOB.
* Added 20 convoy transports to Transamur.
== Kaiserreich version 1.1 Changelog 10/01/2010 (for Armageddon 1.3b) ==
== Kaiserreich version 1.1 Changelog 10/01/2010 (for Armageddon 1.3b) ==
===New events===
===New events===

Revision as of 14:06, 25 July 2010


Kaiserreich version 1.2 Changelog 25/07/2010 (for Armageddon 1.3b)

New events

  • La Plata: Two minister death events added.
  • Austria: Three death events added.
  • Bohemia: One death event added.
  • Swedish event for the death of Prince Gustav Adolf.
  • Qing event for the 100-year anniversary of the Opium War.
  • Death of Xan Xishan events added for Fengtien Republic.
  • Events for a Swedish defeat by Denmark (Surrenders Malmo & Karlskrona).
  • Events for a Finnish defeat by UoB, CoF, or CSA (Becomes Puppet).
  • USA: One minister death event added.
  • Slovenia: One minister death event added.
  • Event set added for the fate of Puerto Rico.
  • Additional events for Qing conquering neighbours.
  • Event for Qing to eliminate useless Shangqing forts.
  • New Galician events for Potocki's Cabinet Crisis (7300), Daszynski's Death (7301 & 7203), & post-Ausgleich events (7360-7367).
  • Added 'Tarnow Refinery' events for GLD, POL, AUS, & HUN.
  • Galicia: One minister death event added.
  • New starting cabinet for CAI-FNT set in the 'CNT Spain Rises Up!' event (91207).
  • Added new option to the 'A Loyal Puppet in Paris?' events (666062 & 666063) to further divide France among Normandy, Brittany, & Occitania.
  • New event sets for the Fifth and Sixth Congresses of the Greater Italian Union (1941 & 1946) for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
  • New event sets for Democratic Revolution and Free Election in the Socialist Republic of Italy and the Italian Federation.
  • Hungary: One minister death event added.
  • In the 'Bill C-7: Re-Organizing the Army' events (830015 & 830016), full conscription now gives +10 MP & +25% MP per year, & partial conscription now gives +5 MP % +10% MP per year.
  • Random element added to trigger of 'The Death of Billy Bishop' event (830034), so that a player cannot plan the usage of the Bishop tech team knowing the exact date it is going to be deactivated.
  • 'The Future of the War Effort' event (830030) removed, and replaced by two events, 'The British Royal Command Staff' (830031), which may activate the Keyes & Trenchard tech teams, and the 'Investing in Canadian Industry' event, which may activate the Victory Aircraft and CARDE tech teams.
  • New Canadian event sets: Conscription Riots (830050-830053), The Georgian Line (830060-830062), Emergency Reserves (830070), and the Queen Mary Way (830080).
  • 'The Death of J. S. Woodsworth' events now trigger for the Socialist Republic of Canada instead of Canada.
  • CSA Event for the 10-year anniversary of the death of Bonnie & Clyde.
  • New event set for the Peaceful Unification of Italy after Democratic Elections.
  • New event set for Colombia: La Violencia (mid-40s election and aftermath).
  • New event set for the Second Congress of the Internationale.
  • New event set for economic aid from the CoF and UoB to smaller Syndicalist states (Phalanstere).
  • New event set for Honduras, Panama, and the United Provinces, if left-wing, to join Centroamerica.
  • The 'Guy Fawkes Day' event (555619) for the UoB now occurs every year on November 5th, not just in 1936.
  • UoB: Four minister death events added.
  • New event set for the UoB for a 1937 TUC chairmanship election if the 1936 election is deadlocked.
  • New event set for the UoB on the sortie of the Republican Navy and the international response.
  • New event set for Canada to aid an Entente-aligned Ireland.
  • New event for Bulgaria for Symeon II to ascend the throne in 1955 if Kyril de Preslav is still regent.
  • Significantly revised and expanded domestic events for Russia.
  • Effects of the 'Politicans and Economic Reform' event (627015 CSX) adjusted, largely in terms of ministers put in office.
  • On achieving independence, Korean HoS is now Yi Un and HoG is Yi Gang.
  • Korea will now receive fewer supplies and industrial goods on achieving independence.
  • Death dates for the 'Attempted Rebellion in Korea!' event (340080) and the 'Rebellion in Korea!' event (340085) changed to 1959.
  • New event set for the end of the Argentine-Brazilian war.
  • New event set for Japan demanding German colonies in Asia if Germany has been defeated in Europe and forced into exile.
  • The two Arab Revolt events (91327 & 91328) now occur in 1944 and 1946 respectively.
  • New event set for Arab unrest in the Ottoman Empire in 1938-39.
  • New events for EUS, SPA, & SPR to activate/deactivate tech teams.
  • New event set for the return of Spanish African colonies from National France if the Carlists win the Spanish Civil War.
  • Choice C of 'The Assassination of Kerensky' event (750000) now makes Mikhail A. Meandrov the Head of Military Intelligence.
  • New event set for Russia to upgrade the Igor V. Kurchatov & Sergei P. Korolev tech teams.
  • Sweden: One death event added.
  • New event sets for the United Kingdom on the succession to the National Party leadership and the Second General Election.
  • Don-Kuban Union: One minister death event added.
  • New event sets for Serbia on the death/removal of Milutin Nedic.
  • New event for Serbia on access to the Adriatic.
  • New event set for the British Empire on the Royal Atlantic Aeronautics Corporation and the Imperial Scientific and Academic Council.
  • New event for Sweden on the creation of the Stockholm bishopric.
  • Significantly revised and restructured Japanese events.
  • Death date for the 'Rebellion in Korea!' event (340082) changed to 1959
  • New events for a unified Italy to gain tech teams from the other annexed Italian state.
  • Random trigger in 'The Death of Pius XI' event (91500) changed from 5 to 7.
  • Random trigger in 'The Papal Conclave' event (91506) changed from 25 to 50, and the offset from 10 to 8.
  • Choice C of 'The Papal Conclave' event (91506) now sets Luigi Einaudi as Armament Minister.
  • New event set for the Italian Federation for a second Papal Conclave, possible from 1948.
  • Italian Federation: 34 minister death events added.
  • New event for the Qing Empire on the wedding of Puyi.
  • New event for the Union of Britain on the publication of Blair's 'The Union in Forty Years'.
  • New Soviet event on the anniversary of the death of Lenin.
  • New events for Austria-Hungary and the Danubian Federation for the annexation of Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Poland.
  • Norway: One death event added.
  • Adjusted events for returning leaders from Canada to the United Kingdom to account for added leaders.
  • New event set for the United Kingdom on the career of Randolph Churchill.
  • Starting money and manpower pool for the United Kingdom raised to 100 and 50 respectively in 'The Liberation of the United Kingdom' event (830160).
  • New event for Russia on choosing a naval doctrine path.
  • New event for Brazil on the founding of Brasilia.
  • New event set for Prussia on breaking away from the Commune of France and Syndicalism.
  • New event for Canada on the retirement of the old guard.
  • New events for CSX, CHI, and CXB to grant independence to Tannu Tuva.
  • New event set for New England on the rise of New England nationalism.
  • Adjusted AI chance of choices in the 'Canada Responds to the AUS Demands' and 'New England Stands Alone' events (91726 & 91727).
  • Choice A of the 'New England Refuses to Surrender' event (91729) now increases dissent by 5 instead of 10.
  • New event set for National France on the leadership question.
  • New event set for Syndicalist states on the Totalist Charter.
  • New event sets for the Union of Britain on the Postwar Congress, a Mosley Dictatorship, the British Civil War, and Lawrence of Germania.
  • Union of Britain: Six minister death events added.
  • New event for Canada on prominent Britons returning home, to accomodate the new British Civil War event set.
  • Adjusted AI chance for choices in 'The Legation Cities' event (924990) and the 'Qing Demands' event (924991).
  • Choices A to C of the 'Inner China Reunited' event (925000) now has the AI prepare for war, and AI chance for choice B & D adjusted.
  • Choices A & B of 'The Next Station' event (925008, 925023, & 925024) now has the AI prepare for war.
  • Adjusted AI chance for choices in the 'We are in a bad situation' event (925011).
  • Choice A of the 'Tibet' (925025), 'Mongolia' (925026), & 'Fengtain' (925027) events now has the AI prepare for war.
  • New event picture for 'The Annexation of Romania' (996021) & 'The Annexation of Serbia' (996032) events.
  • Split the old 'Lost Territory Regained' event (966602) into two new events for Greece regaining the Aegean Islands and regaining Crete.
  • Choice A of the 'Ulan Bator Captured' event (555406) now sleeps the Sternberg leader/minister/tech team & the Mongolian Transiberian Rail Company, & wakes the Mongol Rail Company.
  • Choice A of the 'Transamur is Russian!' event (750068) now sleeps the various Kolchak ministers.
  • Various fixes and improvements to Taiwan events.
  • New event set for Russia on conquering various rivals.
  • New event set for Germany to call on former Weltkreig allies if it is losing a war to France.
  • Three flavour events for Colombia.
  • The 'Korean Uprising', 'Hungarian Uprising', and 'Austrian Uprising' events (758212 to 758214) are now persistent, with an offset of 100 instead of 20.
  • For the 'Prussian Revolution' event (3206300), the random trigger has been increased from 20 to 40, and the offset reduced from 70 to 50.
  • Choice C of the 'Siberian Policy' event (751041) now has Transamur guarantee Siberia.
  • Choice A of 'The Second Reconquista' event (3967074) & the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967101, & 3967115) now adjusts relations with EUS by +25, while choice B now adjusts relations with EUS by -10 and SPA & SPR by +10.
  • Choice A of the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967076, 3967079, 3967081, & 39670791) now adjusts relations with EUS & SPA by -20, and SPR by +25, while choice B now adjusts relations with SPR by -10, and SPA & SPR by +10.
  • 'The Brasilian Trade Unions Take Control' event (650008) now adjusts relations with the CSA by +100.
  • The trigger and offset of the 'Reunification of Germany' (3206309) event adjusted.
  • New event set for Prussia/Germany on the Reunification of Germany.
  • New event for the UoB on the passing of Tom Mann.
  • Updated the startup events.

Political Changes

  • New country: Socialist Republic of Canada (U28). This country is liberated (instead of Canada) if either the UoB or CSA conquer Canada.
  • New country: Formosa (U30). Includes 80+ events on Formosan independence and subsequent political and economic developments.
  • New starting Chief of Army (Ambrosio) & Chief of Navy (Riccardi) for the Italian Federation.
  • Russia starts with a new Minister of Security (Shingarev), Head of Military Intelligence (Oldenburg), and Chief of Army (Kornilov).
  • Added missing HoS to Polish minister file (Friedrich Christian Wettin).
  • Added many new ministers for many countries (ITA, RSI, RUS, ENG among them)


  • Added province picture for Bratislava.
  • Added province picture for Yekaterinodar (256).
  • Fourteen province pictures added.
  • Many new event pictures added for Russian and Soviet events.
  • New event picture for the Eid ul-Fitr events.
  • New flags for Bulgaria, Greece, Nanjing Government and Canada.


  • Syndicalist Brazil-Bolivian alliance events now work properly.
  • Choice A of the 'Treasures of the Forbidden City event (666700) now affects relations with Germany by +30, while choice B affects relations with Germany by -50.
  • The 1936 version of the Sedan Day event (666701) has been rescripted to be persistent, occurring each year on the same date, while the other Sedan Day events (666739-666765) have been removed.
  • The 'Hoffman vs von Richthofen' event (666704) now requires either that Germany owns Daressalam (1140), or that Mittelafrika exists and is not at war with Germany.
  • The 'Gustave Roth is the Boxing World Chamption' event (666714) now reduces dissent by 1, and the text has been cleaned up.
  • The 'Gustav V visits Germany' event (666723) now requires that Gustav V is Sweden's Head of State.
  • The 'Gabriele d'Annunzio dies' event (666726) now requires that RSI exists, that Italy and RSI are not at war, and that Italy does not own every province in southern Italy.
  • The 'Mustafa Kemal Pasha dies' event (666727) now also sleeps the Kemal tech team.
  • The 'Anthony Fokker dies' event (666729) now requires that the Netherlands exists, and that the Netherlands and Germany are not at war.
  • The 'Neville Chamberlain dies' event (666730) now requires that the United Kingdom does not exist.
  • The 'Admiral Beatty's Last Request' event (666737) now triggers if any Canadian is Chief of the Navy. As well, the text and the dissent hits have been adjusted.
  • Death date of the Mustafa Kemal Pasha tech team (15706) has been changed from 1938 to 1939, to account for its being slept in the course of 1938 by the death of Kemal event (666727).
  • Sino Coalition events (63027, 63029, & 63031) now check to make sure Qing exists, & that Qing & the given Chinese minor are not at war.
  • Fixed scripting of US exile units in the 'US Government in Exile' event (909015).
  • The return of Nevada & Idaho events (909025 & 909026) now require that the USA exists.
  • Fixed trigger in the Pacific Question event (911006), which prevented it from occurring.
  • The Union of Britain at War event (91280), which likely results in Canada DOWing the UoB, will no longer trigger if Canada is a puppet or is already at war with UoB, GER, USA, CSA, TEX, or CAL.
  • The 'Sarnok Oil Fields' event (7341), the 'Krosno Oil Fields' event (7343), & the 'Strachocina Gas Deposits' event (7344) now requires that Galicia own Przemysl (489).
  • The 'Boryslaw Oil Fields' event (7342) now requires that Galicia own Styrj (500).
  • Fixed duplicate ID errors in ROM & URU minister files.
  • Fixed several cases where the 'manpower' command was incorrectly used instead of 'manpowerpool'.
  • Removed erroneous sleepevent commands from 'The Assassination of Kerensky' event (750000).
  • The 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union?' events (771030 to 771033) now requires that the Don-Kuban Union exists.
  • The 'Ulan Bator Captured' event (555405) now requires that Mongolia exists, & that Russia & Mongolia are at war.
  • Fixed trigger of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 to 771020).
  • The 'American Union Refugees' event (55555992) will no longer trigger if Cuba is 'communist'.
  • Error in the trigger of 'The People of the America First are Integrated into the CSA' event (908907), which gives a victorious CSA cores on the US South, fixed (the error prevented the event from firing).
  • Missing command line added to choice B of the 'Socialism and Smuggling in Indo-China' event (105250).
  • Added commands to choice C of 'The Kaiser's Decision' event (90504) to remove the bonuses given by the two land doctrines (Firepower Focus and Superior Firepower) that Germany starts the game with (though choice C currently deactivates these two techs, deactivation alone does not remove the bonuses the techs give).
  • The model level of the German battleships SMS Bismarck and SMS Tirpitz, activated via the German Naval Construction events, have been reduced from 4 to 3, on the basis that Germany should not be getting '41 BBs in 1937 & 1938.
  • Events 90527 & 90528, each of which activates a Basic Escort Carrier for Germany, now require that Germany has already researched the Basic CVE tech (12110).
  • As there are two events almost-identical regarding a Delhi defeat in the Afghan-Delhi War (the only difference being that the second also secedes Sukkur), the first (700617) has been removed.
  • The Peru-Bolivian Confederation (U27) now starts with cores on Pucallpa (821), Riberalta (827), Cobija (828), & Cuzco (829).
  • Removed Defence Lobby slider command from choice A of 'The Heir Apparent' event (830002).
  • 'The Progressives Leave the Government' event (830018) is now persistent, and the dissent hit is reduced to 2.
  • Fixed bugs with the Return of Nevada/Idaho events (909025 & 909026), & added two events that afterwards gives cores on the two states to the USA (909027 & 909028).
  • Fixed bug in all events which created new countries & forced all units in the new country to defect to it.
  • The trigger for the 'Russia controls Siberia' event (771013) now requires that Russia owns Vladivostock or Primorsk is a puppet.
  • Fixed scripting errors in events with setflag & clrflag commands.
  • Fixed error which prevented 'The Sultan Dies' event (666734) from working.
  • When created, the CSA will now have the same naval techs as the USA, as opposed to none (this is accomplished via having Buffalo, Pennsylvania, & Newark as core CSA provinces as opposed to the CSA receiving them via event).
  • Minister and leader IDs fixed in the Miguel Cabanellas Ferrer death event (323).
  • Corrected name of Federación Anarquista Ibérica.
  • Choice B of 'The Destiny of Flanders-Wallonia' event (996121) now properly gives the CoF cores on Wallonia instead of Flanders.
  • Death events for J. A. Primo de Rivera de Heredia (320), Jose Sanjurjo Sacanell (322), & Field Marshal Italo Balbo (382) removed.
  • Fixed scripting error in URU minister file.
  • Replaced sleepleader commands with sleepminister commands in the 'Symeon II Ascends to the Throne' event (33) for Bulgaria.
  • Choice A of 'The Sino Coalition' event (63031) for Xibei San Ma now properly triggers the 'Xibei San Ma Joins the Sino Coalition' event (63032).
  • Fixed scripting error in the independence for Ireland commands in 'The Irish Question' event set for the UK.
  • Fixed flag trigger of 'The Qing Defeat the Japanese' event (343505) for Germany.
  • 'The Germans Demand our Overseas Territory' event (343506) for Japan will no longer cede Taiwan to Germany (it will have previously been ceded to the Qing Empire).
  • 'The Fading Sun' event (343501) for Japan no longer ends the mastery of MEN.
  • Adjusted AI chances for choices A and B of 'The Korean Problem' event (340075).
  • Choice A of the 'Negotiations in Korea' event (340076) no longer forcibly transfers Japanese units located in Korean to Korean ownership on independence.
  • Fixed scripting error in manpowerpool command in 'The Exodus' event (91514 and 91515).
  • 'The Future of the Italian Federation' event (91563 and 91569) will no longer occur if Julius IV is HoG.
  • Fixed scripting errors in AI events for collapse in a Haitian-Dominican war (55555990 & 5555591).
  • Fixed scripting errors that prevented some United Kingdom leaders from appearing.
  • Combined two CSA leader files, & removed duplicate file.
  • Added missing descriptions for 'The King's Radio Address' (830009, 830010, & 830011).
  • The Bastille Day event (555610) no longer sleeps non-related events, and now occurs every year on July 14th if the CoF is at war, & reduces dissent by 2.
  • Russia now gains cores on Rostov (258), Kursk (243), Ostrogozhsk (262), Rossosh (261), Boguchar (265), Kashary (266), Konstatinovsk (269), & Kamensk-Shakhtinski (259) in choice A of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014-771020), choice A of 'Our Actions Succeeded!' event (771022), choice A of 'Ukraine is Dead, and We Take...' event (771024), choices A & B of 'Russian Coup Failed' (771026), and choice B of 'Ukraine Wants to Create Union with Russia' event (771029).
  • Russia now gains a core on Kursk (243) in choice B of 'Our Actions Succeeded!' event (771022) and choice B of the 'Ukraine is Dead, and We Take...' event (771024)
  • Ukraine now cedes Kursk (243) to Russia in choice A of the 'Russians are Giving Passports! event (771021) and choices A & B of the 'Crimea and Eastern Ukraine Seceded!' event (771023).
  • Russia now gains cores on all Ukrainian territory in choice A of the 'Ukraine Wants to Join Russia' event (771028).
  • Fixed the month triggers in the two 'The Imperial Province of Alsace-Lorraine' events (9445530 & 9445580) so that the war can begin between April and September, and added a random element so that the war does not always start in April (first version) or June (second version), but will start by September for both events.
  • Fixed ai switch commands in numerous Japanese events regarding a war with Russia.
  • Adjusted triggers for the Russian bitter peace events so that the country Russia is surrendering to is the country that has conquered the bulk of occupied Russian territory.
  • The trigger of the 'War Reparations' event (1100026) for Prussia now checks if Prussia is a puppet of France instead of Germany, as the reparations are gained by France.
  • Choice B of the 'Austria Wants to Rule Over Us Directly' event (90116) now cancels Austrian military access through Croatia.
  • Fixed scripting error that prevent the 'Enid Blyton: The Smuggler's Island' event (555620) from occurring.
  • Fixed triggers for 'The CSA and New England' event (911000) so that the event will not occur if the CSA and New England are allied or already at war, if the CSA has lost at least 10% of owned VPs, or if the CSA does not have 3 divisions in New York and Michigan. Also changed the start date to May 15th, and added a random element to when the event can occur (between May and October).
  • Fixed triggers for 'The Issue of New England' event (91725) so that the event will not occur if the American Union State and New England are already at war, if the American Union State has lost at least 10% of owned VPs, or if the American Union State does not have 3 divisions in New York and Michigan. Also changed the start date to May 11th, and added a random element to when the event can occur (between May and October).
  • Fixed triggers for the 'Sudamerika' event (55814), so that it occurs if La Plata exists & is not at war with Germany. Also combined choices B & C, rebalanced the belligerence and relations effects, and added the missing La Platean events on German aid (55815) or lack thereof (55816).
  • Fixed trigger with the 'Clashes with the Workers' event (700129) that allowed it to occur more than once per general strike.
  • Fixed scripting errors regarding the GER_CON_Capitulation flag in the Capitulations.txt file.
  • 'The Loss of the John Maclean' event (6552204) now properly occurs for the Socialist Republic of Italy instead of the Italian Federation.
  • Fixed scripting of ai switch command in choice B of the 'Exporting the Revolution' event (757009).
  • Choice A of the 'Qing Demands' event (924992) now properly triggers the 'Legation Cities Accept' event (924998).
  • 'The Question of the Transiberian Railroad' event (925016) now only occurs if 'The Fate of Sternberg' event (925014) has already occurred.
  • Choices A of 'The Treaty of Saadabad' events (700603 & 700604) now correctly trigger corresponding events 'Afghanistan/Azerbaijan Accepts' events (700608 & 700609).
  • Deathdates of events in the Cores.txt file changed to 1963.
  • The 'Provinces of West Poland Regained' event (966610) now properly gives a core on Oppeln (482) instead of Kefalonia (393).
  • The 'Mission to Russia?' event (771048) for National France now only occurs if Russia and Canada, and Canada and National France, are allies.
  • Added missing AI chance to choice A of the '"Euroasian Bloc for Democracy" Becomes the True Name of the Russo-Japanese Alliance?' event (771050).
  • The 'Rebuilding the Empire' event (627019) will now only occur if the Qing Empire has not lost 10% or more of its owned VPs.
  • Choice A of the 'New Constitution' event (3206305) now correctly sets the HoS and HoG.
  • Removed date/deathdate entry from the 'Form of Monarchy' event (3206306) and the 'New King' events (3206307 & 3206308), as these events are directly triggered by other events.
  • The 'Political Scandal' event (669003) now correctly triggers/sleeps the 'Filov's Choice' event (669004).
  • 'The Capital' event (750021) now only triggers if Russia owns St. Petersburg (187) and Moscow (175).
  • 'The Siberian Assembly' events (751028 to 751030) and the 'Panic in Siberia!' event (751000) will now trigger if Siberia does not exist, and Russia owns at least one province that is a core province of Siberia.
  • Choice D of the 'Reforming the Army' event (749989) now sets Sergey L. Markov as Chief of Staff.
  • Rebalanced AI chance in choices B & C of the 'Reforming the Navy' event (758200).
  • Fixed scripting of triggers in 'The Partitioning of Germany' events (665999, 666000, & 666024).
  • Removed duplicate German and Caribbean Federation leader files.
  • Removed Josef Terboven as Norwegian HoS.
  • 'The American Union State Enforces Authority' event (908903) now gives cores on Charleston (629) and Clarksburg (630).
  • Fixed scripting error in the build_time and build_cost commands in 'The American Union Navy' event (91723).
  • Choice A of the 'Where Will We Govern From?' event (81130), which reflects the decision not to relocate to Washington, will no longer move the capital to New Orleans instead.
  • Choice A of 'The Long Doctrine' event (91722) will now only reduce relations with Mexico if Mexico is 'communist'.
  • Removed requirement that a Romanov not rule Russia from the triggers of the 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 & 771015) and the 'What to do with Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 & 771031).
  • Removed the commands in choices B of 'The Time to Strike?' events (101077 & 101261) that slept the same event.
  • Added missing command line to choice B of 'The Algeria-Central Africa Census Complete' event (91675).
  • Removed commands that DOWed BEN from the 'War in the South' event (91683) & choice B of the 'National France in Chaoes' event (91690).
  • Fixed trigger of the 'Expanding the Dakar Algiers Airways' event (91695).
  • 'The Annexation of Japan' event (758203) now gives a core on Toyohara (1176) instead of Port Elisabeth (1117).
  • Fixed scripting error in trigger of 'A New 1871' event (1100017).
  • Numerous instances of ministers with an inappropriate trait for their cabinet position fixed.
  • Added missing command line to choice B of the 'Nationalism Rises in Lithuania' event (2409).
  • The 'Returning Polish Territory' event (996084) no longer cedes Craiova (426) to Poland, and 'The Lost Polish Territory Returned' event (996086) no longer gives a core on Craiova.
  • Added missing command line to choice D of the 'Panic in Karelia!' event (751012).
  • 'The Government Wins the War' events and 'The Rebels have won the Civil War' event (61048, 61049, & 61054) now require that Centroamerica is 'communist'.
  • The 'War Erupts Between Centroamerica and Honduras' event (61055) now requires that Mexico is not 'communist'.
  • The 'Mexico and Centroamerica at War!' event (61056) now requires that the United Provinces are not 'communist'.
  • Changed deathdate of many Russian and Soviet events from 1947/1949 to 1960.
  • Rebalanced AI chances in 'The Government Offers to Negotiate' event (756008).
  • Added missing AI chance to choice C of the 'Japan Protects Siberia!' event (751037).
  • Choices A of the 'Siberia is Vulnerable' events (751038 & 751040, choice B of the 'Siberian Policy' event (751041), and choice A of the 'Siberian Autonomy' event (751043) now gives cores on Siberian provinces.
  • Choice C of the 'Exporting the Revolution' event (757009) now adds a core to Dalian (1202).
  • Removed extra AI chance line from choice B of the 'Siberia Refuses' event (757017), and rebalanced remaining AI chance values.
  • Corrected name of Gibraltar garrison created in choice A of the 'Protect Gibraltar' event (3967053).
  • Fixed deathdate of the 'Another Attempt for a King of Poland' event (9980018).
  • Fixed some minister assignments in the 'Alfred Potocki's Cabinet Crisis' event (7300), but some minister assignments remain bugged.
  • The 'Defeat', 'The Afghan-Delhi War Ends in Victory', 'Afghanistani Victory', and 'The Afghan-Delhi War Ends in Defeat' events (700615, 700616, & 700618 to 700620) now set peace for the whole alliance.
  • Removed 'Esc F' entries from the unitnames file.
  • Removed duplicate MEN entries from the unitnames file.
  • The 'Taureg Revolt' event now adds 1 VP to Fort Laperrine (1014).
  • Added missing descriptions to the 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 to 771033).
  • Added missing command line to choice D of the 'What to do with the Don-Kuban Union' events (771030 & 771031).
  • The 'Long Establishes the Minute Men' event (90810) will no longer occur if the USA has already won the ACW.
  • Added missing command line to choice B of the 'Russia is Defeated' event (75101405).
  • The 'Ukraine has left Mitteleuropa' events (771014 to 771020) now require that Russia and the Ukraine are not at war, not in an alliance, and that Ukraine is not a puppet of Russia.
  • Fixed triggers of the 'Anarco-Syndicalist Uprising!' events (3967076, 3967079, 3967081, 39670791, 3967101, & 3967115) so that they require that Carlist Spain is at war with the Kingdom of Spain or the CNT-FAI.
  • The 'Attempted Rebellion in Korea!' event (340080) and the 'Rebellion in Korea!' events (340085 & 340082) now require that Korea does not exist.
  • Removed Austrian leaders from the German leader file.
  • Removed remaining SS leaders from the German leader file, with some moving to Mittelafrika.
  • Removed the requirement that the 'Siberian Crisis Over!' event (749999) has occurred from the trigger of the 'Military Force' event (749988), and each choice now unlocks one of the two deactivated land doctrine techs.
  • Removed the 'Military Force' event (756026), which was effectively a duplicate of event 749988.
  • The 'Soviet Military Buildup' event (756027) now requires that Russia and the Soviets are not at war.
  • 'The Fall of Bolshevism' event (757001) now requires that Smolensk is not controlled by the Soviets, in addition to the other province control requirements.
  • The revolt.txt entries for Austria-Hungary and the Danubian Federation now include cores on Craiova (426) and Venice (378).
  • The triggers of 'The Bitter Peace' events (9001650, 9001653, & 9001656) now require that the country defeating Russia has not lost more than 20% of owned VPs.
  • Moved Zhang Xueliang from the Qing to the Fengtien leader file.
  • The 'Reorganisation of the Dual-Monarchy' event (85519) & the 'Reorganisation of the Federation' event (85522) now gives cores on Craiova (426), Maribor (459), Ljubljana (380), Trento (371), Venice (378), and Zrenjanin (494).
  • 'The Bitter Peace' event (9001655) now cedes Kuznetsk (158) & Murom (179) to France, in addition to the other provinces.
  • Choice C of the 'Menshevik Georgia Desires an Alliance' event (757003) now adjusts relations with Georgia by -200 & DOWs Georgia.
  • Fixed bug with the 'Germany Decides' events (91413/91417) not occuring if Germany decides for war in response to the assassination of Vladimir I.
  • 'The CSA Escapes to France' events (81143, 800320, & 903901) now require that the CoF exists.
  • Choice B of the 'Prussian Revolution' event (3206300) now ends any war with Germany, Russia, Canada, Sweden, and the Italian Federation.
  • Choice A of 'The Treaty of Archangelsk' events (75101400) now removes the core on Kola (134) instead of Archangelsk (154).
  • Choice A of the 'Finland Makes its Move!' event (751013) now cedes Petrozavodsk (152) instead of Severodvinsk (153).
  • Removed Minsk (218) and Orsha (212) from the revolt.txt entry for SOV.
  • The 'Colombus Captured' event (909178) and the 'Heavy Fighting in Colombus' event (909182) now occur for the USA instead of the CSA, while the 'Colombus Recaptured' event (909181) now occurs for the CSA instead of the USA.
  • The 'New York Captured' event (909114) now requires that the 'CSA Influences Expands' event (908570) has occured, instead of the 'Reed declares the workers state. The Rise of the CSA' event (908500).
  • Choice A of the 'Germany and France at War' event (9445570) now correctly triggers the 'Britain Joins in the Fight' event (94455571).
  • The 'New England Joins the Civil War' event (9000852) will no longer occur if New England is already at war, or if the USA has lost more than 25% of its VPs.
  • Random value in the trigger of the 'Defeat' event (700615) raised from 10 to 40.
  • Date of 'The Proclamation of Liberty Day' event (830376) changed from 1936 to 1937.
  • Various text fixes.

AI Changes

  • New AI file for New England. Garrison priorities will shift depending on whether New England is allied with Canada or the United States
  • New AI file for South Africa. Starts off isolationist, and then its garrison, build, & trade priorities shift depending on whether it takes a pro-Entente, pro-Internationale, pro-Mittelafrika, or expansionist path in the post '38 election events.
  • New AI file for Bolivia. Garrison & diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist.
  • New AI file for Venezuela. Garrison & diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist.
  • Caribbean Federation will now garrison its important islands, instead of transporting all garrisons to Guyana (with the possible exception of when the CF is at war with an immediate neighbour).
  • National France will no longer research nuclear techs (a massive waste of its lone tech slot).
  • Thoroughly revised Brazilian AI to fix scripting errors that prevented it from loading. Brazil now starts off with a 'neutral' AI that shifts to pro-Syndicalist if Brazil becomes Syndicalist.
  • Removed AI-only events that triggered war in India in early 1938. War will now come ca. 1939 depending on foreign policy events of the three states.
  • CoF research priorities shift depending on which path it chooses in the 'Election Day 1: Clarifying the Communal Army' event.
  • Cuban diplomatic priorities will shift depending on whether it is Syndicalist or allied to Canada (i.e. part of the Entente).
  • Removed AI events for Bolivia that returned democratic ministers to power after becoming Syndicalist.
  • New AI file for the United Kingdom.
  • Australasian diplomatic and garrison priorities will shift if it becomes Syndicalist.
  • CAL, CSA, TEX, & USA can now only devote 25% (instead of 100%) of IC to province improvements.
  • CAL, CSA, & TEX will no longer be forced to build IC (in peacetime).
  • Province preferences for IC construction adjusted for CSA, TEX, & USA.
  • Revised research and build priorities of Bohemia and Slovakia.
  • Japanese, Transamur, and Fengtein AI behaviour adjusted in case of war with Russia.
  • New AI file for Prussia.
  • AI event 5015141, which switches the US to its ACW AI file, will now activate if the USA is at war with CSA, TEX, or CAL, and can occur on any date from 1936 onwards.
  • The United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States will no longer research naval or naval doctrine techs during the American Civil War.
  • Removed AI events that switched production for the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States based on year.
  • Adjusted production for the United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States during the American Civil War, & notably none will produce warships during the conflict.
  • Adjusted post-American Civil War garrison priorities of the United States, the Combined Syndicates, the American Union State, and the Pacific States.
  • Added U28 to diplomatic entries of Syndicalist and Entente countries.
  • Added resistance section to diplomatic entry of National France.
  • Hungarian AI will now build warships, and research naval and naval doctrine techs, if it owns & controls the Dalmatian coast (i.e. annexes Croatia during the Ausgleich negotiations).
  • Lowered CoF AI's starting neutrality from 80 to 60 (may help in gaining alliances).
  • Added land brigade preferences to AUS, CSA, & PSA AIs.

Other changes

  • Revised list of countries available at scenario start screen, as follows: FRA, GER, ENG, AUS, ITA, RUS, CAN, USA, JAP, CSX.
  • New and/or revised model names for Bohemia, Canada, Germany, the Italian Federation, Prussia, Russia, Slovakia, and the Union of Britain.
  • New and/or revised model pics for Afghanistan, Bohemia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Prussia, Republic of Kurdistan, Russia, and Slovakia.
  • New and/or revised air names for Austria-Hungary, Bavaria, Bohemia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Ecuador, England, France, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Prussia, Rhenish Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
  • New and/or revised army names for Bavaria, Bohemia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, England, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Prussia, Rhenish Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
  • New and/or revised navy names for Austro-Hungary, Baltic Confederation, Bolivia, Brazil, Brittany, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Danubian Federation, Ecuador, England, France, La Plata, Normandy, North German Federation, Occitania, Peru, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, Prussia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, & Wales.
  • Adjusted cores of AUS, AZB, CZE, DEN, GEO, ITA, SCO, & SPA in revolt.txt to make it easier to release puppets.
  • Revised specialities of many tech components, as per Jedrek (see 'Technology Speciality Changes' file for details).
  • Republic of the Sicilies renamed Socialist Republic of Italy.
  • 'Bolshevik' ideology renamed to 'Totalist'.
  • Revolt.txt changes: Added cores on Ostrava & Brno to Bohemia, added core on Maribor to Slovenia, added core on Sarajevo to Serbia, & removed core on Presov from Slovakia.
  • New battle scenario for a Russo-Japanese War.
  • The revolt.txt entries for CON & LAT now have regular_ID set to GER.
  • Forts added to five Polish provinces.
  • Redistributed Canadian IC & MP.
  • 1 VP added to Khartoum.
  • Nationalist France now starts with the Early Tank tech instead of the Basic Light Tank tech.
  • Canada now starts at '4' on the Left-Right Slider instead of '2'.
  • Duplicate transport & escort entries for Canada removed: Canada now starts with 300 transports & 5 escorts.
  • 41. Jun division of Xibei San Ma now starts in Qumul (1435) instead of Tianshui (1277), as only the former is in Xibei San Ma territory.
  • Egyptian Sinai Garrison relocated to Alexandria (906).
  • New propaganda poster for Brazil, France, the Legation Cities, New England, Occitania, Prussia, and the United Kingdom.
  • Italian Federation now starts with 50 transports instead of 40.
  • Socialist Republic of Italy now starts with 150 MP (instead of 28), 50 money (instead of 10), and 50 transports (instead of 40).
  • In the Canadian OOB, two militia divisions were removed, two militia divisions were converted to infantry, and four garrison divisions were added (Vancouver, Quebec City, Halifax, & Newfoundland).
  • In the Legation Cities OOB, a naval transport was added, to facilitate the transport of military forces to any port that may become rebel-occupied.
  • In the German OOB, the Mittelmeerflotte has been relocated from Suez (900) to Pord Said (901), as only the latter has a naval base.
  • Germany now starts with the Basic Destroyer tech (3030), so that German DD tech is at the same level as the UoB & CoF (there being no reason for Germany to be behind).
  • New scenario description for New England.
  • Minor redistribution of Bohemian IC: +3 Zilina, -2 Kosice, -1 Banska Bystrica.
  • Japan no longer has a core on Guam (1624).
  • Added level 1 AA and a level 3 airbase to Kunming (1307).
  • Removed the naval base from Strakonice (466).
  • Burmese capital relocated to Mandalay (1296).
  • Many starting divisions and armies for Qing renamed.
  • Aisin-Gioro Pujie now commands the strongest starting Qing army.
  • 40 convoy transports added to Bengal, Delhi, and the Princely Federation, for convoys to the Andamans and to/from Ceylon if conquered.
  • Added 1 VP to Jeju (1194).
  • Kerema (1675), Bismarck Range (1676), Owen Stanley Mountains (1678), and Milne Bay (1680) transferred from Germany to Australasia (these provinces were administered by Australia prior to 1914, and thus would not have fallen to Germany when it took over the rest of the British colonies).
  • Revised relations, starting techs, and OOBs of La Plata, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Caribbean Federation.
  • Added 20 transports to La Plata, Brazil, and Chile.
  • Brazilian capital moved from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro.
  • Changed names and some starting locations of Hungarian units.
  • New scenario description for Korea.
  • Austria now starts with 100 manpower instead of 10.
  • Removed German parties from scenario selection screen.
  • In the German OOB, the Ostafrikaschwadron has been relocated from Zeila (1036) to Djibouti (1037), as only the latter has a naval base.
  • Level 4 naval base and level 2 air base added to Dar es Salaam (1140).
  • In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro now has 1 more VP, Goias now has 1 less VP, and Curitiba now has 2 more VP.
  • Removed naval base from Craiova (426).
  • Added 1 VP to Mogadishu (1056) & Conakry (987), and added 2 VP to Yerevan (1856).
  • Austria now begins with Early Anti-Tank Artillery (2400).
  • Fixed the spelling of the Sturmregimente unit in the Austrian OOB.
  • The Albanian Garrison unit in the Ottoman OOB is now locked in place.
  • In the UoB OOB, the two garrison units in each beach province has been reduced to one, with the remaining division now at full strength, and a garrison unit has been added for London.
  • Adjusted IC levels in Transamur: +4 in Khabarovsk (1367), -1 in Ternei (1369), -1 in Iman (1370), -2 in Tetyukhe (1371), +1 in Vladivostok (1372), & -1 in Spassk-Dalnij (1373).
  • Added 1 manpower to Vladivostok (1372).
  • Renamed some units in the Transamur OOB.
  • Added 20 convoy transports to Transamur.

Kaiserreich version 1.1 Changelog 10/01/2010 (for Armageddon 1.3b)

New events

  • War Reparation events for GER defeat of FRA by Zauberfloete
  • War Reparation events for GER defeat of ENG by Zauberfloete
  • War Reparation events for GER defeat of other nations by Zauberfloete
  • War Reparation events for FRA defeat of GER by Zauberfloete
  • War Reparation events for FRA defeat of other nations by Zauberfloete
  • Gearing up for War events GER by Zauberfloete
  • Revised German Flavour Dissent hits by Zauberfloete
  • Revised German Shipnames in events by Zauberfloete
  • Double German Ministers by Zauberfloete
  • FLA-WAL Post-Occupation Treaty by Zauberfloete
  • Events for Aftermath of successfull Centralization for Austria by Zauberfloete
  • Events for both Dual Monarchy and Danube Federation by Zauberfloete
  • Added new Polish events by viader
  • Added new Russian alliance events by viader
  • Added new Latin America events by viader and Zauberfloete
  • Added New German Succession events by Zauberfloete
  • Revised the Arabian Revolt to Great Arabian Revolt by Zauberfloete
  • Added Kurdish Uprising by Zauberfloete

Political Changes

  • Added Austro-Hungary, Danube Federation, Baltic Confederation, Peru-Bolivian Confederation by Zauberfloete


  • Added several new Minister pics by Zauberfloete
  • Added several new event_pics by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed the counters for France (U08) and England (U07) by Zauberfloete
  • Added New North German Federation and Prussia shield and flag


  • Fixed Torun core province bug by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed Romanian flag and minister file by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed some double ministers and leaders

Other changes

  • Rewritten Air,Army,Navy and unitnames for Flanders-Wallonia, Mittelafrika, Combined Syndicates of America, Legation Cities, Carlist Spain, Galizien-Lodomerien, United Baltic Duchy, American Union State by Amartus and Zauberfloete

Kaiserreich version 1.0 Changelog 10/10/2009 (for Armageddon 1.2)

New events

  • German election events by Zauberfloete
  • German Choosing the Reichskanzler events by Zauberfloete
  • German Reichskanzler effects events by Zauberfloete
  • Canadian-Russian cooperation events by viader
  • PSA foreign policy events by viader
  • Choosing the path - democracy or junta (USA) events by viader
  • PSA - USA after civil war relations by viader
  • Russian economy events by viader
  • Investment in Siberia, free market and central planning version by viader
  • Russian reaction to the syndie Ukraine by viader
  • What do to with Don-Kuban Union by viader
  • Choosing the alliance (Russia) by viader
  • German succession event for Wilhelm III by Zauberfloete
  • New Central Asian Events by viader
  • Russian- Japanese cooperation by viader
  • Australasian - Russian cooperation by viader
  • Nationalist French - Russian cooperation by viader
  • Great Patriotic War with France/Germany by viader
  • New Bulgarian scandal event by FlyingDutchman
  • New German and French war events by General Grant and Zauberfloete
  • Arabian Revolt events by jamhaw
  • Reworked Bulgarian events by patriot1
  • Many, many Flavour Events by FlyingDutchman (too many to name them all!!)


  • Added nation model images for Germany, Russia, USA, Union of Britain, Canada, Commune of France, Japan by Zauberfloete
  • Added missing Tech pics for Canada and Commune of France by Zauberfloete
  • Rewritten the config file for model name, to add more Kaiserreich-flavour by Zauberfloete
  • New end-game frontend by Zauberfloete
  • Added more urban provinces with the respective urban images by Zauberfloete
  • Added new terrain images by Zauberfloete
  • Changed the battle events pics and some diplomatic ones by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed Romania counter by Amartus
  • Added Third Internationale event pics by Zauberfloete
  • New Skins by Milites


  • Fixed the CSA and ENG counters by Grimlin
  • Fixed the ICL event by Tormentor and AC
  • Fixed the ICL ai by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed French Land doctrine bug by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed the Iceland Independence Ai by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed Italian minister bug by Amartus
  • Fixed Delhi at war series by viader
  • Fixed the Sino-Japanese War by viader
  • Fixed German Panzerdivision event by Zauberfloete and Amartus
  • Fixed von Witzleben techteam (He was a joke in research the appropiate techs) by Zauberfloete
  • Fixed minor names in Germany scenario setup by Zauberfloete


  • Finally added more music

Other changes

  • Rewritten Air,Army,Navy and unitnames for Flanders-Wallonia, Mittelafrika, Combined Syndicates of America, Legation Cities, Carlist Spain, Galizien-Lodomerien, United Baltic Duchy, American Union State by Amartus and Zauberfloete

Kaiserreich BETA V Changelog 16/05/2009 (two versions, one for Doomsday and one for Armageddon 1.2)

New major changes

  • new events for the Republic of the Sicilies (Congress of the Greater Sicilian Union, mafia and many more) by AC and Placido
  • new events for the Commune of France by Masked Pickle and Andromedos
  • new events for Canadian Victory over Union of Britain (Liberation of UK) by Johnny Canuck
  • new events for UoB and CSA victory over Canada by Meadow and AC

Other new events

  • new events for Galicia by Jedrek
  • new events for Caribbean Federation (CSA Intervention) by AC
  • new events for Italian Federation (the path of the Italian Federation) by AC
  • new events for South Africa (1938 election) by AC
  • new tech team takeover in the Ausgleich events by lordgoof
  • reworked events for the Congress of the Third International
  • new events for Bulgaria by patriot1
  • new events for USA by freetup and Jedrek
  • new events for Germany and Mittelafrika by Andromedos (domestic events) and Berlichingen (naval construction)
  • new events for Bengal receving military help from CoF and UoB by AC
  • new events for Finland by Andromedos and KanaX
  • new events for UoB victory over Ireland by AC
  • new events for PSA victory over Mexico and Mexico victory over PSA by freetup
  • new events for German victory over CoF by AC
  • new events for a peace between Germany and United Kingdom by Johnny Canuck
  • new events for Netherlands by Shadowbound, revised by thegreatplant and AC
  • new events for German rule in Spain and Italy by AC
  • new events for Japan, China and Korea by thegreatplant
  • revised events for Ethiopia
  • various events and changes by V-X
  • many new flavour events by Masked Pickle, Yuriswe, AC and Hamlee
  • overall, different event trees are better interconnected than before.

Political edits

  • new ministers and leaders for Italian Federation and Republic of the Sicilies by AC
  • new ministers for Caribbean Federation by AC
  • new ministers for South Africa by AC
  • new ministers and leaders for Commune of France by Masked Pickle
  • new ministers and leaders for Canada, Union of Britain and United Kingdom by Johnny Canuck
  • new ministers and leaders for Galicia by Jedrek
  • revised ministers for Greece and Mexico by Masked Pickle
  • revised ministers and new leaders for Bulgaria by patriot1
  • new ministers for Quebec by AC
  • new ministers for Korea by thegreatplant
  • overall, new ministers here and there
  • three new revolters (Brittany, Normandy and Occitania) thanks to New Nations Mod (only in the Arma 1.2 version, not the DD version)
  • new starting cabinet for Commune of France, South Africa and the Republic of the Sicilies
  • Union of Britain Naval OOB by Johnny Canuck
  • Mittelafrika OoB by Veldmaarschalk

Territory, resource and industry edits

  • increased initial tech level of the Republic of the Sicilies and Bulgaria (especially naval techs)
  • increased initial resources for Hungary
  • additional resource events for some countries
  • new tech teams for Italian Federation, Republic of the Sicilies, Union of Britain, United Kingdom, Hungary, Galicia, Bulgaria and Mexico
  • new tech teams for Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Poland awakened in the Ausgleich events


  • many new eventpics
  • many new ministers, leaders and techteams pictures
  • different colours and unit sprites for various nations
  • new brigades and division pics for Bulgaria by patriot1
  • new flags and shields for Union of Britain (by Meadow), CSA (by Meadow) and Flanders-Wallonien (by Afalsejedi)
  • new optional flag and shield for Canada (by Meadow) if it becomes syndicalist (in the flag/shield folders)
  • new topbar, sidebar and fullscreen for Union of Britain by KanaX (available in the SKINS pack, separated download)
  • new topbar for CSA by KanaX (available in the SKINS pack, separated download)


  • removed many bugs, especially in the American Civil War, Spanish Civil War and German Capitulation chains.

Other changes

  • various new unit names (Commune of France, Republic of the Sicilies, Finland, Carlist Spain and others)
  • new navy names and models for Russia and Soviet Union by Akira
  • new army names for Carlist Spain by KanaX
  • added correct description for all the starting countries and the major revolter (CSA, American Union State, United Kingdom, Carlist Spain, Federation Anarquista Iberica, Imperial Abyssinia).

Kaiserreich BETA IV Changelog 28/05/2008

New major event chains

  • added new American Civil War setup. Tons of new events, making a much different and aurprising conflict. With many new ministers! (by freetup)
  • sdded new Spanish Civil War (by Thegreatplant)
  • added new chinese events. We now have events for all chinese factions, and various foreign reactions. With new ministers, leaders, and techteams! (by thegreatplant)
  • added United Baltic Dutchy colonisation events (by Mishgan)
  • added Lithuania events and ministers and leaders (by Laiqualasse)

Other new events

  • National France domestic events (by Masked Pickle and Andromedos)
  • Death of Hans von Seeckt events added to Germany
  • New outcome of the british Trade Union congress: Britain federalized, Wales and Scotland become independant
  • Some new flavor events added. (J.R.R. Tolkien, anyone?)
  • Swedish and Norwegian events fixed, improved, and expanded (by Akira and Andromedos)
  • expanded Latin and Central American events (by Kibbles, with edits by Akira and Andromedos)
  • reincluded 'Faith and nation' events
  • overall, different event trees are better interconnected than before.

Political edits

  • Added the new revolter of Ide-Ural (by Akira and Das Kapitalist)
  • Added Hashemite Arabia ministers, techteams, and leader (by Abbassia)
  • New HoS and cabinet for Egypt
  • added new OOB for Commune of France (by KanaX)
  • Added diplomatic relations for Delhi and Bengal
  • proper chief of navy for Commune of France
  • correct chiefs of army and airforce for Bengal
  • removed Mohammed Iqal as Princely Federation HoG
  • added various new ministers to Germany. Many Nazi ministers are replaced. (good riddance!)
  • expanded Bengal cabinet
  • Cabinet changes added to Canadian poltical and military events
  • Ho Chi Mihn movement is no longer an offmap nation

Territory, resource and industry edits

  • made the Fiji Islands an Australasian territory
  • added Gambia to National France
  • Papal Italy now controls Corsica
  • increased Tsingtau and Singapore fort
  • reduced Croatian IC
  • reduced National France tech level to more realistic levels (it had 1940s Vichy technology)
  • Industry reshuffel for USA (by freetup)
  • additional resources and resource events for Carribbean Federation, Delhi. (by Andromedos, and somebody on the Paradox forum who's name I can't remember. Sorry about that...)
  • more resources for Burma, Georgia, Canada, Australia, India, National France, and many other nations.
  • Germanised the Flandern- Wallonien techteams
  • edited and expanded Austrian techteams
  • edited Transarmur techteams
  • edited German techteams
  • West Coast Federation renamed to Pacific States of America
  • Added various Victory Points to the Entente, Internationale, and other nations


  • Indochina events fixed.
  • Ottoman triggers for Balkan Pact changed
  • fixed Australasian government changes and coups, now actually leaves the Entente.
  • fixed Abyssinian events. Civil war should now last longer.
  • Ausgleich events fixed. No CTD anymore.
  • fixed and expanded Belarus events (by Mishgan and Akira)
  • Bengal government elections fixed, now give actually new cabinets.
  • air and/or anaval doctrines for Russia, National France, Hungary, Austria
  • fixed Indochina eventchain
  • fixed Fengtien techteam pictures
  • Italy under Pope Julius finally does not have the same ministers as the republic of Sicily anymore
  • dozens of broken IDs, flags, triggers, sliders, and other bugs fixed.


  • added new generic unitpics (by Zauberflöte)
  • added many new eventpics (by Andromedos and others)
  • New propaganda posters for Bhutan, USA, Imperial Abyssinia, Ireland, La Plata, Qing Empire (by Andromedos)
  • added new province pictures
  • different colours and unit sprites for various nations
  • new flags and shields for PSA, Ide-Ural
  • many new minister, leader and techteam pictures

Other changes

  • AI file for the Fengtian Republic
  • included fixed Syndie Ukraine AI file (sorry, forgot who made it...)
  • edited AI files for Commune of France, Bengal, Union of Britain, Mittelafrika, US- American factions, and many others
  • a new connection added from Egypt to Sinai: egyptian- Ottoman war now possible without sea transport
  • connection from HongKong to the chinese mainland added.
  • connection from the cyclades to greek mainland added.
  • various new unit names (by KanaX, yxc qwert, Andromedos, and others).
  • gave the German puppets and allies in east Europe english names.
  • renamed the Alliance and continent names in the diplomacy menu.
  • Ulan Bator is now named Urga, Qingdao is named Tsingtau.

Kaiserreich BETA III Changelog 13/01/2008


  • Removed all the erreneous graphics, like trees, sprites etc.
  • Removed all the skins, except for Germany, to lighten the pack (so,I suggest, you download the skin pack)
  • Fixed an important design flaw, which prevented some of the leader, added earlier, to be noticed
  • Added a new scenario picture, made by Teutonburger W
  • Die Wacht am Rhein is back


  • Qing Empire now gets a new Emperor and a new navy (thanks to Andromedos)
  • Manchukuo is now replaced with Fengtien Republic
  • Added a lot а new leaders, ministers and tech teams (Canada and Australasia - by freetup, Ottoman Empire - by Abbasia, the rest - by Andromedos)
  • Slighly boosted IC fr Canada, Lybia and Ethipia
  • Imp. Abyssinia now gets "some" Ethiopian ministers
  • Added off-map Ho Chi Mihns movement
  • Added stuff from Tibetan historical pack (full credit goes to Le Ran)
  • Added Nepal stuff (thatnks to rcduggan)


  • Denmark industrial events (by freetup)
  • New Iceland war (by freetup)
  • Soviet - Siberian relations (by Akira)
  • Indochina revolt part II (by Timotheus and Akira)
  • Some Nationalist France domestic events (by freetup)
  • Cuba events (by Andromedos)
  • Reincluded a few initial Mexican events
  • Added some old foggoten events for Italy (by Zucker)
  • Thanks to Andromedos, Hitler is no londger a wrestler.


  • Fixed Tattered Flag and Puerto Rico
  • Guiana now gets 2 militia divisions
  • Split the capital army in Ethiopia (so it shouldn't fall right away)
  • Spanish Civil war should now happen
  • Many new countries should now be releasible (thanks to kuzux)
  • Various minor fixes

The following content and features have been added since the last beta release:


  • Annexation events for major countries, neighbors and countries likely to go to war with another. The events give supplies and a lower dissent.
  • Capitulation events added for Holland and Germany.
  • Partioning events added for a French Defeat by German arms and a German defeat by French arms.
  • Reunification events for the Bengal, the Princely Federation, Delhi (India), Sicily, the Italian Federation, (Italy) the Qing Empire, the Yunnan Clique, Manchuria, Republican China and the Nanjing Government (China).
  • Russian and Soviet Bitter Peace events added for Russia and Japan, Russia and France, Russia and Germany and all the latter countries for Soviet Russia.
  • Liberation events for the Commune of France and Germany.
  • Events that give Cores for countries like Poland, Romania, Serbia and Greece who have been reduced from their Pre-Weltkrieg size if they control the provinces that they will be gaining cores on.
  • The Berlin Stock Market Crash is more fleshed out, the consequences felt by Germany and South America especially.
  • Latin American events that cover War, Peace, Politics and the Economy after the Stock Market Crash.
  • Some Chinese events added but not finished.
  • Many new domestic events for all of the Factions in the Second American Civil War.
  • Dozens of new flavour events, including events about holidays, festivals, art, music and cinema.
  • The German-French war events are done for the most part, but will greatly be expanded on in later versions.
  • And 100s more.


  • 100+ new minister pictures to improve blurry, wrong or badly positioned pictures.
  • 400+ Kaiserreich exclusive event pictures.


  • 30+ new VPs added in places that were former colonies but are now independent (which therefore had less VPs) like throughout Africa and India.
  • Canadian, Mexican and French IC increased.
  • New tech teams for the USA, CSA, TEX, CAL, FRA, VIC, CSX and GER as well as new ministers and leaders.
  • 12-15 new countries, including Prussia, the North German Federation, Bavaria, Rhineland, England, Wales, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Republican China and the Nanjing Government. Thanks to Daboo and the NewNations mod for allowing us to use many of the new countries you'll see in the mod.
  • 225+ new AI Files which will improve the AI, noticable in situations like the Second American Civil War especially.
  • Yemen has been split between Oman and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Tunisia is no longer independent, but an Ottoman puppet.
  • While KR still uses the Sexii Colors Mod, many countries have had their countrie's colors changed, and changes will be made as the mod moves forward. The old is still available as an optional download. Also, a special thanks to Atruejedi and SMEP for their advice and contributions.

Kaiserreich 1.0.1 changelog 9/25/07


  • Thomas Mann, Chairman of the TUC now has a picture.
  • Enver Pasha now has the correct picture.
  • Puerto Rico's flag has been corrected.


  • The Corrected VP file has been added that was in Beta IIb but missing in 1.0.
  • NAPs between CON and VIC, CON and POR, CON and EGY and CON and SAF all removed.
  • Minor fixes to the FRA and CAN scenario files.


  • Tuareg minister pictures now working correctly.
  • Province IDs fixed for CON's Angola event.
  • Gandhi is now made security minister when choosen in the event for the PRK.
  • President Madrid now sleeps when he is assassinated for PAN.
  • Russian ministers for the Mensheviks now fixed.
  • ENG event for NOR now declares war like it should.
  • Sliders now fixed for the Third International events.
  • Puerto Rican events have been omitted until they can be fixed.
  • "The Constitutionalists Surrender" has been fixed.
  • Romandy is now seceded when France asks for it and SCH accepts.
  • There are now German events for the Fall of Paris and Partioning of France that will be improved on later.
  • Neutral France and the United Kingdom have been added as revolters.
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