Empire:New Player List

From Inselkampf

Revision as of 17:28, 25 February 2007 by (Talk)

[Empire]</td> This page is related to the Empire alliance.
Current Members - Diplomatic Affairs

This page is to give new members a quick boost in development by delivering stone to all of them.

Old players

Copy the list into the list randomizer, and go down the randomized list sending one ship of stone to each player. Also please remove any players that have been on this page more then 2 weeks.


  • ratbastid 42:51:24, 9 Feburary 2007
  • nib0rd00h 7:38:13, February 14, 2007
  • Black 25:73:14, February 10, 2007
  • Scrotenreich 25:93:6, February 15, 2007
  • The_Emperor 25:27:16, February 14, 2007
  • Qwertyuiop 51:39:11 February 16, 2007
  • Dudleydino 7:31:4, February 13, 2007
  • Freido 25:64:16 , February 12, 2007
  • alphageek 7:48:17, Febuary 13, 2007
  • Murkin 15:89:22, February 9,2007
  • Dikadar 25:32:6 February 12, 2007
  • haf_baked 42:54:2 February 12, 2007
  • Lukaroski 42:99:21 February 11, 2007
  • AndersS 42:65:17 February 10, 2007
  • pandaforce 24:90:9, 9 February 2007
  • derstein 51:45:16 11 Feburary 2007
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