
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 05:56, 25 January 2008 by PublicAffairs (Talk | contribs)

At the time of writing, the top 20 alliances are 20 distinct entities on paper. In practice, they are only 8 distinct alliances, and arguably fewer than that. Alliance profiles have generally been forthcoming and honest about which confederation they are members of, but it's not exactly all spelled out for people completely. I feel I have an unfair advantage because I've been playing since the beginning of server 2, and have been kinda paying attention most of that time, so I have some idea of what's going on.

It would be good for the game if the inquiring n00b could make an informed decision about which alliance to join.

I tried not to use the preferred wording of an alliance when describing that alliance (i.e. "sister alliance"). It would be nice if this were as neutral as possible.

-Phaikon 00:27, 25 January 2008 (EST)

I don't think there was ever an SEK W1 alliance. Same thing with CyC; I recognize some names from W1; but they are from alliances not named CyC. Also, I don't think there was ever an IXKP in W1; I know hongkonger is in [PAIN] in W1.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that PHA was started by a large group of car fanatics from the website (thus their original PHers moniker). PublicAffairs 00:56, 25 January 2008 (EST)

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