Gold Mine

From Inselkampf

Revision as of 02:38, 22 August 2007 by Rushiku (Talk | contribs)
Building Level
Image:Main house.gif Main House 1
Image:Stone.gif Gold Mine
Image:Stone.gif Stone Quarry
Image:Lumbermill.gif Lumber Mill
Image:Storehouse.gif Storehouse
Image:Stonewall.gif Stone Wall
Image:Watchtower.gif Watch Tower
Image:Laboratory.gif Laboratory
Image:Harbour.gif Harbour
Image:Barracks.gif Barracks
Technology Level

A Gold Mine provides you with a constant supply of gold. Gold is the most important resource on your island. You need it to pay your workers. The higher level Gold Mine you have the more gold can be extracted every hour. Without a gold mine, eight units of gold are mined per hour.

Resources delivered per hour by building level:

Lvl 01234 56789 1011121314 1516171819 20
Gold 89111316 1923283441 49597185102 123147177212255 306

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