
From Inselkampf

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Grover 234 was the undisputed most successful player in [[Inselkamp]] version.
Grover 234 was the undisputed most successful player in [[Inselkampf]] version.
Grover started playing in April or May 2006 and grew to a size of 1200 iles when he quit in Feb 2007.
Grover started playing in April or May 2006 and grew to a size of 1200 iles when he quit in Feb 2007.
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Grover's goodbye message is interesting as it shows the level of commitment this too:
Grover's goodbye message is interesting as it shows the level of commitment this too:
"guys and gals
"guys and gals
its been fun but its time. i can honestly say i never expect this stupid texted based game to be so unique.
its been fun but its time. i can honestly say i never expect this stupid texted based game to be so unique.
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Andy McCann
Andy McCann
==A day in the life of an IK addict==
a day in the life of this addict
a day in the life of this addict
6:00AM - looks around ... no one awake... runs down stairs gets on IK copies the isle list to xls sorts for full storehouse and build 479 spear
6:00AM - looks around ... no one awake... runs down stairs gets on IK copies the isle list to xls sorts for full storehouse and build 479 spear
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no doubt the game was fun and you guys were a blast
no doubt the game was fun and you guys were a blast
but i have a real life and real kids that i need to launch cats (real ones) at and build sand castle Main Houses with
but i have a real life and real kids that i need to launch cats (real ones) at and build sand castle Main Houses with
to the end with guns o blazing....
to the end with guns o blazing....
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now what
now what
i guess i'll just walk out the exit door
i guess i'll just walk out the exit door
ps - if you play bfme2 i'm grover234 (duh)
cmccann is Aanon
bbqdwarrior is BBQdwarrior
add us to friends and i'll let you beat me there too"

Revision as of 18:14, 10 March 2007

Grover 234 was the undisputed most successful player in version.

Grover started playing in April or May 2006 and grew to a size of 1200 iles when he quit in Feb 2007.

Grover's goodbye message is interesting as it shows the level of commitment this too:


"guys and gals its been fun but its time. i can honestly say i never expect this stupid texted based game to be so unique.

i've enjoyed IK for a long while but recnetly its become more like a job to me and i have been denying that this job (or addiction really) was hurting my work and home life.

several of you have had similar talks from your wife's "quit IK or else..." fingal, cmc, vegas... i know you know what i mean.

and it seems even work thought my performace suck. no raise for grover

so home and work caught me playing too much. more than that they saw me more commited to IK than to them.

what tipped me over the edge was 2 things.

about a month ago my wife said it was like i was an alchololic, due to my family negelect. i argured that IK never got me a DUI or hurt anyone. When at that moment, due to my neglect of putting the gate on the stairs, my 11month old crawled up and fell down the stairs. we ran over and i picked him up and he sick-upped all over me. I felt like a dirt man and it wasn't for the puke on my cloths.

the other was my daughter walking in to my office on a saturday and asking if we could go to the park and i said... "hold on baby daddy needs a minute" (i think that was my mantra, and i'll never say that to my kids again)... a minute or 60 minutes to play IK. She came back later and said with tears "daddy why do you have to work so much". it wasnt work it was IK. I know not many of you are dads or moms in this game, but you only get called out like this by this sort of thing once in a life time. What type of person can lie to a child or mislead them. i felt pretty dirty again, and this time there wasn't any puke on me

So halko and i began talking about merging or co-running grover. but after a few more timely insidents with the family (i had my family over for my birthday after xmas and i snuk out to IK.... wtf) and then me feeling like i was "at work" retaking LP's nicked isles. 18 months of game play came crashing in on me and all the missed opportunities with family, like walks with my 4 year old on the nature trails all to get a few more spear on my isle.

its a game and i have to break free (dang you sven for not making scripts for us)

we would've co-run later than sooner but nemesis gave us the opportunity to start co running a few weeks back. (most know nem pounded halko) last night when charlie (cmc) and justin (bbq) and i got smashed in some BFME2 around midnight... they both were kocking off to bed and i said "not me, i got some work to do" work was acutally IK. it made me sick.

I"m not sure how it got to be work or an addiction or how i let it go so long (maybe its the competition or that i'm a salesman and that no other game allowed me to use work like skills in a computer game... i loved the psywar) but i am certian of this....

the game plays me now. I dont play it. i am a slave to the level 20 SH. Sh*t only 3 days before its full again.

it dictated when i did things and didnt. Like park time, leaving for trips for work (never on a tusnami night), and all sorts of amazing things

IK has/had me by the b*lls. I think its time i took them back.

Halko will now run grover. i've given him some insight to the account / game / etc but hes a smart man and didnt really need it. he will do well.

there are certain folks i trust in this game and they and others have become mightily good friends. others i've enjoyed psywaring with and laughing over it later. most of you will never know the true nature of this game but to the few that do keep on having fun and dont let it become work or get in the way of life.

Guys have fun and keep it light i might check in from time to time

grover no more, Andy McCann

A day in the life of an IK addict

a day in the life of this addict 6:00AM - looks around ... no one awake... runs down stairs gets on IK copies the isle list to xls sorts for full storehouse and build 479 spear 7am - kids and wife wake up. get them ready and click in between. wife says please do this or that... i delay for a few more clicks thinking she'll do it anywya... the guilt hits i jump up to do those things to find she's done them .. that extra 2 minutes was really 15... crap 8AM - its a work from home day (privildge of sales)... check the calendar for "todo's"... sweet a conference call.... dial in, put the phone on mute and start clickin in IK. see who suicidedon me today. thinks... why do i get hit every week, couldnt they just delete... see the suicider didn't leave his allince thinks should i take all their isles ... damn i hate being so nice. 10am - call some customers do some emails sneak some clicks and read ik emails IM with cheify and halko. laugh at the psywar trick of the day fingal pulled on me (tricky B*stard) ignor troians emails ehehehee 11am - almost lunch.. customers will be going out. guess i should IK some get some serious clickin in. 12 - lunch with the family (working from home)... wife "lunch in 10 min" i come running up the stairs.. what they are already done. she says "iking" i gulp damn 10 min goes fast 1-3 work and click 4 - play iwth the kids while sneakign in some clicks 5 - quitting time... clicking time 6 - dinner with family.. make a real effor to be "engaged"... "bling" oh halko has a question... crap late for dinner. 7-8 - bath bed story time (did the tsunami happen) 9 - wife time.. i'll just check IK 11pm - wonder where wife is ... in bed ... Damn... guess i'll IK some more.

okay so some of that is a joke but it seriously had me by the b*lls. theres is no insult you can throw at me that i dont deserve for being so bad for the last almost 2 years. I have looked in the mirror and seen the face of a complete idiot.

no doubt the game was fun and you guys were a blast but i have a real life and real kids that i need to launch cats (real ones) at and build sand castle Main Houses with

to the end with guns o blazing.... wait this game has no end now what i guess i'll just walk out the exit door

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