
From Inselkampf

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I've added some discussion of the efficiency of building more spearfighters vs. upgrading spear and shield.
I've moved discussion of upgrading efficiency to its own article to promote a healthy and hygienic Wiki. [[User:Headphones|Headphones]] 18:46, 9 October 2007 (EDT)
Feel free to correct me if I screwed up somehow.  Here's my math.
N = Number of troops where cost of additional troops and cost of upgrading intersect; P1 = attack+defense before upgrade; P2 = attack+defense after upgrade; Ucost = upgrade cost; Tcost = troop cost
*P1 * (N + Ucost/Tcost) = P2 * N
*(P1 * N) + (P1 * Ucost/Tcost) = P2 * N
*P1 * Ucost/Tcost = (P2 * N) - (P1 * N)
*P1 * Ucost/Tcost = N(P2 - P1) // Because of the way we're using P2 and P1, we know that: P2 - P1 = 1
*Thus for spearfighters: P1 * Ucost/80 = N
I specifically didn't floor or round (Ucost/80) because it seemed silly to ignore partially completed spears when they'll be completed within the hour.
Also, I'm working under the assumption that the total attack + defense values are what really determine combat performance, and that the two types of upgrades are therefore basically equivalent, except for their cost.  This seems to be supported by all the information I've seen, but if you feel thats incorrect, feel free to modify this.--[[User:Headphones|Headphones]] 23:17, 6 October 2007 (EDT)

Current revision as of 22:46, 9 October 2007

I've moved discussion of upgrading efficiency to its own article to promote a healthy and hygienic Wiki. Headphones 18:46, 9 October 2007 (EDT)

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