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Katara also known as Katara Water Tribe is an adolecent Waterbender born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe. Katara is Aang's waterbending tutor and best friend, she is also Sokka's sister and tends to be the motherly figure of the group. She is Aang's love interest. Her father is Hakoda.


Growing up in the Southern Water Tribe, Katara learnt the traditions of teh Water Tribe, she goes with her brother hunting sometimes and in her spare time practices her waterbending. Katara's attire consists of the Water Tribe's native blue robe and boots (although she changes the boots as she travels), she wears her hair in braided in hoops at and always wears her moves necklace which bears the water tribes crest.

Katara tends to be the more motherly figure of the group, she handles the food, the laundry and sometimes even parts arguements. When in battle she is quick to act with her bending skill, until the beginning of Book 2, Katara was an amateur Waterbender however after training with Master Pakku at the Northern Water Tribe she learn technical waterbending techniques and developed her ability to use her bending to heal. Also when Sokka (Who normally leads the group) is indesposed, she can take charge of the group as was shown when she helped guide the team out of a Desert.


Katara has a strong relationship with Aang and her brother Sokka. She tends to know how to deal with any problems they may encounter like Sokka's arguements and Aangs panics. She has a steady relationship with Toph as tehy normally have small arguements. Her relationship with her father is mixed as shown in The Awakening when she felt betrayed by her father from leaving her, Sokka and the Southern Water Tribe to fight in the war against the Fire Nation.

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