Marvel List of Characters: P-Z

From Firsts

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== P ==
== P ==
* Paladin
First Appearance: Daredevil #150
* Parker, Ben
* Parker, Ben
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
<br>Final Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
* Parker, May
* Parker, May
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
* Patriot
* Patriot
First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #1
First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #1
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #285
* Patriot (Young Avengers)
First Appearance: Young Avengers #1
* Penance I
First Appearance: Generation X #1
* Penance
See: Speedball
* Petra
First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1
* Phaeder
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #71
* Phantom Eagle
* Phantom Eagle
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes #16
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes #16
<br>Final Appearance: Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #12
* Phantom Rider
First Appearance: Ghost Rider Vol.1 #1
* '''Phoenix''' (Rachael Summers)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #141
* Photon
See: Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell)
* Pip the Troll
* Pip the Troll
First Appearance: Strange Tales #179
First Appearance: Strange Tales #179
* Plantman
First Appearance: Strange Tales #113
* Polaris
* Polaris
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: X-Men #49
* Porcupine
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #48
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #315
* Power Princess
First Appearance: Defenders #112
* Prism (Mauraders)
* Prism (Mauraders)
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: X-Factor #10
* Professor X
* Proctor
First Appearance: Avengers #344
* Professor Power
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #117
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #338
* '''Professor X'''
First Appearance: X-Men #1
First Appearance: X-Men #1
* Prodigy (X-Men)
First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #4
* Pryde, Kitty
* Pryde, Kitty
First Appearance: X-Men #129
First Appearance: X-Men #129
* Pryor, Madelyne
* Pryor, Madelyne
First Appearance: X-Men #168
First Appearance: X-Men #168
* Psi-Lord
See: Richards, Franklin
* Psycho Man
* Psycho Man
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #5
* Psylocke
* Psylocke
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Captain Britain #8
* Puck
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #1
* Pulse (X-Men)
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #173
* Puma
* Puma
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #256
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #256
* Punisher
* '''Punisher'''
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #129
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #129
* Punisher 2099
* Punisher 2099
First Appearance: Punisher 2099 #1
First Appearance: Punisher 2099 #1
* Pym, Hank
* Purple Man
First Appearance: Daredevil #4
* '''Pym, Hank'''
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #27
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #27
== Q ==
== Q ==
* Quasar
First Appearance: Captain America #217
* Quasimodo
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #4
* Quicksilver
* Quicksilver
First Appearance: X-Men #4
First Appearance: X-Men #4
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== R ==
== R ==
* Radioactive Man
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #93
* Rage
First Appearance: Avengers #326
* Random
First Appearance: X-Factor #88
* Rattler
First Appearance: Captain America #310
* Ravage 2099
* Ravage 2099
First Appearance: Ravage 2099 #1
First Appearance: Ravage 2099 #1
* Rawhide Kid
First Appearance: Rawhide Kid #1
* Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov)
* Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov)
First Appearance: Avengers #43
First Appearance: Avengers #43
* Red Guardian II (Tania Belinskya)
* Red Guardian II (Tania Belinskya)
First Appearance: Defenders #35
First Appearance: Defenders #35
* Red Lotus
First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #5
* Red Raven
* Red Raven
First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1
First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1
* Red Skull
* Red Skull
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1
* Red Wolf
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #1
* Revanche
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #17
* Reyes, Cecilia
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #65
* Rhino
* Rhino
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #41
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #41
* Richards, Franklin
* Richards, Franklin
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #6
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #6
* Rictor
First Appearance: X-Factor #17
* Ringer
First Appearance: Defenders #51
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #319
* Riptide (Marauders)
* Riptide (Marauders)
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #210
* Rogue
* Rocket Racer
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #172
* Rockslide
First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #7
* '''Rogue'''
First Appearance: Avengers Annual #10
First Appearance: Avengers Annual #10
* Rom
First Appearance: Rom #1
* Ronin
First Appearance: New Avengers #11
* Rose
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #83
Line 63: Line 143:
* Sabertooth
* Sabertooth
First Appearance: Iron Fist #14
First Appearance: Iron Fist #14
* Sabra
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #250
* Sage (X-Men)
First Appearance: X-Men #132
* Sandman
* Sandman
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #4
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #4
Line 69: Line 153:
* Satana
* Satana
First Appearance: Vampire Tales #2
First Appearance: Vampire Tales #2
* Sawyer, General Sam
First Appearance: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #1
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #274
* Scarecrow
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #51
* Scarlet Witch
* Scarlet Witch
First Appearance: X-Men #4
First Appearance: X-Men #4
* Scorpion
* Scorpion
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #20
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #20
* Screaming Mimi
See: Songbird
* Sefton, Amanda
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #98
* Sentient Armor
* Sentient Armor
First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #26
First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #26
* Sentry
* Sentry
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: The Sentry #1
* Serpent Crown
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #101
* Sersi
First Appearance: The Eternals #3
* Shadowcat
* Shadowcat
First Appearance: X-Men #129
First Appearance: X-Men #129
* Shang-Chi
* Shang-Chi
First Appearance: Special Marvel Edition #15
First Appearance: Special Marvel Edition #15
* Shard
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #309
* Shatterstar
* Shatterstar
First Appearance: New Mutants #99
First Appearance: New Mutants #99
* She-Hulk
* '''She-Hulk'''
First Appearance: Savage She-Hulk #1
First Appearance: Savage She-Hulk #1
* Shiva
First Appearance: Wolverine #50
* Shock
First Appearance: Daredevil #314
* Shockwave
First Appearance: Master of Kung-Fu #42
* Shooting Star
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #265
* Shroud
* Shroud
First Appearance: Super-Villain Team Up #5
First Appearance: Super-Villain Team Up #5
* Siege
First Appearance: Deathlok Vol. 2 #19
* Sif
* Sif
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #102
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #102
* Silhouette
First Appearance: New Warriors #2
* Silk Fever
First Appearance: New Warriors #21
* Silver Sable
* Silver Sable
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #265
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #265
* Silver Samurai
* Silver Samurai
First Appearance: Daredevil #111
First Appearance: Daredevil #111
* Silver Surfer
* '''Silver Surfer'''
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48
* Silverclaw
First Appearance: Avengers Vol. 2 #8
* Silvermane
* Silvermane
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #73
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #73
* Sin-Eater
* Sin-Eater
First Appearance: Peter Parker #107
First Appearance: Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #107
* Siryn
* Siryn
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #37
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #37
* Skein
See: Gypsy Moth
* Skids
First Appearance: X-Factor #7
* Skin
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #317
* Slayback
First Appearance: Deadpool #1
* Sleepwalker
First Appearance: Sleepwalker #1
* Slipstream
First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #6
* Slug
First Appearance: Captain America #325
* Slyde
* Slyde
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #272
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #272
* Smiling Tiger
First Appearance: New Warriors #21
* Smuggler
First Appearance: Thunderbolts #47
* Snowbird
* Snowbird
First Appearance: X-Men #120
First Appearance: X-Men #120
<br>Final Appearance: Alpha Flight #44
* Solarr
* Solarr
First Appearance: Captain America #180
First Appearance: Captain America #180
<br>Final Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist #113
* Solo
First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man #19
* Son of Satan
* Son of Satan
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #12
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #12
* Songbird
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #54
* Southern, Candy
First Appearance: X-Men #32
* Space Phantom
* Space Phantom
First Appearance: Avengers #2
First Appearance: Avengers #2
* Speed
First Appearance: Young Avengers #10
* Speed Demon
* Speed Demon
First Appearance: Avengers #70
First Appearance: Avengers #70
* Speedball
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #22
* Sphinx
* Sphinx
First Appearance: Nova #6
First Appearance: Nova #6
* Spider-Man
* Sphinx (Girl)
First Appearance: New Warriors #4
* '''Spider-Man'''
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
* Spider-Man 2099
* Spider-Man 2099
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* Spirit of '76
* Spirit of '76
First Appearance: Invaders #14
First Appearance: Invaders #14
<br>Final Appearance: What If #4
* Spitfire
* Spitfire
First Appearance: Invaders #12
First Appearance: Invaders #12
* Splice
First Appearance: Wonder Man #4
* Sprite (Eternals)
First Appearance: Eternals Vol. 1 #9
* Spymaster
* Spymaster
First Appearance: Iron Man #33
First Appearance: Iron Man #33
<br>Final Appearance: Iron Man #220
* Squirrel Girl
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes Special Vol. 2 #8
* Stacy, Gwen
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #31
<br>Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #121
* Stacy X
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #399
* Stane, Obadiah
* Stane, Obadiah
First Appearance: Iron Man #63
First Appearance: Iron Man #63
<br>Final Appearance: Iron Man #200
* Star-Dancer
* Star-Dancer
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #79
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #79
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* Starhawk
* Starhawk
First Appearance: Defenders #27
First Appearance: Defenders #27
* Stature
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #47
* Stepford Cuckoos
First Appearance: New X-Men #118
* Stick
* Stick
First Appearance: Daredevil #176
First Appearance: Daredevil #176
<br>Final Appearance: Daredevil #190
* Stilt Man
* Stilt Man
First Appearance: Daredevil #8
First Appearance: Daredevil #8
* Stingray
* Stingray
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #95
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #95
* Storm
* '''Storm'''
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
* Storm, Franklin
* Storm, Franklin
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #31
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #31
<br>Final Appearance: Fantastic Four #32
* Strong Guy
First Appearance: New Mutants #29
* Stranger
* Stranger
First Appearance: X-Men #11
First Appearance: X-Men #11
* Stryfe
* Stryfe
First Appearance: New Mutants #87
First Appearance: New Mutants #87
* Sub-Mariner
See: Namor
* Sunder
First Appearance: X-Men #169
* Sunfire
* Sunfire
First Appearance: X-Men #64
First Appearance: X-Men #64
* Sunpyre
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #392
* Sunspot
* Sunspot
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
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* Supreme Intelligence
* Supreme Intelligence
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #64
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #64
* Surge
First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #8
* Surtur
* Surtur
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97
* Sway
First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3
* Swordsman I
* Swordsman I
First Appearance: Avengers #19
First Appearance: Avengers #19
<br>Final Appearance: Giant Size Avengers #2
* Swordsman (Andreas Strucker)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #194
* Synch
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #36
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* Talbot, Colonel Glenn
* Talbot, Colonel Glenn
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #61
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #61
<br>Final Appearance: Incredible Hulk #260
* Talisman
* Talisman
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #5
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #5
* Talon
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy #18
* Tarantula
* Tarantula
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #134
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #134
<br>Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #236
* Tarantula (Maria Vasquez)
First Appearance: Heroes for Hire Vol. 2 #1
* Taskmaster
* Taskmaster
First Appearance: Avengers #195
First Appearance: Avengers #195
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* Tattletale
* Tattletale
See Richards, Franklin
See Richards, Franklin
* Techno
See: Fixer
* Temugin
* Temugin
First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #53
First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #53
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* Terrax
* Terrax
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #211
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #211
* Terror, Inc.
First Appearance: Terror, Inc #1
* Texas Twister
* Texas Twister
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #177
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #177
* Thanos
* Thanos
First Appearance: Iron Man #55
First Appearance: Iron Man #55
<br>Final Appearance: (as a living being) Annihilation #5
* Thena
* Thena
First Appearance: Eternals Vol. 1 #5
First Appearance: Eternals Vol. 1 #5
* Thing
* Thing
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1
* Thor
* '''Thor'''
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #83
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #83
* Thor Girl
First Appearance: Thor Vol. 2 #22
* 3-D Man
* 3-D Man
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #35
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #35
* Thunderbird I
* Thunderbird I
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
<br>Final Appearance: X-Men #95
* Thunderbird (Neal Shaara)
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #100
* Thunderbolt
* Thunderbolt
First Appearance: Daredevil #69
First Appearance: Daredevil #69
<br>Final Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist #62
* Thunderbolt Ross
* Thunderbolt Ross
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #1
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #1
Line 214: Line 415:
* Tigra
* Tigra
First Appearance: The Cat #1
First Appearance: The Cat #1
* Timeslip
First Appearance: New Warriors #59
* Tinkerer
* Tinkerer
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2
* Titania
* Titania
First Appearance: Secret Wars #3
First Appearance: Secret Wars #3
<br>Final Appearance: Thing #33
* Titanium Man
* Titanium Man
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #69
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #69
Line 224: Line 428:
* Tom Thumb
* Tom Thumb
First Appearance: Avengers #85
First Appearance: Avengers #85
<br>Final Appearance: Squadron Supreme #9
* Tomorrow Man
* Tomorrow Man
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #86
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #86
* Toro
* Toro
First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #2
First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #2
<br>Final Appearance: Sub-Mariner #14
* Torpedo
* Torpedo
First Appearance: Daredevil #126
First Appearance: Daredevil #126
<br>Final Appearance: Rom #50
* Tower
* Tower
First Appearance: X-Factor #2
First Appearance: X-Factor #2
* Toxin
First Appearance: Venom/Carnage #1
* Trapster
* Trapster
First Appearance: Strange Tales #104
First Appearance: Strange Tales #104
* Trauma
First Appearance: Avengers: The Initiative #1
* Triathlon
First Appearance: Avengers Vol. 3 #8
* Triton
* Triton
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #45
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #45
* Turbo
First Appearance: New Warriors #28
* Two-Gun Kid
* Two-Gun Kid
First Appearance: Two-Gun Kid #60
First Appearance: Two-Gun Kid #60
Line 242: Line 457:
* Tyrannus
* Tyrannus
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #5
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #5
* Tyrant
First Appearance: Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #81
Line 253: Line 470:
* Ultimo
* Ultimo
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #76
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #76
* Ultra Girl
First Appearance: Ultra Girl #1
* Ultron
* Ultron
First Appearance: Avengers #55
First Appearance: Avengers #55
Line 261: Line 480:
* Union Jack I
* Union Jack I
First Appearance: Invaders #7
First Appearance: Invaders #7
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #254
* Urich, Ben
* Urich, Ben
First Appearance: Daredevil #153
First Appearance: Daredevil #153
Line 274: Line 494:
* Vamp
* Vamp
First Appearance: Captain America #217
First Appearance: Captain America #217
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #319
* Van Helsing, Rachel
* Van Helsing, Rachel
First Appearance: Tomb of Dracula #3
First Appearance: Tomb of Dracula #3
<br>Final Appearance: X-Men Annual #6
* Van Lunt, Cornelius
* Van Lunt, Cornelius
First Appearance: Avengers #72
First Appearance: Avengers #72
<br>Final Appearance: West Coast Avengers #?
* Vance Astro
* Vance Astro
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #18
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #18
Line 286: Line 509:
* Varnae
* Varnae
First Appearance: Bizarre Adventures #33
First Appearance: Bizarre Adventures #33
* Vector
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #254
* Vengeance
* Vengeance
First Appearance: Spirits of Vengeance #12
First Appearance: Spirits of Vengeance #12
* Venom
* '''Venom'''
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #299
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #299
* Venus
First Appearance: Venus #1
* Vermin
* Vermin
First Appearance: Captain America #272
First Appearance: Captain America #272
* Vertigo
* Vertigo
First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare #1
First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare #1
* Vindicator
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
* Viper
* Viper
First Appearance: Captain America #110
First Appearance: Captain America #110
* Viper (Jordan Dixon)
* Viper (Jordan Dixon)
First Appearance: Captain America #157
First Appearance: Captain America #157
<br>Final Appearance: Captain America #180
* Vishanti
* Vishanti
First Appearance: Strange Tales #115
First Appearance: Strange Tales #115
* Vision
* Vision
First Appearance: Avengers #57
First Appearance: Avengers #57
* Vulcan
First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1
* Vulture
* Vulture
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2
Line 309: Line 541:
== W ==
== W ==
* Wallflower
First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #2
* War Machine
* War Machine
First Appearance: Iron Man #281
First Appearance: Iron Man #281
* Warbird
* Warbird
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #13
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #13
* Warlock (New Mutants)
First Appearance: New Mutants #21
* Warlock, Adam
* Warlock, Adam
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #66
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #66
* Warpath
First Appearance: New Mutants #16
* Wasp
* Wasp
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #44
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #44
Line 323: Line 561:
* Werewolf
* Werewolf
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #2
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #2
* Whedon, Evangeline
First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #21
* Whirlwind
* Whirlwind
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #50
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #50
* White Queen
See: Frost, Emma
* White Tiger
* White Tiger
First Appearance: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #19
First Appearance: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #19
* Whitemane, Aelfyre
* Whitemane, Aelfyre
First Appearance: Power Pack #1
First Appearance: Power Pack #1
<br>Final Appearance: Power Pack #1
* Whiteout
* Whiteout
First Appearance: X-Men #249
First Appearance: X-Men #249
* Whizzer
* Whizzer
First Appearance: U.S.A. Comics #1
First Appearance: U.S.A. Comics #1
<br>Final Appearance: Vision and the Scarlet Witch #2
* Whizzer II (Squadron Supreme)
* Whizzer II (Squadron Supreme)
First Appearance: Avengers #85
First Appearance: Avengers #85
* Wiccan
First Appearance: Young Avengers #1
* Widget
* Widget
First Appearance: Excalibur #2
First Appearance: Excalibur #2
* Wild Child
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #11
* Wild Thing
First Appearance: Wild Thing #1
* Will O' the Wisp
* Will O' the Wisp
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #167
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #167
* Wing, Colleen
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #19
* Wisdom, Pete
First Appearance: Excalibur #86
* Wiz Kid
* Wiz Kid
First Appearance: X-Terminators #1
First Appearance: X-Terminators #1
Line 345: Line 599:
* Wolfsbane
* Wolfsbane
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
* Wolverine
* '''Wolverine'''
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #180
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #180
* Wonder Man
* Wonder Man
Line 351: Line 605:
* Wong
* Wong
First Appearance: Strange Tales #110
First Appearance: Strange Tales #110
* Woo, Jimmy
First Appearance: Yellow Claw #1
* Worm
* Worm
First Appearance: X-Men #250
First Appearance: X-Men #250
* Wraith
* Wraith
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #48
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #48
<br>Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #278
* Wrecker
* Wrecker
First Appearance: Thor #148
First Appearance: Thor #148
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== X ==
== X ==
* X-23
First Appearance: NYX #3
* X-Man
First Appearance: X-Man #1
* X-Ray
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #254
* Xemnu the Titan
* Xemnu the Titan
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #62
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #62
* Xi'an
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 #1
* Xorn
First Appearance: New X-Men Annual 2001
Line 370: Line 637:
See: Pym, Hank
See: Pym, Hank
* Yellowjacket (Girl)
* Yellowjacket (Girl)
First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Avengers #264
* Ymir
* Ymir
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97
Line 382: Line 649:
* Zaladane
* Zaladane
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales #3
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales #3
* Zaran
First Appearance: Masters of Kung-Fu #77
* Zeus
* Zeus
First Appearance: Thor Annual #1
First Appearance: Thor Annual #1
Line 390: Line 659:
* Zuras
* Zuras
First Appearance: Eternals #5
First Appearance: Eternals #5
<br>Final Appearance: Thor #300
* Zzzax
* Zzzax
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #166
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #166

Current revision as of 03:04, 31 May 2007



  • Paladin

First Appearance: Daredevil #150

  • Parker, Ben

First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
Final Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15

  • Parker, May

First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15

  • Patriot

First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #1
Final Appearance: Captain America #285

  • Patriot (Young Avengers)

First Appearance: Young Avengers #1

  • Penance I

First Appearance: Generation X #1

  • Penance

See: Speedball

  • Petra

First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1

  • Phaeder

First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #71

  • Phantom Eagle

First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes #16
Final Appearance: Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #12

  • Phantom Rider

First Appearance: Ghost Rider Vol.1 #1

  • Phoenix (Rachael Summers)

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #141

  • Photon

See: Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell)

  • Pip the Troll

First Appearance: Strange Tales #179

  • Plantman

First Appearance: Strange Tales #113

  • Polaris

First Appearance: X-Men #49

  • Porcupine

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #48
Final Appearance: Captain America #315

  • Power Princess

First Appearance: Defenders #112

  • Prism (Mauraders)

First Appearance: X-Factor #10

  • Proctor

First Appearance: Avengers #344

  • Professor Power

First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #117
Final Appearance: Captain America #338

  • Professor X

First Appearance: X-Men #1

  • Prodigy (X-Men)

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #4

  • Pryde, Kitty

First Appearance: X-Men #129

  • Pryor, Madelyne

First Appearance: X-Men #168

  • Psi-Lord

See: Richards, Franklin

  • Psycho Man

First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #5

  • Psylocke

First Appearance: Captain Britain #8

  • Puck

First Appearance: Alpha Flight #1

  • Pulse (X-Men)

First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #173

  • Puma

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #256

  • Punisher

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #129

  • Punisher 2099

First Appearance: Punisher 2099 #1

  • Purple Man

First Appearance: Daredevil #4

  • Pym, Hank

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #27


  • Quasar

First Appearance: Captain America #217

  • Quasimodo

First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #4

  • Quicksilver

First Appearance: X-Men #4


  • Radioactive Man

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #93

  • Rage

First Appearance: Avengers #326

  • Random

First Appearance: X-Factor #88

  • Rattler

First Appearance: Captain America #310

  • Ravage 2099

First Appearance: Ravage 2099 #1

  • Rawhide Kid

First Appearance: Rawhide Kid #1

  • Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov)

First Appearance: Avengers #43

  • Red Guardian II (Tania Belinskya)

First Appearance: Defenders #35

  • Red Lotus

First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #5

  • Red Raven

First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1

  • Red Skull

First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1

  • Red Wolf

First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #1

  • Revanche

First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #17

  • Reyes, Cecilia

First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #65

  • Rhino

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #41

  • Richards, Franklin

First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual #6

  • Rictor

First Appearance: X-Factor #17

  • Ringer

First Appearance: Defenders #51
Final Appearance: Captain America #319

  • Riptide (Marauders)

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #210

  • Rocket Racer

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #172

  • Rockslide

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #7

  • Rogue

First Appearance: Avengers Annual #10

  • Rom

First Appearance: Rom #1

  • Ronin

First Appearance: New Avengers #11

  • Rose

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #83


  • Sabertooth

First Appearance: Iron Fist #14

  • Sabra

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #250

  • Sage (X-Men)

First Appearance: X-Men #132

  • Sandman

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #4

  • Sasquatch

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #121

  • Satana

First Appearance: Vampire Tales #2

  • Sawyer, General Sam

First Appearance: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #1
Final Appearance: Captain America #274

  • Scarecrow

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #51

  • Scarlet Witch

First Appearance: X-Men #4

  • Scorpion

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #20

  • Screaming Mimi

See: Songbird

  • Sefton, Amanda

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #98

  • Sentient Armor

First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #26

  • Sentry

First Appearance: The Sentry #1

  • Serpent Crown

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #101

  • Sersi

First Appearance: The Eternals #3

  • Shadowcat

First Appearance: X-Men #129

  • Shang-Chi

First Appearance: Special Marvel Edition #15

  • Shard

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #309

  • Shatterstar

First Appearance: New Mutants #99

  • She-Hulk

First Appearance: Savage She-Hulk #1

  • Shiva

First Appearance: Wolverine #50

  • Shock

First Appearance: Daredevil #314

  • Shockwave

First Appearance: Master of Kung-Fu #42

  • Shooting Star

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #265

  • Shroud

First Appearance: Super-Villain Team Up #5

  • Siege

First Appearance: Deathlok Vol. 2 #19

  • Sif

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #102

  • Silhouette

First Appearance: New Warriors #2

  • Silk Fever

First Appearance: New Warriors #21

  • Silver Sable

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #265

  • Silver Samurai

First Appearance: Daredevil #111

  • Silver Surfer

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48

  • Silverclaw

First Appearance: Avengers Vol. 2 #8

  • Silvermane

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #73

  • Sin-Eater

First Appearance: Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #107

  • Siryn

First Appearance: Spider-Woman #37

  • Skein

See: Gypsy Moth

  • Skids

First Appearance: X-Factor #7

  • Skin

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #317

  • Slayback

First Appearance: Deadpool #1

  • Sleepwalker

First Appearance: Sleepwalker #1

  • Slipstream

First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #6

  • Slug

First Appearance: Captain America #325

  • Slyde

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #272

  • Smiling Tiger

First Appearance: New Warriors #21

  • Smuggler

First Appearance: Thunderbolts #47

  • Snowbird

First Appearance: X-Men #120
Final Appearance: Alpha Flight #44

  • Solarr

First Appearance: Captain America #180
Final Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist #113

  • Solo

First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man #19

  • Son of Satan

First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #12

  • Songbird

First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #54

  • Southern, Candy

First Appearance: X-Men #32

  • Space Phantom

First Appearance: Avengers #2

  • Speed

First Appearance: Young Avengers #10

  • Speed Demon

First Appearance: Avengers #70

  • Speedball

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #22

  • Sphinx

First Appearance: Nova #6

  • Sphinx (Girl)

First Appearance: New Warriors #4

  • Spider-Man

First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15

  • Spider-Man 2099

First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 #1

  • Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)

First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #32

  • Spider-Woman II

First Appearance: Secret Wars #7

  • Spiral

First Appearance: Longshot #1

  • Spirit of '76

First Appearance: Invaders #14
Final Appearance: What If #4

  • Spitfire

First Appearance: Invaders #12

  • Splice

First Appearance: Wonder Man #4

  • Sprite (Eternals)

First Appearance: Eternals Vol. 1 #9

  • Spymaster

First Appearance: Iron Man #33
Final Appearance: Iron Man #220

  • Squirrel Girl

First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes Special Vol. 2 #8

  • Stacy, Gwen

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #31
Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #121

  • Stacy X

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #399

  • Stane, Obadiah

First Appearance: Iron Man #63
Final Appearance: Iron Man #200

  • Star-Dancer

First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #79

  • Starfox

First Appearance: Iron Man #55

  • Starhawk

First Appearance: Defenders #27

  • Stature

First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #47

  • Stepford Cuckoos

First Appearance: New X-Men #118

  • Stick

First Appearance: Daredevil #176
Final Appearance: Daredevil #190

  • Stilt Man

First Appearance: Daredevil #8

  • Stingray

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #95

  • Storm

First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1

  • Storm, Franklin

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #31
Final Appearance: Fantastic Four #32

  • Strong Guy

First Appearance: New Mutants #29

  • Stranger

First Appearance: X-Men #11

  • Stryfe

First Appearance: New Mutants #87

  • Sub-Mariner

See: Namor

  • Sunder

First Appearance: X-Men #169

  • Sunfire

First Appearance: X-Men #64

  • Sunpyre

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #392

  • Sunspot

First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4

  • Super-Adaptoid

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #82

  • Super-Skrull

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #18

  • Supreme Intelligence

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #64

  • Surge

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #8

  • Surtur

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97

  • Sway

First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3

  • Swordsman I

First Appearance: Avengers #19
Final Appearance: Giant Size Avengers #2

  • Swordsman (Andreas Strucker)

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #194

  • Synch

First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #36


  • Talbot, Colonel Glenn

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #61
Final Appearance: Incredible Hulk #260

  • Talisman

First Appearance: Alpha Flight #5

  • Talon

First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy #18

  • Tarantula

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #134
Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #236

  • Tarantula (Maria Vasquez)

First Appearance: Heroes for Hire Vol. 2 #1

  • Taskmaster

First Appearance: Avengers #195

  • Tatterdemalion

First Appearance: Werewolf by Night #9

  • Tattletale

See Richards, Franklin

  • Techno

See: Fixer

  • Temugin

First Appearance: Iron Man Vol. 2 #53

  • Terminus

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #269

  • Terrax

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #211

  • Terror, Inc.

First Appearance: Terror, Inc #1

  • Texas Twister

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #177

  • Thanos

First Appearance: Iron Man #55
Final Appearance: (as a living being) Annihilation #5

  • Thena

First Appearance: Eternals Vol. 1 #5

  • Thing

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1

  • Thor

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #83

  • Thor Girl

First Appearance: Thor Vol. 2 #22

  • 3-D Man

First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #35

  • Thunderbird I

First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men #1
Final Appearance: X-Men #95

  • Thunderbird (Neal Shaara)

First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 2 #100

  • Thunderbolt

First Appearance: Daredevil #69
Final Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist #62

  • Thunderbolt Ross

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #1

  • Thunderstrike

First Appearance: Thor #436

  • Thundra

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #129

  • Tiger Shark

First Appearance: Sub-Mariner #5

  • Tigra

First Appearance: The Cat #1

  • Timeslip

First Appearance: New Warriors #59

  • Tinkerer

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2

  • Titania

First Appearance: Secret Wars #3
Final Appearance: Thing #33

  • Titanium Man

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #69

  • Toad

First Appearance: X-Men #4

  • Tom Thumb

First Appearance: Avengers #85
Final Appearance: Squadron Supreme #9

  • Tomorrow Man

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #86

  • Toro

First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #2
Final Appearance: Sub-Mariner #14

  • Torpedo

First Appearance: Daredevil #126
Final Appearance: Rom #50

  • Tower

First Appearance: X-Factor #2

  • Toxin

First Appearance: Venom/Carnage #1

  • Trapster

First Appearance: Strange Tales #104

  • Trauma

First Appearance: Avengers: The Initiative #1

  • Triathlon

First Appearance: Avengers Vol. 3 #8

  • Triton

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #45

  • Turbo

First Appearance: New Warriors #28

  • Two-Gun Kid

First Appearance: Two-Gun Kid #60

  • Typhoid Mary

First Appearance: Daredevil #255

  • Tyrannus

First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #5

  • Tyrant

First Appearance: Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #81


  • U.S.Agent

First Appearance: Captain America #323

  • U-Man

First Appearance: Invaders #3

  • Ulik

First Appearance: Thor #137

  • Ultimo

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #76

  • Ultra Girl

First Appearance: Ultra Girl #1

  • Ultron

First Appearance: Avengers #55

  • Umar

First Appearance: Strange Tales #180

  • Unicorn

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #56

  • Union Jack I

First Appearance: Invaders #7
Final Appearance: Captain America #254

  • Urich, Ben

First Appearance: Daredevil #153

  • Utgard-Loki

First Appearance: Thor #272


  • Vagabond

First Appearance: Captain America #325

  • Valkyrie

First Appearance: Avengers #83

  • Vamp

First Appearance: Captain America #217
Final Appearance: Captain America #319

  • Van Helsing, Rachel

First Appearance: Tomb of Dracula #3
Final Appearance: X-Men Annual #6

  • Van Lunt, Cornelius

First Appearance: Avengers #72
Final Appearance: West Coast Avengers #?

  • Vance Astro

First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #18

  • Vanguard

First Appearance: Iron Man #109

  • Vanisher

First Appearance: X-Men #2

  • Varnae

First Appearance: Bizarre Adventures #33

  • Vector

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #254

  • Vengeance

First Appearance: Spirits of Vengeance #12

  • Venom

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #299

  • Venus

First Appearance: Venus #1

  • Vermin

First Appearance: Captain America #272

  • Vertigo

First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare #1

  • Vindicator

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120

  • Viper

First Appearance: Captain America #110

  • Viper (Jordan Dixon)

First Appearance: Captain America #157
Final Appearance: Captain America #180

  • Vishanti

First Appearance: Strange Tales #115

  • Vision

First Appearance: Avengers #57

  • Vulcan

First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1

  • Vulture

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #2

  • Vulture 2099

First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 #7


  • Wallflower

First Appearance: New Mutants Vol. 2 #2

  • War Machine

First Appearance: Iron Man #281

  • Warbird

First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #13

  • Warlock (New Mutants)

First Appearance: New Mutants #21

  • Warlock, Adam

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #66

  • Warpath

First Appearance: New Mutants #16

  • Wasp

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #44

  • Watcher

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #13

  • Watson, Mary Jane

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #25

  • Werewolf

First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight #2

  • Whedon, Evangeline

First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #21

  • Whirlwind

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #50

  • White Queen

See: Frost, Emma

  • White Tiger

First Appearance: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #19

  • Whitemane, Aelfyre

First Appearance: Power Pack #1
Final Appearance: Power Pack #1

  • Whiteout

First Appearance: X-Men #249

  • Whizzer

First Appearance: U.S.A. Comics #1
Final Appearance: Vision and the Scarlet Witch #2

  • Whizzer II (Squadron Supreme)

First Appearance: Avengers #85

  • Wiccan

First Appearance: Young Avengers #1

  • Widget

First Appearance: Excalibur #2

  • Wild Child

First Appearance: Alpha Flight #11

  • Wild Thing

First Appearance: Wild Thing #1

  • Will O' the Wisp

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #167

  • Wing, Colleen

First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #19

  • Wisdom, Pete

First Appearance: Excalibur #86

  • Wiz Kid

First Appearance: X-Terminators #1

  • Wizard

First Appearance: Strange Tales #102

  • Wolfsbane

First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4

  • Wolverine

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #180

  • Wonder Man

First Appearance: Avengers #9

  • Wong

First Appearance: Strange Tales #110

  • Woo, Jimmy

First Appearance: Yellow Claw #1

  • Worm

First Appearance: X-Men #250

  • Wraith

First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #48
Final Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #278

  • Wrecker

First Appearance: Thor #148


  • X-23

First Appearance: NYX #3

  • X-Man

First Appearance: X-Man #1

  • X-Ray

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #254

  • Xemnu the Titan

First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #62

  • Xi'an

First Appearance: X-Men 2099 #1

  • Xorn

First Appearance: New X-Men Annual 2001


  • Yashida, Mariko

First Appearance: X-Men #118

  • Yellowjacket

See: Pym, Hank

  • Yellowjacket (Girl)

First Appearance: Avengers #264

  • Ymir

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #97

  • Yondu

First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes #18

  • Yukio

First Appearance: Wolverine (limited series) #1


  • Zaladane

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales #3

  • Zaran

First Appearance: Masters of Kung-Fu #77

  • Zeus

First Appearance: Thor Annual #1

  • Zola, Arnim

First Appearance: Captain America #208

  • Zombie

First Appearance: Tales of the Zombie #1

  • Zuras

First Appearance: Eternals #5
Final Appearance: Thor #300

  • Zzzax

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #166

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