
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:22, 31 March 2006 by Jalcst-9145 (Talk | contribs)
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a) The problem is when sprawl occurs. This is due to bad planning on the deveolpers. This causes stress on families such as the fact that they spend more time in the car using up gas. this is also a hazard on the enivonment. When communities have things that stimulate growth we must also take that into conseration. Such as a army base, universitys, and theme parks.

b) In this area where we live there is a university and room for the community to grow. Luckly there is a good portion of land around this area to help for growth. At this time we are still seeing growth not just in the campus but also in the town. I think we could use the land around the area to help with growth.

c)I think it is a great idea to set aside land. By doing this we are saving many different species of plants that may become exstinct. It is a place people can go and feel comfortable. It is very calming. We do need to protect these areas from danger.

d)There seems to be a problem with cats and dogs. I beleive that if it is a must be it is ok to not allow these animals. I also believe we should try to save more area than just such of a small place. Compared to others we are lacking in these area.

e)I do believe this is a possible solution however I think we need to do more. I have been to San Francisco and some of its parks. These are beautiful and the people that come to them seem to love them. It is a great stress releaver and place you can get back to nature.

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