
From Environmental Technology

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Revision as of 18:18, 5 May 2006

Not only is solar energy good for the planet it is also good for our bank accounts. Solar energy is light from the sun which is captured by solar panels to heat different systems. They can be used to heat water and also be colleceted to use as other energy sources. There are even some panels that are clear so you can hardly see them. Manufacturing plants also mean more jobs for people. The states that are able to have these should back them. The investment would help everyone in the state. Not only will it help with cutting down on pollution but it will help cut down the prices. Coal and gas are hurting us and the planet we should force these to become our back ups and not solar energy. Michigan has said that they are able to do this and there are enough sunlight days and hours to make this happen. They have even proven this by using solar power for part of their school. This is a great idea. It helps get the future generations involved and proves to those who do not beleive that it is possible. Solar energy is such a clean sourve we don't have to worry about what it does to us or the environment. There are already twenty-one states with renewable portfolio standards why can't we do this for all of them?


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