
From Environmental Technology

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Current revision as of 16:23, 2 May 2006

Joshua Spears Environmental Science Mr. McDonald May 8, 2006

Question #1

Gas prices all over the world are rising, but what is the alternative. There are so many questions on energy sources but know answers. In Austraila we see that crude oil prices rose to $72 a barrel. The manager of government and corporate relations for Victoria-based RACV, David Cumming is searching for answer. Cummings says that with a 4 cent increase in gas bringing it to a $1.40 a liter mark. Gas has reached it's peak and something need to be done."Unless the service stations decide to cut their margins in order to continue selling fuel, over $1.40 will shock a lot of people into changing the way they use their car,". People will begain to use there car a lot less whether that mean riding bikes to work, car pulling, and no road trips. What Cummings is wanting to seee happen is that the federal government government lower the petrol prices Austraila will never see gas prices back down to a reasonable price.If not Petroleum Exporting Countries will keep the crude oil prices above $60 a barrel. Now for those who live in the us I don't but a $1.40 for gas does'nt sound bad at all. I f gas prices was 1.40 I would fill my tank up everyday and my wallet still be fat. Cummings say's "We can't just wait for world prices to fall our way when that might never happen,".He said while Australia had abundant natural gas supplies and 500 years of supply of brown coal in Victoria's La Trobe Valley. Autraila should act now and begin to rely less on limited resources but on alternative resources.

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