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From Eliafamily
Welcome to the Elia Family Project. In conjunction with the Elia Family Reunion of 2001, which was a great success, the Elia Family Project was designed to help keep the Elia family as tightly knit as it was when Maria and Nicola first immigrated to the United States from Sicily. The website celebrates the 8 families descended from Maria and Nicola.
Family TreeBio List | CalendarMarch | Reunions2007 | Recipe Book | Newest Pages | Photo Gallery
Family AnnouncementsHere you can see the most-recently posted announcements - to post your own, click the word edit next to the Newest Entry heading. Put the newest announcement at the top of the list, delete the last announcement, and change the Newest Entry date. Please also post on the archived announcements page. Newest Entry: May 12, 2008
...see all archived announcements
Website News → Last Update: August 3, 2007The Elia Family Project currently contains 234 articles. This section of the front page will detail the most significant changes.
Featured Page Of March, 2025The life story of →Jason and Stephanie Majewski← got even more interesting this year with the announcement of twins on the way. Their biography is the featured page this month. ...see previous Featured Pages
Did You Know?Several Elias are homeschooling their children, including Steve and Maureen Moreau, Hans and Carolyn Ritschard, and Steven and Rebekah St. John. Of course, teaching as a profession is also strong in the Elias. ...see previous Did You Know? entries
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