Eliafamily talk:Community Portal

From Eliafamily

Revision as of 02:33, 16 October 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Community Blog

Please post anything you want on this page. This is primarily meant for discussion of the To Do List on the Community Portal, but it can also serve as feedback or a suggestion box for the site in its entirety. If you are making a new post here, give your post a title - as specific as you can - by putting it inside 3 equals signs. Please also 'sign' your post with 4 tilde characters. Here's an example:

=== Suggestion: Add Email Addresses To Bios ===

I think we should add email addresses to the biographies in External Links.


The 4 tildes automatically puts your account name, date, and time in place. If you are replying to someone's post, put your comments right after theirs, using the Edit link to the right of their title. This will help organize the discussion.

Admin 22:33, 15 October 2006 (EDT)

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