
From Eliafamily

Revision as of 12:09, 13 October 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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I have two accounts on this site: the Admin account and the eliafamily account. I am Steven St. John, creator and moderator of The Elia Family Project as well as the eliafamily and eliafamily2 photo galleries on []]. I created the original [Elia Family Project] on Geocities in 2001 as a way to learn more about my own family prior to the 2001 Reunion (which I had to miss due to the birth of my first daughter [Kathryn St. John|Kathryn].

I was just in the midst of a large planned upgrade to the old site when I started to learn about wiki websites - wesbsites that can be modified very easily, not only by the site owner but also by any visitors. I am hopeful that members of our family from far and wide can meet here, sharing information and contributing to building this family history.

I can also be reached by email. I am happy to provide any assistance whatsoever that will facilitate contributions from the family.

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