Sebastian Malachy

From Egs Mayhem

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Name: Sebastian Malachy Oreiston

Age: 13 (birthdate: 12/13/2021)

Species: Mutated human

Height: 5'2"

Build: A bit shorter than average, skinny

Hair: Red, chin-length, and messy; just a tad too wavy to consider 'straight' but not quite into 'wavy' territory

Eyes: Blue-gray

Skin tone: Light, a scattering of light freckles

Gender: Male

Intelligence: Genius

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Place of origin: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Appearance: Sebastian is on the small side, skinny, and androgynous - not so much so that you can't tell his gender, but he's pretty girly-looking. His haircut - which isn't excessively girly, but would look OK on a girl - does not help in this department. He usually wears glasses, too, having significantly less than 20/20 vision; however, when he wants to look better than usual/has to dress up/is going to a place where wearing glasses is impractical, he'll wear contact lenses.

Clothing: Sebastian usually wears jeans and one of many T-shirts (which range from black and besloganed to colorful with large graphics on the front), often with an oversized black hoodie as well, if it's cold out. He usually wears a pair of dark blue sneakers with this outfit.

Personality: Easygoing, friendly and blessed with a good sense of humor, at least on the surface; however, his intelligence and unusually cynical worldview (particularly for a boy barely qualifying as a teenager) have left him with a dim, patronising view of most people (or people of average or not-far-above-average intelligence, at least... which is most people), which comes out in the way he treats them if he's not careful about that. He can be cold, controlling and manipulative as well, although he doesn't plan things or manipulate people without a reason.

Sebastian doesn't have absolute confidence in himself, but he'd never admit that to anyone. He has confidence in his capacity to do well - being fully aware of his talents, intelligence and resources - but doesn't believe or attempt to convince himself that he'll always put the pieces together, as it were, the right way.

Background: The Oreistons are a rich family; their history of being so goes back to the 1980s, but I'm not going to get into that because it really isn't important (although I'll note that they didn't make their money through illegal or immoral pursuits).

Sebastian's parents, though decent people and as good at parenting as they could be expected to be given their high-powered jobs, were far too busy to do much with him after his early childhood; this was fine with him, even though his distaste for normal children's behaviour meant he also had no friends his own age, and he instead turned his attention to reading and learning.

He discovered his powers two years ago, while playing a game of hide-and-seek with his sister, but kept them secret.

Powers: Echolocation: Sebastian has the ability to 'see' his surroundings by listening to the way the ambient noise (if this isn't enough ambient noise, he'll hum or shuffle his feet or something to provide that noise) bounces off objects. The resulting picture is devoid of color and would be somewhat sketchy-looking if it was actually made up of visual information, but it's still a lot more useful than sight in a darkened room. He can also hear ultrasound, although he can't produce it.

Mundane Abilities: -Genius-level intelligence -Good with computers and the internet (he's capable of hacking into systems, but a novice at it; he prefers to gain information or access to it via subterfuge anyways) -Manipulating people -Skill in debating -Very literate (particularly for a boy in his early teens) -Writing -Drawing -Finding hiding places (don't ask)

While exceptionally good at cerebral tasks (and possessing quite a bit of creative talent as well), Sebastian is rather lacking in physical skills: he doesn't know any martial arts, he's small, and he isn't very strong. He can run surprisingly fast, though, and he has quick reflexes.

Random Facts: Sebastian has a ten-year-old sister named Naomi, who has albinism. Sebastian likes cream soda. Sebastian's favourite band is an indie-rock quartet named The Martian Brain Trust.

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