The Other TeddVerres

From Egs Mayhem

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TeddVerres(The Character) is a main character used by TeddVerres(The Forumite), often as his avatar. TeddVerres, or TV as he is called, is a parody of "Tedd Drew Verres" from the webcomic, El Goonish Shive, and looks similar, except his shirt is always open, he never wears glasses, and is the proud owner of a purple goatee. He is often refered to as "Tedd's Evil Twin", though it would be worth mentioning he is neither evil nor Tedd's twin.

TV's orgins remain shrowded in mystery. His memory only stretches back 3 years, when he woke up outside a bar in downtown Moperville, with nothing but some shredded papers and the clothing he was wearing. He gained his name from one of the pieces of shredded paper. He was taken into the bar and taught the fine art of bar tending.

Often, TV has nightmares about his past, but they are always chopped up. All he remembers is a man who looks like him, a man in a labcoat with glasses and a darkface, and being strapped down to a cold table.

Attitude wise, TV is know for a slick, sarcastic personality, and is also prone to narcisism. He is a big fan of mixxing up Russian Roulettes for his customers, along with a wide array of other TFing beverages, though he prefers to stay out of the TFing himself. He can always be found with a bottle of "Dehydrate Bar" pills in his pockets, ready to grow into a full fledged bar with a little bit of water.

TV has shown some signs of latent powers, but he prefers to keep them to himself. Instead, he defends himself with a battle style he calls Judgement Ring.

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