Maddox Jordan

From Egs Mayhem

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by nokvok

Name: Maddox Jordan
Faction: Psychic (UPA)
Age: 26
Gender: male
Hair: short, combed, black
Eyes: brown-green
Measures: Hight: 5'11"; Weight: 175 lbs

Appearance: Actually not much above average look, not hiding that he's starting to go bald at the temples, already. Not particularly slim nor athletic, but visible putting some effort into looking groomed, always clean shaved. He is African and his skin is of a sated brown. His face is a slightly bit too soft to really appeal as manly attractive, but is friendly and open.

Personality: All in all Maddox is a calm, self-confident person, who however tends to be a little to sycophantic. He is more of a follower, feeling there is not really something worth to believe in, but just a world to survive in. He however is not arrogant enough to believe he could survive in a world where the strongest reigns over the weak. He enjoys classic music, operas and abstract Arts.

Semi-Unique Power: Telekineses (Range: 20 Yards, Force: 1N (That's enough to hover 102g (3.6 ounces)... a so called Pencil flipper, minor strength really)

Personal Power: Exoteleportion (Means he teleports Objects without Teleporting himself with them. Range: 5-10 miles, depends on weight. He must either touch the object or hold it via Telekinesis. Mass: Up to two lbs, though the less Mass, the farther it goes. His aim is good, around 0.05% stray (Around 9 yards off at 10 miles)

Warning: To spare some surprises, I intent to use these two Powers with creativity... and Teleporting grenades or squeezing peoples main arteries via Telekinesis are just the most obvious onces.

History: Maddox was son to a simple steel worker and his wife. There was not much extraordinary about his life, except that when he was twelve, his school was taken hostage by Terrorists, it was quite a ruckus with TV and S.W.A.T. and all that... The Children got small bombs strapped to them and used as human shields. It went not all too well for the Police, some of the bombs were detonated. Maddox only survived because his Psionic ability awoke and his desperate wishes to get rid of the Bomb on his chest were granted.

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