Senka La'rouche

From Egs Mayhem

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by nokvok

Name: Senka (La’rouche)
Gender: female
Hair: long, straight, bright white
Eyes: bright white
Measures: Hight: 5'7"; Weight: 120 lbs

ChangeShe was soundly asleep when the change happened, before she had been a white, only mildly attractive young woman. She discovered the Lion during her dreams in the past nights… she just needed to remember this dreams and do what she did in her dreamworld and she really did transform into the Lion.


Senka’s skin is so deeply black that is sometimes seems to have no surface, she looks like the Light just wouldn’t get reflected at all. The only thing not black at her are her Eyes and her Hair, which are both brightly radiant white. She is of an exotic beauty and in athletic shape. She also likes to wear brightly white clothes and has a small white Indian style dot on her forehead and wears an also white bandana. The only things which are not white on her are some accessories, which she prefers red. Her glasses are white Sunglasses! She has a good vision.

Her Alternate form is A 1’3” high and around 2’ long Lion which’s Fur is pitch black except for the muzzle, belly and pawns which are brightly white. The Animal is surely a very aesthetic view.

PersonalityShe is polite but aloof, Self-confident and a bit stubborn. Her upbringing made her a little bit demanding for respect and she cherishes her pride. Her biggest fault might be that she has a hard time to admit any mistake, and ends up arguing instead of apologizing.

Skills: Accounting, Politics, Economy, Research, Knife (Sai), Throwing Knife (Sai), Quarter Staff (Bo), Aikido, Driving (Car), Riding (Bicycle, Horse), Current Affairs (Politics, Trade, Celebrities, Arts), Animal Handling (Dogs, Horses)

Power: She is a Shapeshifter. She can transform into a Miniature Lion. The Transformation takes marginal concentration and needs around half a seconds. Clothes and small objects carried close to the body in human form are merged into the Lion form, but not visa versa. The Lion form is surprisingly Strong, fast and dexterous with Sharp claws and teeth. A Pitbull is not really a challenge, even an unarmed Human has bad chances against her. It’s senses are typical for a Lion and her Mind is as sharp and as clear as in human form. But… she can stay Lion only for a little while… between a few minutes and half an hour, depending on exhaustion. After that she has to rest for a while. She also snaps back into Human Form once she is unconscious. If the Lion is wounded, but not dead, when she snaps back, the wounds will not show in human form, and heal quickly, so normally after an appropriate rest, the Lion will be strong and healthy again. If she is wounded in Human form, the Wounds will not show (or worsen) in Lion form, but re-appear again when she becomes human again.

History: The La’rouches are a fairly rich Family... to be precise, they are stinking rich and own several businesses and actually a small economic empire. Senka is the first of three children and thus Family hair, and as that had not much say in her choice of activity. She only recently came back from a elitist boarding school, where she learn to lead big businesses, Politics and to deal with the Media. She also would have learned fencing if not for some bit of Luck that they actually offered an alternative Japanese Martial arts class which her Parents agreed to let her take. She owned her own horses, cars, computers (thought she only uses them to write letters, poems and do accounting) and whatever else the heck she wanted. Did not change the fact that she hated her parents for the way they forced her to become someone who she did never learn to like. Thus she is rather cheerful after these events. Her parents are gone, her sibling no longer around, no duties, no expectations… she can do what she wants… ok, she’ll have to forfeit a little but of luxury, but she is convinced this is a cheap price to pay for her freedom and a somewhat more exciting live.

Allies: Epona Epona is Senka's riding horse. The Family was quite font of the classic rich sports and riding was only one of them, so they owned several horses on their own little stud farm. After the clouds appeared, Epona changed, too. It grew thicker fur, became slightly more muscular and it's black fur turned into a bloody dark red. On its forehead is now a foot long, pitch black Unicorn... Aside that it is pretty much still a horse, complete with saddle which now also is used to hold some bags with Senka's stuff. She took the horse instead of her motorcycle or Sports car cause the horse doesn't run out of fuel and it would have starved in the stud farm otherwise...

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