Anroid Ship (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 21:11, 23 July 2009 by Anti-paragon (Talk | contribs)
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General description: Take the small blurb that sits under the name of the location and slap it here. If one doesn't exist, a short, obvious blurb. Can be silly. See below in Ann's house info for an example.

Created by:

The creator of the property. The player, not the character.

Creation date:

When the property was brought into existence. Can be retrieved from the Backlog, if we've found it yet.

Exterior description:

Describe the outside, in good detail. Great detail, even.

Interior description:

Describe the inside, in good detail. Don't forget areas people wouldn't normally see. If they absolutely need to be kept secret, just write a quick mention with the censor HIDDEN STUFF.


Who owned the property, and if they don't own it anymore, why.


Who lives in the house right now.

Items of Interest:

Any strange or unusual items that may be of interest to people. Also things of interest to thieves.

Inventory: (Shops only)

The types of stocks the store has, and if it's crucial, how much.

Current condition in the RP:

What's been going on here lately.

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