
From Egs Mayhem

On making your wiki page a little fancier.


MediaWiki Manual

MediaWiki manual:

There are many software packages that implement a wiki site. The one used here on the Mayhem wiki site is called MediaWiki, which is also the wiki system that powers Wikipedia and its sister projects. Not all wiki packages support the same features, but nearly all of them support the same basic (non-advanced) editing features. Keep this in mind if you're hopping across many different wikis.


The 'User' Namespace

Every wiki-registered user gets an 'automatic' personal page under the 'User' namespace, formed by sticking your username after 'User:' as the page name; this page isn't strictly automatic nor personal in the typical sense, just that the MediaWiki software system understands that your user name under the 'User' namespace should be meaningful. In fact, you can have anything following 'User:' to populate/pollute the 'User' namespace (thus not automatic), but, again, the wiki software implicitly understands that sticking your username after 'User:' is deterministic and meaningful. It's still all regular wiki pages, just that the wiki system has some special considerations for pages in the 'User' namespace.

Consider using your User-space page for OOC material: notes, messages, bookmarks, blog.

Note that these pages are nominally personal, but not private. Be aware that anyone/everyone can still view all the pages and/or edit them.

The Main (or blank) Namespace

The main namespace is unnamed (or blank). Any page name that does not contain a colon is understood to mean the main namespace. If you want to be explicit about indicating the main namespace (e.g. due some weird wiki parsing rules), the main namespace is blank, e.g. [[:Main_Page]] points the Main_Page page in the main namespace, whereas [[Main_Page]] might mean the main page in the local namespace or some other weird interpolation (can happen with fancy MediaWiki extensions).

In most cases, a namespace-less page name means the main namespace.

Your page in the main namespace can contain whatever you like pertaining to you. For consistency, considering using the main namespace for in-character material, and the User namespace for out-of-character material.

Sub-pages (or When Your Wiki Page Gets Too Big)

The wiki system (MediaWiki) on this site permits pages to have sub-pages hierarchically (i.e. sub-sub-pages, sub-sub-sub-pages, etc.). You can use this feature to divide your large page into multiple sub-pages, attach related or ancillary pages, or to keep complete copies of some other page.

The sub-page feature is also useful if you intend to revamp a busy page or test an experimental feature: make copy of the original into a sub-page for yourself, edit and re-edit it to your heart's content, then copy back to the main page in a single cut-and-paste.

Recap/summary: Namespaces

For user name "NewBunny":

wiki code consistent material
[[NewBunny]] Main article on NewBunny, the public face.
[[:NewBunny]] Explicitly the main article on [[[:NewBunny]], i.e. same as above (in case of namespace problems)
[[User:NewBunny]] OOC material on/by/of User:NewBunny
[[User:NewBunny/Todo]] A todo page (probably) belonging to NewBunny in real life.
[[NewBunny/Todo]] A todo page for NewBunny the character.


Categories is a MediaWiki feature to help automatically group disparate pages around a common element. Pages that are marked as being in a category are subject to being automatically included into the relevant category's list of pages.

Current list of categories

Current list of categories:

Adding a page to a category

In the page to be categorized, add the wikicode [[Category:NameOfCategory]]

Add multiple category tags to put the page in more than one category.

The result of catalog tags is showing a list of links to the categories that the page belongs to, shown at the bottom of the page.

Sub-categorizing (or Adding A Category to Another Category)

Simple: Edit the category's page and add the appropriate category tags (e.g. the Category:Drinks page is categorized under Category:Objects, and so "Drinks" as a sub-category shows up under the "Objects" category (which itself is under the Categories category).

Creating a new category

Creating a new category is simple. Just append the wikicode [[Category:NewCategoryName]] in the page to be categorized. If the category does not already exist, the wiki system automatically brings it into existence.

Linking directly to a category's list

The usual wikicode to link to an internal wiki page would give [[Category:Categories]]. Unfortunately, the '[[Category:' triggers the wiki system's automatic categorization features by eliminating the link in place, adding the categories list to the bottom of the page, and adding the page to the category. Avoid this effect by directing the link to refer from the main namespace, as [[:Category:Categories]]. The link is still a valid wiki link, goes to the correct place, and the automatic categorization function is suppressed.

Recap/summary: Categories

wikicode effect
[[Category:Bunnies]] the page is added to the Bunnies category
[[Category:AnonymousCategory]] the AnonymousCategory Category currently does not exist, so this would/should add the page to the category, and create the category accordingly.
[[:Category:Bunnies]] a link to the page with the list of pages that fall under the category Category:Bunnies.


Recap/summary: Images

wikicode effect
Special:Upload Upload a file (image) to the wiki filespace. 'Destination filename' is the name it will have in wikicode.
File:Avatar.NewBunny.png Insert and create link to image name 'Avatar.NewBunny.png' (the Destination filename during upload).


This one's a doozy... hey, is that a demonic duck of some sort?!!

Current list of templates

Special:Allpages - select Templates from the droplist.

Recap/summary: Templates

um... *points* yarn ball!

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